From 9b4d082f786770d4b37b51de5cabf0e55d67095b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: cschen <>
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2025 19:40:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] feat: addd the "share current buffer" command

 Codemp.sublime-commands      |  7 +++
 plugin/commands/ | 90 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 2 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Codemp.sublime-commands b/Codemp.sublime-commands
index c6c0858..2628464 100644
--- a/Codemp.sublime-commands
+++ b/Codemp.sublime-commands
@@ -94,6 +94,13 @@
       // 'buffer_id': 'test'
+  {
+    "caption": "Codemp: Share Current Buffer...",
+    "command": "codemp_share_local_buffer",
+    "args": {
+      // 'workspace_id': 'asd'
+    }
+  },
   // {
   //   "caption": "Codemp: Create Buffer",
   //   "command": "codemp_create_buffer",
diff --git a/plugin/commands/ b/plugin/commands/
index dfc94d9..795883c 100644
--- a/plugin/commands/
+++ b/plugin/commands/
@@ -91,13 +91,91 @@ class CodempLeaveBufferCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
         # The call must happen separately, otherwise it causes sublime to crash...
         # no idea why...
         sublime.set_timeout(lambda: buffers.remove(buffer_id), 10)
+class CodempShareLocalBufferCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
+    def is_enabled(self) -> bool:
+        return workspaces.hasactive()
+    def input_description(self) -> str:
+        return "Share to workspace:"
+    def input(self, args):
+        if "workspace_id" not in args:
+            return SimpleListInput(
+                ("workspace_id", session.client.active_workspaces())
+            )
+    def run(self, workspace_id: str):
+        # get the current active window
+        # compute the buffer name:
+        #   just the name is alone,
+        #   the relative path if in a project
+        # check existance:
+        #   if existing, ask for overwrite, and beam stuff up
+        #   if not, create and then beam stuff up.
+        view = self.window.active_view()
+        if view:
+            self.wid = workspace_id
+            self.make_buffer_id(view)
+    def make_buffer_id(self, view: sublime.View):
+        # if file_name is nothing, then the buffer is not saved to disk,
+        # and only has a name.
+        isephimeral = view.file_name() is None
+        if isephimeral:
+            tmpbid =
+            # ask for confirmation of the buffer name.
+            self.window.show_input_panel("Share with name:",
+                tmpbid,
+                lambda str: self.check_validity_and_share(str, view),
+                view.set_name,
+                lambda: view.set_name(tmpbid))
+            return
+        windowhasproject = self.window.project_data() is not None
+        tmpbid = str(view.file_name())
+        if not windowhasproject:
+            self.check_validity_and_share(os.path.basename(tmpbid), view)
+            return
+        projectfolders = self.window.project_data().get("folders") #pyright: ignore
+        if not projectfolders:
+            self.check_validity_and_share(os.path.basename(tmpbid), view)
+            return
+        projpaths = [f['path'] for f in projectfolders]
+        for projpath in projpaths:
+            if os.path.commonpath([projpath]) == os.path.commonpath([projpath, tmpbid]):
+                bid = os.path.relpath(tmpbid, projpath)
+                self.check_validity_and_share(bid, view)
+                return
+    def check_validity_and_share(self, bid, view):
+        vws = workspaces.lookupId(self.wid)
+        if bid in buffers:
+            # we are already attached and the buffer exists. Simply send
+            # the current contents to the remote.
+            bfm = buffers.lookupId(bid)
+            bfm.overwrite(TEXT_LISTENER)
+            return
+        allbuffers = vws.handle.fetch_buffers().wait()
+        if bid not in allbuffers:
+            # in the future make this creation ephimeral.
+            self.window.run_command("codemp_create_buffer", {
+                "workspace_id": self.wid,
+                "buffer_id": bid
+            })
         def _():
-            buffers.remove(buffer_id)
-            if not vws.handle.detach_buffer(buffer_id):
-                logger.error(f"could not leave the buffer {buffer_id}.")
-            else:
-                logger.debug(f"successfully detached from {buffer_id}.")
-        sublime.set_timeout(_, 10)
+            vbuff = some(buffers.register(bid, vws, localview=view))
+            vbuff.overwrite(TEXT_LISTENER)
+        sublime.set_timeout_async(_)
 # Leave Buffer Comand
 class CodempCreateBufferCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):