294 lines
9.1 KiB
294 lines
9.1 KiB
import io
import asyncio
import contextlib
import zlib
import logging
from asyncio import StreamReader, StreamWriter, Queue, Task
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Dict, Set, Optional, AsyncIterator, Type
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import CipherContext
from .mc import proto as minecraft_protocol
from .mc.types import VarInt, Context
from .mc.packet import Packet
from .mc.definitions import ConnectionState
from .util import encryption
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class InvalidState(Exception):
class ConnectionError(Exception):
class Dispatcher:
_is_server : bool # True when receiving packets from clients
_down : StreamReader
_reader : Optional[Task]
_decryptor : CipherContext
_up : StreamWriter
_writer : Optional[Task]
_encryptor : CipherContext
_dispatching : bool
_incoming : Queue
_outgoing : Queue
_packet_whitelist : Set[Packet]
_packet_id_whitelist : Set[int]
_host : str
_port : int
proto : int
state : ConnectionState
encryption : bool
compression : Optional[int]
_logger : logging.Logger
def __init__(self, server:bool = False):
self._is_server = server
self._host = "localhost"
self._port = 25565
def is_server(self) -> bool:
return self._is_server
def connected(self) -> bool:
return self._dispatching
async def write(self, packet:Packet, wait:bool=False) -> int:
await self._outgoing.put(packet)
if wait:
await packet.processed.wait()
return self._outgoing.qsize()
async def packets(self, timeout=1) -> AsyncIterator[Packet]:
while self.connected or self._incoming.qsize(): # Finish processing packets on disconnect
try: # TODO replace this timed busy-wait with an event which resolves upon disconnection, and await both
packet = await asyncio.wait_for(self._incoming.get(), timeout=timeout)
yield packet
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
pass # so we recheck self.connected
def encrypt(self, secret:bytes):
cipher = encryption.create_AES_cipher(secret)
self._encryptor = cipher.encryptor()
self._decryptor = cipher.decryptor()
self.encryption = True
self._logger.info("Encryption enabled")
def _prepare(self,
host:Optional[str] = None,
port:Optional[int] = None,
queue_timeout:int = 1,
queue_size:int = 100,
packet_whitelist : List[Packet] = None
self._host = host or self._host or "localhost"
self._port = port or self._port or 25565
self._logger = LOGGER.getChild(f"on({self._host}:{self._port})")
self._packet_whitelist = set(packet_whitelist) if packet_whitelist else set()
if self._packet_whitelist:
self.encryption = False
self.compression = None
self.state = ConnectionState.HANDSHAKING
self.proto = 340 # TODO
# This can only happen after we know the connection protocol
self._packet_id_whitelist = set((P(self.proto).id for P in self._packet_whitelist)) if self._packet_whitelist else set()
# Make new queues, do set a max size to sorta propagate back pressure
self._incoming = Queue(queue_size)
self._outgoing = Queue(queue_size)
self._dispatching = False
self._reader = None
self._writer = None
async def connect(self,
host : Optional[str] = None,
port : Optional[int] = None,
reader : Optional[StreamReader] = None,
writer : Optional[StreamWriter] = None,
queue_timeout : int = 1,
queue_size : int = 100,
packet_whitelist : Set[Packet] = None,
if self.connected:
raise InvalidState("Dispatcher already connected")
self._prepare(host, port, queue_timeout, queue_size, packet_whitelist)
if reader and writer:
self._down, self._up = reader, writer
self._down, self._up = await asyncio.open_connection(
self._dispatching = True
self._reader = asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(self._down_worker())
self._writer = asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(self._up_worker(timeout=queue_timeout))
async def disconnect(self, block:bool=True):
self._dispatching = False
if block and self._writer and self._reader:
await asyncio.gather(self._writer, self._reader)
self._logger.debug("Net workers stopped")
if self._up:
if not self._up.is_closing() and self._up.can_write_eof():
except OSError as e:
self._logger.error("Could not write EOF : %s", str(e))
if block:
await self._up.wait_closed()
self._logger.debug("Socket closed")
def _packet_type_from_registry(self, packet_id:int) -> Type[Packet]:
# TODO de-jank this, language server gets kinda mad
reg = None
if self.state == ConnectionState.HANDSHAKING:
reg = minecraft_protocol.handshaking
elif self.state == ConnectionState.STATUS:
reg = minecraft_protocol.status
elif self.state == ConnectionState.LOGIN:
reg = minecraft_protocol.login
elif self.state == ConnectionState.PLAY:
reg = minecraft_protocol.play
raise InvalidState("Cannot access registries from invalid state")
if self.is_server:
reg = reg.serverbound.REGISTRY
reg = reg.clientbound.REGISTRY
if not self.proto:
raise InvalidState("Cannot access registries from invalid protocol")
reg = reg[self.proto]
return reg[packet_id]
async def _read_varint(self) -> int:
numRead = 0
result = 0
while True:
data = await self._down.readexactly(1)
if self.encryption:
data = self._decryptor.update(data)
buf = int.from_bytes(data, 'little')
result |= (buf & 0b01111111) << (7 * numRead)
numRead +=1
if numRead > 5:
raise ValueError("VarInt is too big")
if buf & 0b10000000 == 0:
return result
async def _read_packet(self) -> bytes:
length = await self._read_varint()
return await self._down.readexactly(length)
async def _down_worker(self, timeout:float=30):
while self._dispatching:
try: # these 2 will timeout or raise EOFError if client gets disconnected
data = await asyncio.wait_for(self._read_packet(), timeout=timeout)
if self.encryption:
data = self._decryptor.update(data)
buffer = io.BytesIO(data)
if self.compression is not None:
decompressed_size = VarInt.read(buffer, Context())
if decompressed_size > 0:
decompressor = zlib.decompressobj()
decompressed_data = decompressor.decompress(buffer.read())
if len(decompressed_data) != decompressed_size:
raise ValueError(f"Failed decompressing packet: expected size is {decompressed_size}, but actual size is {len(decompressed_data)}")
buffer = io.BytesIO(decompressed_data)
packet_id = VarInt.read(buffer, Context())
if self.state == ConnectionState.PLAY and self._packet_id_whitelist \
and packet_id not in self._packet_id_whitelist:
self._logger.debug("[<--] Received | Packet(0x%02x) (ignored)", packet_id)
continue # ignore this packet, we rarely need them all, should improve performance
cls = self._packet_type_from_registry(packet_id)
packet = cls.deserialize(self.proto, buffer)
self._logger.debug("[<--] Received | %s", repr(packet))
await self._incoming.put(packet)
if self.state != ConnectionState.PLAY:
await self._incoming.join() # During play we can pre-process packets
except (asyncio.TimeoutError, TimeoutError):
self._logger.error("Connection timed out")
await self.disconnect(block=False)
except (ConnectionResetError, BrokenPipeError):
self._logger.error("Connection reset while reading packet")
await self.disconnect(block=False)
except (asyncio.IncompleteReadError, EOFError):
self._logger.error("Received EOF while reading packet")
await self.disconnect(block=False)
except Exception:
self._logger.exception("Exception parsing packet %d", packet_id)
self._logger.debug("%s", buffer.getvalue())
await self.disconnect(block=False)
async def _up_worker(self, timeout=1):
while self._dispatching:
packet = await asyncio.wait_for(self._outgoing.get(), timeout=timeout)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
continue # check again self._dispatching
buffer = packet.serialize()
length = len(buffer.getvalue()) # ewww TODO
if self.compression is not None:
if length > self.compression:
new_buffer = io.BytesIO()
VarInt.write(length, new_buffer)
buffer = new_buffer
new_buffer = io.BytesIO()
VarInt.write(0, new_buffer)
buffer = new_buffer
length = len(buffer.getvalue())
data = VarInt.serialize(length) + buffer.getvalue()
if self.encryption:
data = self._encryptor.update(data)
await self._up.drain()
self._logger.debug("[-->] Sent | %s", repr(packet))
except Exception:
self._logger.exception("Exception dispatching packet %s", str(packet))
packet.processed.set() # Notify that packet has been processed