import sublime import sublime_plugin # import Codemp.codemp_client as codemp from Codemp.src.codemp_client import * import Codemp.ext.sublime_asyncio as sublime_asyncio import asyncio import os import time # UGLYYYY, find a way to not have global variables laying around. _tasks = [] _buffers = [] _client = None _cursor_controller = None _txt_change_listener = None _regions_colors = [ "region.redish", "region.orangeish", "region.yellowish", "region.greenish", "region.cyanish", "region.bluish", "region.purplish", "region.pinkish" ] # WIP ## class CodempSublimeBuffer(): def __init__(self, sublime_buffer, server_id): self.buffer = sublime_buffer self.server_id = server_id self.skip_resend = False async def attach(self, client, cb): self.controller = await client.attach(self.server_id) status_log("registring callback for buffer: {}".format(self.buffer.primary_view().file_name())) self.controller.callback(cb(self.buffer)) for v in self.buffer.views(): v.settings()["codemp_buffer"] = True async def detach(self, client): await client.disconnect_buffer(self.server_id) self.controller.drop_callback() for v in self.buffer.views(): del v.settings()["codemp_buffer"] v.erase_regions("codemp_cursors") def get_matching_codemp_buffer_from_buffer_id(buffer_id): global _buffers for b in _buffers: if == buffer_id: return b def get_matching_codemp_buffer_from_server_id(server_id): global _buffers for b in _buffers: if b.server_id == server_id: return b # WIP ## def status_log(msg): sublime.status_message("[codemp] {}".format(msg)) print("[codemp] {}".format(msg)) def store_task(name = None): def store_named_task(task): global _tasks task.set_name(name) _tasks.append(task) return store_named_task def get_contents(view): r = sublime.Region(0, view.size()) return view.substr(r) def populate_view(view, content): view.run_command("codemp_replace_text", { "start": 0, "end": view.size(), "content": content }) def get_matching_view_from_local_path(path): for window in for view in window.views(): if view.file_name() == path: return view def rowcol_to_region(view, start, end): a = view.text_point(start[0], start[1]) b = view.text_point(end[0], end[1]) return sublime.Region(a, b) def plugin_loaded(): global _client global _txt_change_listener _client = CodempClient() # create an empty instance of the codemp client. _txt_change_listener = CodempClientTextChangeListener() # instantiate the listener to attach around. sublime_asyncio.acquire() # instantiate and start a global asyncio event loop. def plugin_unloaded(): global _client global _cursor_controller global _buffers global _txt_change_listener for buff in _buffers: sublime_asyncio.dispatch(buff.detach(_client)) if _cursor_controller: _cursor_controller.drop_callback() if _txt_change_listener: if _txt_change_listener.is_attached(): _txt_change_listener.detach() _txt_change_listener = None # disconnect the client. sublime_asyncio.dispatch(_client.leave_workspace()) print("unloading") async def join_workspace(session): global _client global _cursor_controller status_log("Joining workspace: {}".format(session)) _cursor_controller = await _client.join(session) _cursor_controller.callback(move_cursor_cb) async def connect_command(server_host, session): global _client status_log("Connecting to {}".format(server_host)) await _client.connect(server_host) await join_workspace(session) async def join_buffer_command(view, buffer_path): global _client global _buffers try: buffer = CodempSublimeBuffer(view.buffer(), buffer_path) await buffer.attach(_client, apply_buffer_change_cb) _buffers.append(buffer) content = buffer.controller.get_content() populate_view(view, content) except Exception as e: sublime.error_message("Could not join buffer: {}".format(e)) return view.window().focus_view(view) view.set_status("z_codemp_buffer", "[Codemp]") async def share_buffer_command(buffer_path, server_id = "test"): global _client global _buffers status_log("Sharing buffer {}".format(buffer_path)) view = get_matching_view_from_local_path(buffer_path) contents = get_contents(view) try: await _client.create(server_id, contents) buffer = CodempSublimeBuffer(view.buffer(), server_id) await buffer.attach(_client, apply_buffer_change_cb) _buffers.append(buffer) except Exception as e: sublime.error_message("Could not share buffer: {}".format(e)) return # we need to focus the view to trigger the on_activate for the text # change event listener attach view.window().focus_view(view) view.set_status("z_codemp_buffer", "[Codemp]") def move_cursor_cb(cursor_event): global _regions_colors # print("received cursor event", cursor_event.start, cursor_event.end, cursor_event.buffer) # TODO: make the matching user/color more solid. now all users have one color cursor. # Maybe make all cursors the same color and only use annotations as a discriminant. # idea: use a user id hash map that maps to a color. buffer = get_matching_codemp_buffer_from_server_id(cursor_event.buffer) if buffer: view = buffer.buffer.primary_view() reg = rowcol_to_region(view, cursor_event.start, cursor_event.end) reg_flags = sublime.RegionFlags.DRAW_EMPTY | sublime.RegionFlags.DRAW_NO_FILL view.add_regions( "codemp_cursors", [reg], flags = reg_flags, scope=_regions_colors[2], annotations = [cursor_event.user], annotation_color="#000") def send_cursor(view): global _cursor_controller server_id = get_matching_codemp_buffer_from_buffer_id(view.buffer_id()).server_id region = view.sel()[0] # TODO: only the last placed cursor/selection. start = view.rowcol(region.begin()) #only counts UTF8 chars end = view.rowcol(region.end()) _cursor_controller.send(server_id, start, end) def apply_buffer_change_cb(buffer): def buffer_callback(text_change): global _txt_change_listener # In case a change arrives to a background buffer, just apply it. We are not listening on it. # Otherwise, interrupt the listening to avoid echoing back the change just received. is_active_view = buffer.view().window().active_view() == buffer.view() if is_active_view: _txt_change_listener.detach() # we need to go through a sublime text command, since the method, view.replace # needs an edit token, that is obtained only when calling a textcommand associated with a view. view.run_command("codemp_replace_text", { "start": text_change.start_incl, "end": text_change.end_excl, "content": text_change.content }) if is_active_view: _txt_change_listener.attach(buffer) return buffer_callback def send_buffer_change(buffer, changes): codemp_buffer = get_matching_codemp_buffer_from_buffer_id( view = buffer.primary_view() start, txt, end = compress_changes(view, changes) # we can't use view.size() since now view has the already modified buffer, # but we need to clip wrt the unmodified buffer. contlen = len(codemp_buffer.controller.get_content()), start), txt, min(end, contlen)) # time.sleep(0.1) # print("server buffer: -------") # print(codemp_buffer.controller.get_content()) def compress_changes(view, changes): # Sublime text on_text_changed events, gives a list of changes. # in case of simple insertion or deletion this is fine. # but if we swap a string (select it and add another string in it's place) or have multiple selections # or do an undo of some kind after the just mentioned events we receive multiple split text changes, # e.g. select the world `hello` and replace it with `12345`: Sublime will separate it into two singular changes, # first add `12345` in front of `hello`: `12345hello` then, delete the `hello`. # The gotcha here is that now we have an issue of indexing inside the buffer. when adding `12345` we shifted the index of the # start of the word `hello` to the right by 5. # By sending these changes one by one generated some buffer length issues in delta, since we have an interdependency of the # changes. # as a workaround, whenever we receive multiple changes we compress all of them into a "single one" that delta understands, # namely, we get a bounding region to the change, and all the text in between. if len(changes) == 1: # print("[change]", "[", changes[0], changes[0], "]", changes[0].str) return (changes[0], changes[0].str, changes[0] return walk_compress_changes(view, changes) def walk_compress_changes(view, changes): # the bounding region of all text changes. txt_a = float("inf") txt_b = 0 # the region in the original buffer subjected to the change. reg_a = float("inf") reg_b = 0 # we keep track of how much the changes move the indexing of the buffer buffer_shift = 0 # left - + right for change in changes: # the change in characters that the change would bring # len(str) and .len_utf8 are mutually exclusive # len(str) is when we insert new text at a position # .len_utf8 is the length of the deleted/canceled string in the buffer change_delta = len(change.str) - change.len_utf8 # the text region is enlarged to the left txt_a = min(txt_a, # On insertion, == # If we meet a new insertion further than the current window # we expand to the right by that change. # On deletion, == - change.len_utf8 # when we delete a selection and it is further than the current window # we enlarge to the right up until the begin of the deleted region. if > txt_b: txt_b = + change_delta else: # otherwise we just shift the window according to the change txt_b += change_delta # the bounding region enlarged to the left reg_a = min(reg_a, # In this bit, we want to look at the buffer BEFORE the modifications # but we are working on the buffer modified by all previous changes for each loop # we use buffer_shift to keep track of how the buffer shifts around # to map back to the correct index for each change in the unmodified buffer. if + buffer_shift > reg_b: # we only enlarge if we have changes that exceede on the right the current window reg_b = + buffer_shift # after using the change delta, we archive it for the next iterations # the minus is just for being able to "add" the buffer shift with a +. # since we encode deleted text as negative in the change_delta, but that requires the shift to the # old position to be positive, and viceversa for text insertion. buffer_shift -= change_delta # print("\t[buff change]",, change.str, "(", change.len_utf8,")", txt = view.substr(sublime.Region(txt_a, txt_b)) # print("[walking txt]", "[", txt_a, txt_b, "]", txt) # print("[walking reg]", "[", reg_a, reg_b, "]") return reg_a, txt, reg_b # Sublime interface ############################################################################## class CodempClientViewEventListener(sublime_plugin.ViewEventListener): @classmethod def is_applicable(cls, settings): # print("checking view applicability: ", settings.get("codemp_buffer", False)) return settings.get("codemp_buffer", False) # return True @classmethod def applies_to_primary_view_only(cls): return False def on_selection_modified_async(self): # pass send_cursor(self.view) # We only edit on one view at a time, therefore we only need one TextChangeListener # Each time we focus a view to write on it, we first attach the listener to that buffer. # When we defocus, we detach it. def on_activated(self): global _txt_change_listener print("view {} activated".format( _txt_change_listener.attach(self.view.buffer()) def on_deactivated(self): global _txt_change_listener print("view {} deactivated".format( _txt_change_listener.detach() # def on_text_command(self, cmd, args): # print(cmd, args) class CodempClientTextChangeListener(sublime_plugin.TextChangeListener): @classmethod def is_applicable(cls, buffer): # don't attach this event listener automatically # we'll do it by hand with .attach(buffer). return False def on_text_changed_async(self, changes): send_buffer_change(self.buffer, changes) # Connect Command ############################################################################# # See the proxy command class at the bottom class CodempConnectCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def run(self, server_host, session): sublime_asyncio.dispatch(connect_command(server_host, session)) def input(self, args): if 'server_host' not in args: return ServerHostInputHandler() def input_description(self): return 'Server host:' class ServerHostInputHandler(sublime_plugin.TextInputHandler): def initial_text(self): return "" def next_input(self, args): if 'workspace' not in args: return CodempWorkspaceInputHandler() class CodempWorkspaceInputHandler(sublime_plugin.TextInputHandler): def name(self): return 'session' def initial_text(self): return "default" # Share Command ############################################################################# # see proxy command at the bottom class CodempShareCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def run(self, sublime_buffer_path, server_id): sublime_asyncio.dispatch(share_buffer_command(sublime_buffer_path, server_id)) def input(self, args): if 'sublime_buffer' not in args: return SublimeBufferPathInputHandler() def input_description(self): return 'Share Buffer:' class SublimeBufferPathInputHandler(sublime_plugin.ListInputHandler): def list_items(self): ret_list = [] for window in for view in window.views(): if view.file_name(): ret_list.append(view.file_name()) return ret_list def next_input(self, args): if 'server_id' not in args: return ServerIdInputHandler() class ServerIdInputHandler(sublime_plugin.TextInputHandler): def initial_text(self): return "Buffer name on server" # Join Command ############################################################################# class CodempJoinCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def run(self, server_buffer): view = self.window.new_file(flags=sublime.NewFileFlags.TRANSIENT) sublime_asyncio.dispatch(join_buffer_command(view, server_buffer)) def input(self, args): if 'server_buffer' not in args: return ServerBufferInputHandler() def input_description(self): return 'Join Buffer:' class ServerBufferInputHandler(sublime_plugin.TextInputHandler): def initial_text(self): return "What buffer should I join?" # Replace Text Command ############################################################################# # we call this command manually to have access to the edit token. class CodempReplaceTextCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): def run(self, edit, start, end, content): # start included, end excluded self.view.replace(edit, sublime.Region(start, end), content) # Proxy Commands ( NOT USED ) ############################################################################# # class ProxyCodempShareCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): # # on_window_command, does not trigger when called from the command palette # # See: # def run(self, **kwargs): # self.window.run_command("codemp_share", kwargs) # # def input(self, args): # if 'sublime_buffer' not in args: # return SublimeBufferPathInputHandler() # # def input_description(self): # return 'Share Buffer:' # # class ProxyCodempJoinCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): # def run(self, **kwargs): # self.window.run_command("codemp_join", kwargs) # # def input(self, args): # if 'server_buffer' not in args: # return ServerBufferInputHandler() # # def input_description(self): # return 'Join Buffer:' # # class ProxyCodempConnectCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): # # on_window_command, does not trigger when called from the command palette # # See: # def run(self, **kwargs): # self.window.run_command("codemp_connect", kwargs) # # def input(self, args): # if 'server_host' not in args: # return ServerHostInputHandler() # # def input_description(self): # return 'Server host:'