# tinker.nvim > a simple but complete neovim config for those who cannot stop tinkering ![example picture](https://cdn.alemi.dev/proj/tinker.nvim/demo.png) ### demo * [completions, diagnostics and file tree](https://cdn.alemi.dev/proj/tinker.nvim/demo-completion-tree.mp4) ## installation just `git clone https://git.alemi.dev/tinker.nvim nvim` inside your `.config` dir first boot will throw errors, close and reopen to sync plugins use `:Lazy` and then `S` keep config up-to-date with `:UpdateConfig` ## included * custom statusline * custom session wrapper (wip) * custom keybinds * custom colorscheme (peak.nvim by me) * plugins, such as * nvim-treesitter * nvim-lspconfig * telescope.nvim + dressing.nvim * nvim-cmp * nvim-dap * vim-fugitive + gitsigns.nvim * neo-tree.nvim * hexmode * vim-combo (by me)