import sublime import logging from . import qp_globals as qpg from ..core.workspace import workspaces from ..core.buffers import buffers logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def qpi(text, details="", color=qpg.QP_COLOR_NONE, letter="", name="", hint="", prefix=""): return sublime.QuickPanelItem(text, details, annotation=hint, kind=(color, letter, name)) def show_qp(window, choices, on_done, placeholder=''): def _(): flags = sublime.KEEP_OPEN_ON_FOCUS_LOST window.show_quick_panel(choices, on_done, flags, placeholder=placeholder) sublime.set_timeout(_, 10) class QPServerBrowser(): def __init__(self, window, host, raw_input_items): self.window = window = host self.raw_input_items = raw_input_items def make_entry(self, wsid): return qpi(wsid, letter="w", color=qpg.QP_COLOR_BLUISH, hint="Workspace", prefix=" ") def qp_placeholder(self): return f"Browsing workspaces on host: {}" def run(self): self.current_wid_selection = None self.entries = [] for item in self.raw_input_items: self.entries.append(self.make_entry(item)) self.entries.insert(0, qpi("Server Actions", color=qpg.QP_COLOR_CYANISH, letter=qpg.QP_DETAILS, hint="Submenu", prefix=" • ")) show_qp(self.window, self.entries, self.server_actions, self.qp_placeholder()) def server_actions(self, index): if index == -1: return elif index == 0: self.edit_server() return wid = self.entries[index].trigger self.current_wid_selection = wid # self.select_workspace() def _(): if not wid in workspaces: try: self.window.run_command( "codemp_join_workspace", {"workspace_id": wid}) except Exception as e: return ws = workspaces.lookupId(wid) buffers = ws.handle.fetch_buffers() QPWorkspaceBrowser(self.window, wid, buffers.wait()).run() sublime.set_timeout(_) logger.debug("exiting the server_broswer.") # def select_workspace(self): # assert self.current_wid_selection # actions = [ # qpi("Join", details=self.current_wid_selection, color=qpg.QP_COLOR_BLUISH, letter=qpg.QP_FORWARD), # # qpi("Join and open all", # # details="opens all buffer in the workspace", # # color=qpg.QP_COLOR_PINKISH, letter=qpg.QP_DETAILS), # qpi("Back", color=qpg.QP_COLOR_BLUISH, letter=qpg.QP_BACK) # ] # show_qp(self.window, actions, self.select_workspace_actions, self.qp_placeholder()) # def select_workspace_actions(self, index): # if index == -1: # return # elif index == 0: # self.window.run_command( # "codemp_join_workspace", # {"workspace_id": self.current_wid_selection}) # elif index == 1: # def edit_server(self): actions = [ qpi("Back", color=qpg.QP_COLOR_CYANISH, letter=qpg.QP_BACK), qpi("New Workspace", color=qpg.QP_COLOR_GREENISH, letter=qpg.QP_ADD), qpi("Delete Workspace", color=qpg.QP_COLOR_REDISH, letter=qpg.QP_NO) ] show_qp(self.window, actions, self.edit_server_actions, self.qp_placeholder()) def edit_server_actions(self, index): if index == -1: return if index == 0: if index == 1: def create_workspace(name): self.window.run_command( "codemp_create_workspace", {"workspace_id": name}) self.window.show_input_panel("New Workspace Name", "", create_workspace, None, self.edit_server) if index == 2: def delete_workspace(index): if index == -1 or index == 0: self.edit_server() # we must be careful here. here with index 1 we are selecting the correct # workspace, because the index zero in the entries is the workspace action submenu. # which is occupied by the back action. # if we add extra non workspace entries, then we must shift the index accordingly. # Do this differently? selected = self.entries[index] self.window.run_command( "codemp_delete_workspace", {"workspace_id": selected.trigger}) show_qp(self.window, self.entries, delete_workspace, self.qp_placeholder()) class QPWorkspaceBrowser(): def __init__(self, window, workspace_id, raw_input_items): self.window = window self.workspace_id = workspace_id self.raw_input_items = raw_input_items def qp_placeholder(self): return f"Browsing buffers in {self.workspace_id}" def make_entry(self, item): return qpi(item, letter="b", color=qpg.QP_COLOR_BLUISH, hint="Buffer", prefix=" ") def run(self): self.entries = [] for buffer in self.raw_input_items: self.entries.append(self.make_entry(buffer)) self.entries.insert(0, qpi("Workspace Actions", color=qpg.QP_COLOR_CYANISH, letter=qpg.QP_DETAILS, hint="Submenu", prefix=" • ")) show_qp(self.window, self.entries, self.workspace_actions, self.qp_placeholder()) def workspace_actions(self, index): if index == -1: return elif index == 0: self.edit_workspace() return bid = self.entries[index].trigger self.window.run_command( "codemp_join_buffer", { "workspace_id": self.workspace_id, "buffer_id": bid }) def edit_workspace(self): actions = [ qpi("Back", color=qpg.QP_COLOR_CYANISH, letter=qpg.QP_BACK), qpi("Leave Workspace", color=qpg.QP_COLOR_ORANGISH, letter=qpg.QP_BACK), qpi("Invite User", color=qpg.QP_COLOR_PINKISH, letter=qpg.QP_FORWARD), qpi("Create Buffer", color=qpg.QP_COLOR_GREENISH, letter=qpg.QP_ADD), qpi("Delete Buffer", color=qpg.QP_COLOR_REDISH, letter=qpg.QP_NO), qpi("Rename Buffer", color=qpg.QP_COLOR_ORANGISH, letter=qpg.QP_RENAME), ] show_qp(self.window, actions, self.edit_workspace_actions, self.qp_placeholder()) def edit_workspace_actions(self, index): if index == -1 or index == 0: self.edit_workspace() elif index == 1: self.window.run_command( "codemp_leave_workspace", {"workspace_id": self.workspace_id}) self.window.run_command( "codemp_browse_server", {}) elif index == 2: self.window.run_command( "codemp_invite_to_workspace", {"workspace_id": self.workspace_id}) elif index == 3: def create_buffer(name): self.window.run_command( "codemp_create_buffer", { "workspace_id": self.workspace_id, "buffer_id": name }) self.window.show_input_panel("New Buffer Name", "", create_buffer, None, self.edit_workspace) elif index == 4: def delete_buffer(index): if index == -1 or index == 0: self.edit_workspace() # same warning as the server browser. Check your indexed 3 times selected = self.entries[index] self.window.run_command( "codemp_delete_buffer", { "workspace_id": self.workspace_id, "buffer_id": selected.trigger }) show_qp(self.window, self.entries, delete_buffer, self.qp_placeholder()) elif index == 5: sublime.message_dialog("renaming is not yet implemented.") self.edit_workspace()