use std::{io::{self, ErrorKind}, time::{Duration, Instant}}; use tui::{ style::Color, widgets::{GraphType, Table, Row, Cell}, symbols, backend::Backend, widgets::{Chart, Axis, Dataset}, Terminal, text::Span, style::{Style, Modifier}, layout::{Rect, Constraint} }; use crossterm::event::{self, Event, KeyCode, KeyModifiers}; use libpulse_simple_binding::Simple; use libpulse_binding::{stream::Direction, def::BufferAttr}; use libpulse_binding::sample::{Spec, Format}; use crate::Args; use crate::config::{ChartNames, ChartBounds, ChartReferences, AppConfig, Dimension}; use crate::parser::{SampleParser, Signed16PCM}; pub struct App { pub cfg: AppConfig, pub references: ChartReferences, pub bounds: ChartBounds, pub names: ChartNames, } impl App { pub fn update_values(&mut self) { if self.cfg.vectorscope { self.names.x = "left -".into(); self.names.y = "| right".into(); self.bounds.x = [-(self.cfg.scale as f64), self.cfg.scale as f64]; self.bounds.y = [-(self.cfg.scale as f64), self.cfg.scale as f64]; self.references.x = vec![(-(self.cfg.scale as f64), 0.0), (self.cfg.scale as f64, 0.0)]; self.references.y = vec![(0.0, -(self.cfg.scale as f64)), (0.0, self.cfg.scale as f64)]; } else { self.names.x = "time -".into(); self.names.y = "| amplitude".into(); self.bounds.x = [0.0, self.cfg.width as f64]; self.bounds.y = [-(self.cfg.scale as f64), self.cfg.scale as f64]; self.references.x = vec![(0.0, 0.0), (self.cfg.width as f64, 0.0)]; let half_width = self.cfg.width as f64 / 2.0; self.references.y = vec![(half_width, -(self.cfg.scale as f64)), (half_width, self.cfg.scale as f64)]; } } pub fn bounds(&self, axis: &Dimension) -> [f64;2] { match axis { Dimension::X => self.bounds.x, Dimension::Y => self.bounds.y, } } pub fn name(&self, axis: &Dimension) -> &str { match axis { Dimension::X => self.names.x.as_str(), Dimension::Y => self.names.y.as_str(), } } pub fn scatter(&self) -> bool { match self.cfg.graph_type { GraphType::Scatter => true, _ => false, } } // pub fn references(&self) -> Vec { // vec![ // Dataset::default() // .name("") // .marker(self.cfg.marker_type) // .graph_type(GraphType::Line) // .style(Style::default().fg(self.cfg.axis_color)) // .data(&self.references.x), // Dataset::default() // .name("") // .marker(self.cfg.marker_type) // .graph_type(GraphType::Line) // .style(Style::default().fg(self.cfg.axis_color)) // .data(&self.references.y), // ] // } pub fn update_scale(&mut self, increment: i32) { if increment > 0 || increment.abs() < self.cfg.scale as i32 { self.cfg.scale = ((self.cfg.scale as i32) + increment) as u32; self.update_values(); } } pub fn set_scatter(&mut self, scatter: bool) { self.cfg.graph_type = if scatter { GraphType::Scatter } else { GraphType::Line }; } } impl From::<&crate::Args> for App { fn from(args: &crate::Args) -> Self { let marker_type = if args.no_braille { symbols::Marker::Dot } else { symbols::Marker::Braille }; let graph_type = if args.scatter { GraphType::Scatter } else { GraphType::Line }; let cfg = AppConfig { title: "TUI Oscilloscope -- ".into(), axis_color: Color::DarkGray, palette: vec![Color::Red, Color::Yellow], scale: args.range, width: args.buffer / 4, // TODO It's 4 because 2 channels and 2 bytes per sample! triggering: args.triggering, threshold: args.threshold, vectorscope: args.vectorscope, references: !args.no_reference, marker_type, graph_type, }; let mut app = App { cfg, references: ChartReferences::default(), bounds: ChartBounds::default(), names: ChartNames::default(), }; app.update_values(); app } } pub fn run_app(args: Args, terminal: &mut Terminal) -> Result<(), io::Error> { // prepare globals let mut buffer : Vec = vec![0; args.buffer as usize]; let mut app = App::from(&args); let fmt = Signed16PCM{}; // TODO some way to choose this? let mut pause = false; // setup audio capture let spec = Spec { format: Format::S16NE, channels: 2, rate: args.sample_rate, }; assert!(spec.is_valid()); let dev = match &args.device { Some(d) => Some(d.as_str()), None => None, }; let s = match Simple::new( None, // Use the default server "ScopeTUI", // Our application’s name Direction::Record, // We want a record stream dev, // Use requested device, or default "Music", // Description of our stream &spec, // Our sample format None, // Use default channel map Some(&BufferAttr { maxlength: args.server_buffer * args.buffer, fragsize: args.buffer, ..Default::default() }), ) { Ok(s) => s, Err(e) => { println!("[!] Could not connect to pulseaudio : {:?}", e); return Err(io::Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "could not connect to pulseaudio")); }, }; let mut fps = 0; let mut framerate = 0; let mut last_poll = Instant::now(); let mut channels = vec![]; loop { match buffer) { Ok(()) => {}, Err(e) => { println!("[!] Could not read data from pulseaudio : {:?