## Installation `pip install -r requirements.txt` ## Usage **Disclaimer:** This was one of the author's first non-trivial projects with Python, so code quality is not too good. The appservice has much better code. * Run `bridge.py` to generate `config.json` * Edit `config.json`: ``` { "homeserver": "https://matrix.org", "username": "@name:matrix.org", "password": "my-secret-password", # Matrix password. "token": "my-secret-token", # Discord bot token. "discord_cmd_prefix": "my-command-prefix", "bridge": { "channel_id": "room_id", "channel_id2": "room_id2", # Bridge multiple rooms. }, } ``` This bridge does not use databases for keeping track of bridged rooms to avoid a dependency on persistent storage. This makes it easy to host on something like Heroku with the free tier. * Logs are saved to the `bridge.log` file in `$PWD`. * Normal Discord bot functionality like commands can be added to the bot via [cogs](https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ext/commands/cogs.html), example [here](https://gist.github.com/EvieePy/d78c061a4798ae81be9825468fe146be). **NOTE:** [Privileged Intents](https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/intents.html#privileged-intents) must be enabled for your Discord bot.