local cc = require("neo-tree.sources.common.commands") local utils = require("neo-tree.utils") local manager = require("neo-tree.sources.manager") local session = require("codemp.session") local buf_manager = require("codemp.buffers") local ws_manager = require("codemp.workspace") local client_manager = require("codemp.client") local M = {} M.refresh = require("neo-tree.utils").wrap(manager.refresh, "codemp") M.open = function(state, path, extra) local selected = state.tree:get_node() if selected.type == "spacer" then return end if selected.type == "root" then if session.client ~= nil then print(" +-+ connected to codemp as " .. session.client.username) else client_manager.connect() end return end if selected.type == "workspace" then if selected:is_expanded() then vim.ui.input({ prompt = "disconnect from workspace?" }, function (input) if input == nil then return end if input ~= "y" then return end ws_manager.leave() selected:collapse() manager.refresh("codemp") end) else if session.workspace ~= nil and session.workspace.name ~= selected.name then error("must leave current workspace first") end if session.workspace == nil then ws_manager.join(selected.name) end selected:expand() manager.refresh("codemp") end return end if selected.type == "buffer" then local window = utils.get_appropriate_window(state) local buf = vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(window) vim.api.nvim_set_current_win(window) buf_manager.attach(selected.name, buf) return end if selected.type == "user" then print("another remote user") return end error("unrecognized node type") end M.add = function(_state) if session.client == nil then vim.ui.input({ prompt = "server address" }, function(input) if input == nil or input == "" then return end client_manager.connect(input) end) elseif session.workspace == nil then vim.ui.input({ prompt = "workspace name" }, function(input) if input == nil or input == "" then return end session.client:create_workspace(input):await() manager.refresh("codemp") end) else vim.ui.input({ prompt = "buffer path" }, function(input) if input == nil or input == "" then return end session.workspace:create_buffer(input):await() manager.refresh("codemp") end) end end cc._add_common_commands(M) return M