local utils = require('codemp.utils') ---@type table local id_buffer_map = {} ---@type table local buffer_id_map = {} ---@type table local user_buffer_name = {} local ticks = {} ---@param name string --TODO this should happen at the level above (Workspace) but accesses tables on this level, badly designed! local function detach(name) local buffer = buffer_id_map[name] id_buffer_map[buffer] = nil buffer_id_map[name] = nil CODEMP.workspace:get_buffer(name):clear_callback() if not CODEMP.workspace:detach_buffer(name) then collectgarbage("collect") -- clear dangling references end print(" -- detached from buffer " .. name) require('codemp.window').update() end ---@class AttachOptions ---@field content? string if provided, set this as content after attaching ---@field nowait? boolean skip waiting for initial content sync ---@field window? integer if given, open attached buffer in this window ---@field buffer? integer if given, use provided buffer instead of creating a new one ---@field skip_exists_check? boolean skip vim.fn.bufexists check, used for recursive call --- ---@param name string name of buffer to attach to ---@param opts AttachOptions options for attaching local function attach(name, opts) if not opts.skip_exists_check and vim.fn.bufexists(name) == 1 then vim.ui.input( { prompt = "buffer exists, overwrite?" }, function (choice) if not vim.startswith(string.lower(choice), "y") then return end opts.buffer = vim.fn.bufnr(name) opts.skip_exists_check = true attach(name, opts) end ) return end if buffer_id_map[name] ~= nil then return print(" !! already attached to buffer " .. name) end local buffer = opts.buffer if buffer == nil then buffer = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() end vim.api.nvim_buf_set_name(buffer, name) CODEMP.workspace:attach_buffer(name):and_then(function (controller) vim.schedule(function() -- TODO disgusting! but poll blocks forever on empty buffers... if not opts.nowait then local promise = controller:poll() for i=1, 20, 1 do if promise.ready then break end vim.uv.sleep(100) end end if opts.window ~= nil then vim.api.nvim_win_set_buf(opts.window, buffer) vim.api.nvim_set_current_win(opts.window) end -- TODO map name to uuid id_buffer_map[buffer] = name buffer_id_map[name] = buffer ticks[buffer] = 0 -- hook serverbound callbacks -- TODO breaks when deleting whole lines at buffer end vim.api.nvim_buf_attach(buffer, false, { on_bytes = function(_, buf, tick, start_row, start_col, start_offset, old_end_row, old_end_col, old_end_byte_len, new_end_row, new_end_col, new_byte_len) if tick == ticks[buf] then return end if id_buffer_map[buf] == nil then return true end -- unregister callback handler if CODEMP.config.debug then print(string.format( "start(row:%s, col:%s) offset:%s end(row:%s, col:%s new(row:%s, col:%s)) len(old:%s, new:%s)", start_row, start_col, start_offset, old_end_row, old_end_col, new_end_row, new_end_col, old_end_byte_len, new_byte_len )) end local end_offset = start_offset + old_end_byte_len local change_content = "" local len = utils.buffer.len(buf) if start_offset + new_byte_len + 1 > len then -- i dont know why but we may go out of bounds when doing 'dd' at the end of buffer?? local delta = (start_offset + new_byte_len + 1) - len if CODEMP.config.debug then print("/!\\ bytes out of bounds by " .. delta .. ", adjusting") end end_offset = end_offset - delta start_offset = start_offset - delta end if new_byte_len > 0 then local actual_end_col = new_end_col if new_end_row == 0 then actual_end_col = new_end_col + start_col end local actual_end_row = start_row + new_end_row -- -- when bulk inserting at the end we go out of bounds, so we probably need to clamp? -- -- issue: row=x+1 col=0 and row=x col=0 may be very far apart! we need to get last col of row x, ughh.. -- -- also, this doesn't work so it will stay commented out for a while longer -- if new_end_row ~= old_end_row and new_end_col == 0 then -- -- we may be dealing with the last line of the buffer, get_text could error because out-of-bounds -- local row_count = vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(buf) -- if actual_end_row + 1 > row_count then -- local delta = (actual_end_row + 1) - row_count -- if CODEMP.config.debug then print("/!