}", e); return Err(io::Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "could not read from pulseaudio")); }, } if !pause { channels = fmt.oscilloscope(&mut buffer, 2); } if app.cfg.triggering { // TODO allow to customize channel to use for triggering and threshold if let Some(ch) = channels.get(0) { let mut discard = 0; for i in { // seek to first sample rising through threshold if i + 1 < ch.len() && ch[i] <= app.cfg.threshold && ch[i+1] > app.cfg.threshold { // triggered break; } else { discard += 1; } } for ch in channels.iter_mut() { *ch = ch[discard..].to_vec(); } } } let samples = channels.iter().map(|x| x.len()).max().unwrap_or(0); let mut measures; if app.cfg.vectorscope { measures = vec![]; for chunk in channels.chunks(2) { let mut tmp = vec![]; for i in 0..chunk[0].len() { tmp.push((chunk[0][i] as f64, chunk[1][i] as f64)); } // split it in two so the math downwards still works the same let pivot = tmp.len() / 2; measures.push(tmp[pivot..].to_vec()); // put more recent first measures.push(tmp[..pivot].to_vec()); } } else { measures = vec![vec![]; channels.len()]; for i in 0..channels[0].len() { for j in 0..channels.len() { measures[j].push((i as f64, channels[j][i])); } } } let mut datasets = vec![]; let trigger_pt; if app.cfg.references { trigger_pt = [(0.0, app.cfg.threshold)]; datasets.push(data_set("", &app.references.x, app.cfg.marker_type, GraphType::Line, app.cfg.axis_color)); datasets.push(data_set("", &app.references.y, app.cfg.marker_type, GraphType::Line, app.cfg.axis_color)); datasets.push(data_set("T", &trigger_pt, app.cfg.marker_type, GraphType::Scatter, Color::Cyan)); } let ds_names = if app.cfg.vectorscope { vec!["1", "2"] } else { vec!["R", "L"] }; let palette : Vec = app.cfg.palette.iter().rev().map(|x| x.clone()).collect(); for (i, ds) in measures.iter().rev().enumerate() { datasets.push(data_set(ds_names[i], ds, app.cfg.marker_type, app.cfg.graph_type, palette[i % palette.len()])); } fps += 1; if last_poll.elapsed().as_secs() >= 1 { framerate = fps; fps = 0; last_poll = Instant::now(); } terminal.draw(|f| { let mut size = f.size(); if app.cfg.references { let heading = Table::new( vec![ Row::new( vec![ Cell::from(format!("TUI {}", if app.cfg.vectorscope { "Vectorscope" } else { "Oscilloscope" })).style(Style::default().fg(Color::Yellow).add_modifier(Modifier::BOLD)), Cell::from(format!("{}{} mode", if app.cfg.triggering { "triggered " } else { "" }, if app.scatter() { "scatter" } else { "line" })), Cell::from(format!("range +-{}", app.cfg.scale)), Cell::from(format!("{} smpl", samples as u32)), Cell::from(format!("{:.1} kHz", args.sample_rate as f32 / 1000.0)), Cell::from(format!("{} fps", framerate)), ] ) ] ) .style(Style::default().fg(Color::Cyan)) .widths(&[Constraint::Length(50), Constraint::Length(25), Constraint::Length(15), Constraint::Length(10), Constraint::Length(10), Constraint::Length(10)]); f.render_widget(heading, Rect { x: size.x, y: size.y, width: size.width, height:1 }); size.height -= 1; size.y += 1; } let chart = Chart::new(datasets) .x_axis(axis(&app, Dimension::X)) // TODO allow to have axis sometimes? .y_axis(axis(&app, Dimension::Y)); f.render_widget(chart, size) })?; if let Some(Event::Key(key)) = poll_event()? { match key.modifiers { KeyModifiers::CONTROL => { match key.code { KeyCode::Char('c') | KeyCode::Char('q') | KeyCode::Char('w') => break, _ => {}, } }, _ => { match key.code { KeyCode::Char('q') => break, KeyCode::Char(' ') => pause = !pause, KeyCode::Char('=') => app.update_scale(-1000), KeyCode::Char('-') => app.update_scale(1000), KeyCode::Char('+') => app.update_scale(-100), KeyCode::Char('_') => app.update_scale(100), KeyCode::Char('v') => app.cfg.vectorscope = !app.cfg.vectorscope, KeyCode::Char('s') => app.set_scatter(!app.scatter()), // TODO no funcs KeyCode::Char('h') => app.cfg.references = !app.cfg.references, KeyCode::Char('t') => app.cfg.triggering = !app.cfg.triggering, KeyCode::Up => app.cfg.threshold += 100.0, KeyCode::Down => app.cfg.threshold -= 100.0, KeyCode::PageUp => app.cfg.threshold += 1000.0, KeyCode::PageDown => app.cfg.threshold -= 1000.0, _ => {}, } } } app.update_values(); } } Ok(()) } // TODO these functions probably shouldn't be here fn poll_event() -> Result, std::io::Error> { if event::poll(Duration::from_millis(0))? { Ok(Some(event::read()?)) } else { Ok(None) } } fn data_set<'a>( name: &'a str, data: &'a [(f64, f64)], marker_type: symbols::Marker, graph_type: GraphType, axis_color: Color ) -> Dataset<'a> { Dataset::default() .name(name) .marker(marker_type) .graph_type(graph_type) .style(Style::default().fg(axis_color)) .data(&data) } fn axis(app: &App, dim: Dimension) -> Axis { let mut a = Axis::default(); if app.cfg.references { a = a.title(Span::styled(, Style::default().fg(Color::Cyan))); } .bounds(app.bounds(&dim)) }