use apb::{ActivityMut, BaseMut, ObjectMut};
use sea_orm::{ActiveValue::{NotSet, Set}, DbErr, EntityTrait, QueryFilter, ColumnTrait};
use upub::traits::{fetch::RequestError, Fetcher};

#[derive(Debug, Clone, clap::Subcommand)]
/// available actions to take on relays
pub enum RelayCommand {
	/// get all current pending and accepted relays
	/// request to follow a specific relay
	Follow {
		/// relay actor to follow (must be full AP id, like for pleroma)
		actor: String,
	/// accept a pending relay request
	Accept {
		/// relay actor to accept (must be full AP id, like for pleroma)
		actor: String,
	/// retract a follow relation to a relay, stopping receiving content
	Unfollow {
		/// relay actor to unfollow (must be full AP id, like for pleroma)
		actor: String,
	/// remove a follow relation from a relay, stopping sending content
	Remove {
		/// relay actor to unfollow (must be full AP id, like for pleroma)
		actor: String,

pub async fn relay(ctx: upub::Context, action: RelayCommand) -> Result<(), RequestError> {
	let my_internal = upub::model::actor::Entity::ap_to_internal(ctx.base(), ctx.db())
		.ok_or_else(|| DbErr::RecordNotFound(ctx.base().to_string()))?;

	let their_internal = match &action {
		RelayCommand::Status => 0,
		RelayCommand::Follow { actor }
		| RelayCommand::Accept { actor }
		| RelayCommand::Unfollow { actor }
		| RelayCommand::Remove { actor }
		=> ctx.fetch_user(actor, ctx.db()).await?.internal,

	match action {
		RelayCommand::Status => {
			tracing::info!("active sinks:");
			for sink in upub::Query::related(None, Some(my_internal), false)
				tracing::info!("[>>] {} {}",,;

			tracing::info!("active sources:");
			for source in  upub::Query::related(Some(my_internal), None, false)
				tracing::info!("[<<] {} {}",,;

		RelayCommand::Follow { actor } => {
			let aid = ctx.aid(&upub::Context::new_id());
			let payload = apb::new()
			let job = upub::model::job::ActiveModel {
				internal: NotSet,
				activity: Set(aid),
				job_type: Set(upub::model::job::JobType::Outbound),
				actor: Set(ctx.base().to_string()),
				target: Set(None),
				payload: Set(Some(payload)),
				attempt: Set(0),
				published: Set(chrono::Utc::now()),
				not_before: Set(chrono::Utc::now()),
				error: Set(None),
			tracing::info!("following relay {actor}");

		RelayCommand::Accept { actor } => {
			let relation = upub::model::relation::Entity::find()
				.ok_or_else(|| DbErr::RecordNotFound(format!("relation-{their_internal}-{my_internal}")))?;
			let activity = upub::model::activity::Entity::find_by_id(relation.activity)
				.ok_or_else(|| DbErr::RecordNotFound(format!("activity#{}", relation.activity)))?;
			let aid = ctx.aid(&upub::Context::new_id());
			let payload = apb::new()
			let job = upub::model::job::ActiveModel {
				internal: NotSet,
				activity: Set(aid),
				job_type: Set(upub::model::job::JobType::Outbound),
				actor: Set(ctx.base().to_string()),
				target: Set(None),
				payload: Set(Some(payload)),
				attempt: Set(0),
				published: Set(chrono::Utc::now()),
				not_before: Set(chrono::Utc::now()),
				error: Set(None),
			tracing::info!("accepting relay {actor}");

		RelayCommand::Remove { actor } => {
			let relation = upub::model::relation::Entity::find()
				.ok_or_else(|| DbErr::RecordNotFound(format!("relation-{their_internal}-{my_internal}")))?;
			let accept_activity_id = relation.accept.ok_or(DbErr::RecordNotFound(format!("accept-{their_internal}-{my_internal}")))?;
			let activity = upub::model::activity::Entity::find_by_id(accept_activity_id)
				.ok_or_else(|| DbErr::RecordNotFound(format!("activity#{}", accept_activity_id)))?;
			let aid = ctx.aid(&upub::Context::new_id());
			let payload = apb::new()
			let job = upub::model::job::ActiveModel {
				internal: NotSet,
				activity: Set(aid),
				job_type: Set(upub::model::job::JobType::Outbound),
				actor: Set(ctx.base().to_string()),
				target: Set(None),
				payload: Set(Some(payload)),
				attempt: Set(0),
				published: Set(chrono::Utc::now()),
				not_before: Set(chrono::Utc::now()),
				error: Set(None),
			tracing::info!("unfollowing relay {actor}");

		RelayCommand::Unfollow { actor } => {
			let relation = upub::model::relation::Entity::find()
				.ok_or_else(|| DbErr::RecordNotFound(format!("relation-{my_internal}-{their_internal}")))?;
			let activity = upub::model::activity::Entity::find_by_id(relation.activity)
				.ok_or_else(|| DbErr::RecordNotFound(format!("activity#{}", relation.activity)))?;
			let aid = ctx.aid(&upub::Context::new_id());
			let payload = apb::new()
			let job = upub::model::job::ActiveModel {
				internal: NotSet,
				activity: Set(aid),
				job_type: Set(upub::model::job::JobType::Outbound),
				actor: Set(ctx.base().to_string()),
				target: Set(None),
				payload: Set(Some(payload)),
				attempt: Set(0),
				published: Set(chrono::Utc::now()),
				not_before: Set(chrono::Utc::now()),
				error: Set(None),
			tracing::info!("unfollowing relay {actor}");