\\ row out of bounds by " .. delta .. ", adjusting") end -- actual_end_row = actual_end_row - delta -- actual_end_col = len - vim.api.nvim_buf_get_offset(buf, row_count) -- end -- end local lines = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_text(buf, start_row, start_col, actual_end_row, actual_end_col, {}) change_content = table.concat(lines, '\n') end if CODEMP.config.debug then print(string.format("sending: %s..%s '%s'", start_offset, start_offset + old_end_byte_len, change_content)) end controller:send({ start_idx = start_offset, end_idx = end_offset, content = change_content }):await() end, }) local lock = false local async = vim.loop.new_async(vim.schedule_wrap(function () if lock then return end lock = true while true do local event = controller:try_recv():await() if event == nil then break end ticks[buffer] = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_changedtick(buffer) CODEMP.ignore_following_action = true if CODEMP.config.debug then print(" ~~ applying change ~~ " .. event.change.start_idx .. ".." .. event.change.end_idx .. "::[" .. event.change.content .. "]") end utils.buffer.set_content(buffer, event.change.content, event.change.start_idx, event.change.end_idx) controller:ack(event.version) -- error detection if event.hash ~= nil then if CODEMP.native.hash(utils.buffer.get_content(buffer)) ~= event.hash then if CODEMP.config.auto_sync then print(" /!\\ out of sync, resynching...") utils.buffer.set_content(buffer, controller:content():await()) else vim.ui.select( { "sync", "detach" }, { prompt = "out of sync! force resync or detach?" }, function (choice) if not choice then return end if choice == "sync" then utils.buffer.set_content(buffer, controller:content():await()) end if choice == "detach" then detach(name) end end ) end return end end end lock = false end)) local remote_content = controller:content():await() if opts.content ~= nil then -- TODO this may happen too soon!! local _ = controller:send({ start_idx = 0, end_idx = #remote_content, content = opts.content }) -- no need to await else local current_content = utils.buffer.get_content(buffer) if current_content ~= remote_content then ticks[buffer] = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_changedtick(buffer) utils.buffer.set_content(buffer, remote_content) end end controller:callback(function (_) async:send() end) vim.defer_fn(function() async:send() end, 500) -- force a try_recv after 500ms local filetype = vim.filetype.match({ buf = buffer }) vim.api.nvim_set_option_value("filetype", filetype, { buf = buffer }) vim.api.nvim_set_option_value('fileformat', 'unix', { buf = buffer }) print(" ++ attached to buffer " .. name) require('codemp.window').update() end) end) end ---@param buffer? integer if provided, sync given buffer id, otherwise sync current buf local function sync(buffer) if buffer == nil then buffer = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() end local name = id_buffer_map[buffer] if name ~= nil then local controller = CODEMP.workspace:get_buffer(name) if controller ~= nil then local real_content = controller:content():await() local my_content = utils.buffer.get_content(buffer) if real_content ~= my_content then ticks[buffer] = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_changedtick(buffer) utils.buffer.set_content(buffer, real_content) print(" !! re-synched buffer " .. name) else print(" :: buffer " .. name .. " is in sync") end return end end print(" !! buffer not managed") end local function create(buffer) if buffer == nil then buffer = vim.fn.expand("%p") end if CODEMP.workspace == nil then error("join a workspace first") end CODEMP.workspace:create_buffer(buffer):and_then(function () print(" ++ created buffer " .. buffer) require('codemp.window').update() end) end return { sync = sync, attach = attach, detach = detach, create = create, map = id_buffer_map, map_rev = buffer_id_map, ticks = ticks, users = user_buffer_name, }