[![codemp](https://codemp.dev/static/banner.png)](https://codemp.dev) > `codemp` is a **collaborative** text editing solution to work remotely. It seamlessly integrates in your editor providing remote cursors and instant text synchronization, as well as a remote virtual workspace for you and your team. # codemp-nvim This is the reference codemp [neovim](https://neovim.io) plugin maintained by [hexedtech](https://hexed.technology) # installation Currently only [lazy.nvim](https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim) is supported, but codemp should work with any plugin manager able to run `build.lua` upon installation and update. Just add `hexedtech/codemp-nvim` in your plugin spec. Note that the native codemp lua library will be downloaded automatically on each update. ## neo-tree integration `codemp-nvim` integrates with [neo-tree](https://github.com/nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim) to provide a rich and intuitive file tree. To enable this integration, add `neo_tree = true` in plugin `opts` and add `codemp` as a neo-tree source: ```lua { "hexedtech/codemp-nvim", opts = { neo_tree = true }, }, { "nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim", dependencies = { "hexedtech/codemp-nvim" }, config = function () require('neo-tree').setup({ sources = { -- your other sources "codemp.neo-tree", }, }) end, } ``` # usage Interact with this plugin using the `:MP` command. Most actions can be performed from the side tree: toggle it with `:MP toggle`. | command | description | | --- | --- | | `:MP toggle` | toggles the codemp sidebar | | `:MP connect [host] [username] [password]` | to connect to server, user and pwd will be prompted if not given | once connected, more commands become available: | command | description | | --- | --- | | `:MP disconnect` | disconnects from server | | `:MP id` | shows current client id | | `:MP start ` | will create a new workspace with given name | | `:MP invite [workspace]` | invite given user to workspace | | `:MP available` | list all workspaces available to join | | `:MP join ` | will join requested workspace; starts processing cursors, users and filetree | after a workspace is joined, more commands become available: | command | description | | --- | --- | | `:MP leave ` | disconnect from a joined workspace | | `:MP attach ` | will attach to requested buffer if it exists (opens a new local buffer and uses current window) | | `:MP detach ` | detach from a buffer and stop receiving changes | | `:MP share` | shares current file: creates a new buffer with local file's content, and attach to it | | `:MP sync` | forces resynchronization of current buffer | | `:MP create ` | will create a new empty buffer in workspace | | `:MP delete ` | will delete a buffer from workspace | ### quick start * first connect to server with `:MP connect` * then join a workspace with `:MP join ` * either attach directly to a buffer with `:MP attach ` or browse available buffers with `:MP toggle` MP command autocompletes available options for current state, so cycle if you forget any name ## configuration `codemp-nvim` gets most of its configuration from `setup()` options. If you're using `lazy.nvim`, just place these in the `opts` table in your spec, otherwise be sure to `require('codemp').setup({...})`. ```lua opts = { neo_tree = false, callback_interval = 100, -- ms } ``` `codemp-nvim` reads some global vim variables for configuration: * `vim.g.codemp_username` will be used when connecting instead of prompting for username * `vim.g.codemp_password` will be used when connecting instead of prompting for password ## building this plugin relies on the native codemp lua bindings: just compile the main `codemp` project with `lua` feature enabled, rename the output library into `native.so` (or `.dll` or `.dylib`) and place it together with the plugin lua files while bundling ``` .config/ |-nvim/ : |-lua/ : : |-codemp/ : : : |- native.(so|dll|dylib) : : : |- init.lua : : : : ... ```