-- this is the codemp updater for nvim -- -- it basically detects your operating system and architecture to -- decide which native extension to download, then it downloads -- from https://codemp.dev/release/lua/. If this doesn't work for -- you or you don't trust periodic binary downloads, feel free to -- remove this file (or its content). remember to place the -- `native.(so|dll|dylib)` file in this plugin folder, next to -- the `loader.lua` file. local version = "v0.8.4" local plugin_dir = vim.fn.fnamemodify(debug.getinfo(1, "S").source:sub(2), ":p:h") -- got this from https://lazy.folke.io/developers#building local os_uname = vim.loop.os_uname() local arch = os_uname.machine if arch == "arm64" then arch = "aarch64" end local platform = string.lower(os_uname.sysname) if platform == "darwin" then platform = "darwin" elseif platform == "windows_nt" then platform = "windows-msvc" else platform = platform .. "-gnu" end local ext = os_uname.sysname if os_uname.sysname == "Windows_NT" then ext = "dll" elseif os_uname.sysname == "Darwin" then ext = "dylib" else ext = "so" end -- -- TODO compare checksum before redownloading -- if vim.fn.filereadable(path .. 'native' .. ext) == 1 then -- shasum = vim.fn.system("sha256sum " .. path .. 'native' .. ext) -- end local sep = '/' if os_uname.sysname == "Windows_NT" then sep = '\\' end local new_ext = ext if os_uname.sysname == "Darwin" then new_ext = "so" end local native_path = plugin_dir..sep.."lua"..sep.."codemp"..sep.."new-native."..new_ext local replace_native_path = plugin_dir..sep.."lua"..sep.."codemp"..sep.."native."..new_ext local download_url_native = string.format("https://codemp.dev/releases/lua/codemp-lua-%s-%s-%s.%s", version, arch, platform, ext) print("downloading codemp native lua extension from '" .. download_url_native .. "' ...") if os_uname.sysname == "Windows_NT" then local handle, pid = vim.uv.spawn("powershell.exe", { args = { "-Command", "Invoke-WebRequest "..download_url_native.." -OutFile "..native_path } }) print("downloading in background... library will be installed upon restart") vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd( {"ExitPre"}, { callback = function (_ev) local handle, pid = vim.uv.spawn("cmd.exe", { args = { "/k", "move", "/Y", native_path, replace_native_path } }) end } ) else local res = vim.system({"curl", "-o", native_path, download_url_native }):wait() -- TODO can we run this asynchronously? print(res.stdout) print(res.stderr) print(">> " .. res.code) if res.code == 0 then print("downloaded! exit nvim to reload library") else print("error downloading native library: " .. res.code) print(res.stdout) print(res.stderr) end vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd( {"ExitPre"}, { callback = function (_ev) vim.system({"mv", native_path, replace_native_path}, { detach = true }) end } ) end