use sea_orm::entity::prelude::*; #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, DeriveEntityModel, Eq)] #[sea_orm(table_name = "dislikes")] pub struct Model { #[sea_orm(primary_key)] pub internal: i64, pub actor: i64, pub object: i64, pub published: ChronoDateTimeUtc, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, EnumIter, DeriveRelation)] pub enum Relation { #[sea_orm( belongs_to = "super::actor::Entity", from = "Column::Actor", to = "super::actor::Column::Internal", on_update = "Cascade", on_delete = "Cascade" )] Actors, #[sea_orm( belongs_to = "super::object::Entity", from = "Column::Object", to = "super::object::Column::Internal", on_update = "Cascade", on_delete = "Cascade" )] Objects, } impl Related<super::actor::Entity> for Entity { fn to() -> RelationDef { Relation::Actors.def() } } impl Related<super::object::Entity> for Entity { fn to() -> RelationDef { Relation::Objects.def() } } impl ActiveModelBehavior for ActiveModel {} impl Entity { pub fn find_by_uid_oid(uid: i64, oid: i64) -> Select<Entity> { Entity::find().filter(Column::Actor.eq(uid)).filter(Column::Object.eq(oid)) } }