import sublime import sublime_plugin from Codemp.src.codemp_client import VirtualClient from Codemp.src.TaskManager import rt from Codemp.src.utils import status_log, is_active, safe_listener_detach import Codemp.src.globals as g CLIENT = None TEXT_LISTENER = None # Initialisation and Deinitialisation ############################################################################## def plugin_loaded(): global CLIENT global TEXT_LISTENER # instantiate and start a global asyncio event loop. # pass in the exit_handler coroutine that will be called upon relasing the event loop. CLIENT = VirtualClient(disconnect_client) TEXT_LISTENER = CodempClientTextChangeListener() status_log("plugin loaded") async def disconnect_client(): global CLIENT global TEXT_LISTENER safe_listener_detach(TEXT_LISTENER) for vws in CLIENT.workspaces.values(): vws.cleanup() # fix me: allow riconnections CLIENT = None def plugin_unloaded(): global CLIENT # releasing the runtime, runs the disconnect callback defined when acquiring the event loop. status_log("plugin unloaded") # Utils ############################################################################## def get_contents(view): r = sublime.Region(0, view.size()) return view.substr(r) def populate_view(view, content): view.run_command( "codemp_replace_text", { "start": 0, "end": view.size(), "content": content, "change_id": view.change_id(), }, ) def get_view_from_local_path(path): for window in for view in window.views(): if view.file_name() == path: return view # Listeners ############################################################################## class EventListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener): def on_exit(self) -> None: global CLIENT class CodempClientViewEventListener(sublime_plugin.ViewEventListener): @classmethod def is_applicable(cls, settings): return settings.get(g.CODEMP_BUFFER_VIEW_TAG, False) @classmethod def applies_to_primary_view_only(cls): return False def on_selection_modified_async(self): global CLIENT vbuff = CLIENT.active_workspace.get_by_local(self.view.buffer_id()) if vbuff is not None: CLIENT.send_cursor(vbuff) # We only edit on one view at a time, therefore we only need one TextChangeListener # Each time we focus a view to write on it, we first attach the listener to that buffer. # When we defocus, we detach it. def on_activated(self): global TEXT_LISTENER print("view {} activated".format( TEXT_LISTENER.attach(self.view.buffer()) def on_deactivated(self): global TEXT_LISTENER print("view {} deactivated".format( safe_listener_detach(TEXT_LISTENER) def on_pre_close(self): global TEXT_LISTENER if is_active(self.view): safe_listener_detach(TEXT_LISTENER) global CLIENT vbuff = CLIENT.active_workspace.get_by_local(self.view.buffer_id()) vbuff.cleanup()"{g.BUFFCTL_TASK_PREFIX}-{vbuff.codemp_id}") # have to run the detach logic in sync, to keep a valid reference to the view. # sublime_asyncio.sync(buffer.detach(_client)) class CodempClientTextChangeListener(sublime_plugin.TextChangeListener): @classmethod def is_applicable(cls, buffer): # don't attach this event listener automatically # we'll do it by hand with .attach(buffer). return False # blocking :D def on_text_changed(self, changes): if ( self.buffer.primary_view() .settings() .get(g.CODEMP_IGNORE_NEXT_TEXT_CHANGE, None) ): status_log("ignoring echoing back the change.") self.view.settings()[g.CODEMP_IGNORE_NEXT_TEXT_CHANGE] = False return global CLIENT vbuff = CLIENT.active_workspace.get_by_local( CLIENT.send_buffer_change(changes, vbuff) # Commands: # codemp_connect: connect to a server. # codemp_join: join a workspace with a given name within the server. # codemp_share: shares a buffer with a given name in the workspace. # # Internal commands: # replace_text: swaps the content of a view with the given text. # # Connect Command ############################################################################# class CodempConnectCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def run(self, server_host): global CLIENT rt.dispatch(CLIENT.connect(server_host)) def input(self, args): if "server_host" not in args: return ServerHostInputHandler() def input_description(self): return "Server host:" class ServerHostInputHandler(sublime_plugin.TextInputHandler): def initial_text(self): return "" # Join Workspace Command ############################################################################# class CodempJoinCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def run(self, workspace_id): global CLIENT rt.dispatch(CLIENT.join_workspace(workspace_id)) def input_description(self): return "Join Workspace:" def input(self, args): if "workspace_id" not in args: return WorkspaceIdInputHandler() class WorkspaceIdInputHandler(sublime_plugin.TextInputHandler): def initial_text(self): return "What workspace should I join?" # Join Buffer Command ############################################################################# class CodempAttachCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def run(self, buffer_id): global CLIENT if CLIENT.active_workspace is not None: rt.dispatch(CLIENT.active_workspace.attach(buffer_id)) else: sublime.error_message( "You haven't joined any worksapce yet. use `Codemp: Join Workspace`" ) def input_description(self): return "Join Buffer in workspace:" # This is awful, fix it def input(self, args): global CLIENT if CLIENT.active_workspace is not None: if "buffer_id" not in args: existing_buffers = CLIENT.active_workspace.handle.filetree() if len(existing_buffers) == 0: return BufferIdInputHandler() else: return ListBufferIdInputHandler() else: sublime.error_message( "You