use crate::Object; pub const PUBLIC : &str = ""; pub trait Addressed { fn addressed(&self) -> Vec<String>; // TODO rename this? remate others? idk fn mentioning(&self) -> Vec<String>; // fn secondary_targets(&self) -> Vec<String>; // fn public_targets(&self) -> Vec<String>; // fn private_targets(&self) -> Vec<String>; } impl<T: Object> Addressed for T { fn addressed(&self) -> Vec<String> { let mut to : Vec<String> =; to.append(&mut self.bto().all_ids()); to.append(&mut; to.append(&mut self.bcc().all_ids()); to } fn mentioning(&self) -> Vec<String> { let mut to : Vec<String> =; to.append(&mut self.bto().all_ids()); to } // fn secondary_targets(&self) -> Vec<String> { // let mut to : Vec<String> =; // to.append(&mut self.bcc().ids()); // to // } // fn public_targets(&self) -> Vec<String> { // let mut to : Vec<String> =; // to.append(&mut; // to // } // fn private_targets(&self) -> Vec<String> { // let mut to : Vec<String> = self.bto().ids(); // to.append(&mut self.bcc().ids()); // to // } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::Addressed; #[test] #[cfg(feature = "unstructured")] fn addressed_trait_finds_all_targets_on_json_objects() { let obj = serde_json::json!({ "id": "http://localhost:8080/obj/1", "type": "Note", "content": "hello world!", "published": "2024-06-04T17:09:20+00:00", "to": ["http://localhost:8080/usr/root/followers"], "bto": ["https://localhost:8080/usr/secret"], "cc": [crate::target::PUBLIC], "bcc": [], }); let addressed = obj.addressed(); assert_eq!( addressed, vec![ "http://localhost:8080/usr/root/followers".to_string(), "https://localhost:8080/usr/secret".to_string(), crate::target::PUBLIC.to_string(), ] ); } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "unstructured")] fn primary_targets_only_finds_to_and_bto() { let obj = serde_json::json!({ "id": "http://localhost:8080/obj/1", "type": "Note", "content": "hello world!", "published": "2024-06-04T17:09:20+00:00", "to": ["http://localhost:8080/usr/root/followers"], "bto": ["https://localhost:8080/usr/secret"], "cc": [crate::target::PUBLIC], "bcc": [], }); let addressed = obj.mentioning(); assert_eq!( addressed, vec![ "http://localhost:8080/usr/root/followers".to_string(), "https://localhost:8080/usr/secret".to_string(), ] ); } }