# codemp-nvim codemp logo > code multiplexer for neovim CodeMP is a **collaborative** text editing plugin to work remotely. It seamlessly integrates in your editor providing remote cursors and instant text synchronization, as well as a remote virtual workspace for you and your team. CodeMP is build with state-of-the-art CRDT technology, guaranteeing eventual consistency. This means everyone in a workspace will always be working on the exact same file _eventually_: even under unreliable networks or constrained resources, the underlying CRDT will always reach a convergent state across all users. Even with this baseline, CodeMP's proto is optimized for speed and low network footprint, meaning even slow connections can provide stable real-time editing. > This is the reference codemp neovim plugin maintained by [hexedtech](https://hexed.technology) ## usage > [!CAUTION] > codemp-nvim is not finished nor ready for early adopters, this is a demo to interact with this plugin use the `:MP` command | command | description | | --- | --- | | `:MP toggle` | toggles the codemp sidebar | | `:MP connect [host] [username] [password]` | to connect to server, user and pwd will be prompted if not given | | | | | `:MP disconnect` | disconnects from server | | `:MP id` | shows current client id | | `:MP join ` | will join requested workspace; starts processing cursors, users and filetree | | | | | `:MP leave ` | disconnect from a joined workspace | | `:MP attach ` | will attach to requested buffer if it exists (opens a new local buffer and uses current window) | | `:MP detach ` | detach from a buffer and stop receiving changes | | `:MP share` | shares current file: creates a new buffer with local file's content, and attach to it | | `:MP sync` | forces resynchronization of current buffer | | `:MP create ` | will create a new empty buffer in workspace | | `:MP delete ` | will delete a buffer from workspace | ### quick start * first connect to server with `:MP connect` * then join a workspace with `:MP join ` * either attach directly to a buffer with `:MP attach ` or browse available buffers with `:MP toggle` MP command autocompletes available options for current state, so cycle if you forget any name ### configuration it's possible to configure global `vim.g.codemp_username` and a `vim.g.codemp_password` which will be used when connecting ## installation > [!IMPORTANT] > the release zip provided is a tech demo for linux, there are no official releases yet * download the internal demo bundle from [here](https://github.com/hexedtech/codemp-nvim/releases/tag/v0.1) * place the whole `codemp` folder under your `.config/nvim/lua` directory * add `CODEMP = require('codemp')` at the end of your `init.lua` ### building this plugin relies on the native codemp lua bindings: just compile the main `codemp` project with `lua` feature enabled and place a `lua.so` or `lua.dll` together with the plugin lua files while bundling