haven't joined any worksapce yet. use `Codemp: Join Workspace`" ) return class BufferIdInputHandler(sublime_plugin.TextInputHandler): def initial_text(self): return "No buffers found in the workspace. Create new: " class ListBufferIdInputHandler(sublime_plugin.ListInputHandler): def name(self): return "buffer_id" def list_items(self): global CLIENT return CLIENT.active_workspace.handle.filetree() def next_input(self, args): if "buffer_id" not in args: return BufferIdInputHandler() # Text Change Command ############################################################################# # we call this command manually to have access to the edit token. class CodempReplaceTextCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): def run(self, edit, start, end, content, change_id): # we modify the region to account for any change that happened in the mean time print("running the replace command, launche manually.") region = self.view.transform_region_from(sublime.Region(start, end), change_id) self.view.replace(edit, region, content) # Share Command # ############################################################################# # class CodempShareCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): # def run(self, sublime_buffer_path, server_id): # sublime_asyncio.dispatch(share_buffer_command(sublime_buffer_path, server_id)) # def input(self, args): # if "sublime_buffer" not in args: # return SublimeBufferPathInputHandler() # def input_description(self): # return "Share Buffer:" # class SublimeBufferPathInputHandler(sublime_plugin.ListInputHandler): # def list_items(self): # ret_list = [] # for window in # for view in window.views(): # if view.file_name(): # ret_list.append(view.file_name()) # return ret_list # def next_input(self, args): # if "server_id" not in args: # return ServerIdInputHandler() # class ServerIdInputHandler(sublime_plugin.TextInputHandler): # def initial_text(self): # return "Buffer name on server" # Disconnect Command ############################################################################# class CodempDisconnectCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def run(self): rt.sync(disconnect_client()) # Proxy Commands ( NOT USED ) ############################################################################# # class ProxyCodempShareCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): # # on_window_command, does not trigger when called from the command palette # # See: # def run(self, **kwargs): # self.window.run_command("codemp_share", kwargs) # # def input(self, args): # if 'sublime_buffer' not in args: # return SublimeBufferPathInputHandler() # # def input_description(self): # return 'Share Buffer:' # # class ProxyCodempJoinCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): # def run(self, **kwargs): # self.window.run_command("codemp_join", kwargs) # # def input(self, args): # if 'server_buffer' not in args: # return ServerBufferInputHandler() # # def input_description(self): # return 'Join Buffer:' # # class ProxyCodempConnectCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): # # on_window_command, does not trigger when called from the command palette # # See: # def run(self, **kwargs): # self.window.run_command("codemp_connect", kwargs) # # def input(self, args): # if 'server_host' not in args: # return ServerHostInputHandler() # # def input_description(self): # return 'Server host:' # NOT NEEDED ANYMORE # def compress_change_region(changes): # # the bounding region of all text changes. # txt_a = float("inf") # txt_b = 0 # # the region in the original buffer subjected to the change. # reg_a = float("inf") # reg_b = 0 # # we keep track of how much the changes move the indexing of the buffer # buffer_shift = 0 # left - + right # for change in changes: # # the change in characters that the change would bring # # len(str) and .len_utf8 are mutually exclusive # # len(str) is when we insert new text at a position # # .len_utf8 is the length of the deleted/canceled string in the buffer # change_delta = len(change.str) - change.len_utf8 # # the text region is enlarged to the left # txt_a = min(txt_a, # # On insertion, == # # If we meet a new insertion further than the current window # # we expand to the right by that change. # # On deletion, == - change.len_utf8 # # when we delete a selection and it is further than the current window # # we enlarge to the right up until the begin of the deleted region. # if > txt_b: # txt_b = + change_delta # else: # # otherwise we just shift the window according to the change # txt_b += change_delta # # the bounding region enlarged to the left # reg_a = min(reg_a, # # In this bit, we want to look at the buffer BEFORE the modifications # # but we are working on the buffer modified by all previous changes for each loop # # we use buffer_shift to keep track of how the buffer shifts around # # to map back to the correct index for each change in the unmodified buffer. # if + buffer_shift > reg_b: # # we only enlarge if we have changes that exceede on the right the current window # reg_b = + buffer_shift # # after using the change delta, we archive it for the next iterations # # the minus is just for being able to "add" the buffer shift with a +. # # since we encode deleted text as negative in the change_delta, but that requires the shift to the # # old position to be positive, and viceversa for text insertion. # buffer_shift -= change_delta # # print("\t[buff change]",, change.str, "(", change.len_utf8,")", # # print("[walking txt]", "[", txt_a, txt_b, "]", txt) # # print("[walking reg]", "[", reg_a, reg_b, "]") # return reg_a, reg_b