# Purpose - It was fun to mess around with :3 - Making this public so cqql can also mess around with it # Dependencies - opencv-python - all of the image stuff - matplotlib - color lookup table - (numpy) - used internally by opencv, but part of stdlib # Running - python -m venv localvenv - ./localvenv/bin/pip install opencv-python - ./localvenv/bin/pip install matplotlib - ./localvenv/bin/python match.py # Modifications - If you have more/less images, change MAX global - If you want to test rotational stuff, uncomment the line in main - It is assumed that the shape is a darker shape on a ligher background - The image gets converted into grayscale and assumes - the shape has an intensity below 200 - the background has an intensity above 200 - Depending on how dissimilar the shapes are, NormUpperBound should be increased # Attributions - The test images were generated using - https://moonlit.technology/cqql/frost_patterns # Build Blog - pandoc --standalone blog.md -o shape_matching.html --metadata title="Shape Matching"