import sublime import sublime_plugin import logging from .src.client import client from listeners import TEXT_LISTENER from input_handlers import SimpleTextInput from input_handlers import ActiveWorkspacesIdList from input_handlers import BufferIdList logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Join Buffer Command class CodempJoinBufferCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def is_enabled(self): available_workspaces = client.all_workspaces(self.window) return len(available_workspaces) > 0 def run(self, workspace_id, buffer_id): # pyright: ignore[reportIncompatibleMethodOverride] # A workspace has some Buffers inside of it (filetree) # some of those you are already attached to # If already attached to it return the same alredy existing bufferctl # if existing but not attached (attach) # if not existing ask for creation (create + attach) vws = client.workspace_from_id(workspace_id) assert vws is not None # is the buffer already installed? if buffer_id in vws.codemp.buffer_list():"buffer already installed!") return # do nothing. if buffer_id not in vws.codemp.filetree(filter=buffer_id): create = sublime.ok_cancel_dialog( "There is no buffer named '{buffer_id}' in the workspace '{workspace_id}'.\n\ Do you want to create it?", ok_title="yes", title="Create Buffer?", ) if create: try: create_promise = vws.codemp.create(buffer_id) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"could not create buffer:\n\n {e}") return create_promise.wait() # now we can defer the attaching process logger.debug(f"attempting to attach to {buffer_id}...") promise = vws.codemp.attach(buffer_id) def deferred_attach(promise): try: buff_ctl = promise.wait() logger.debug("attach successfull!") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"error when attaching to buffer '{id}':\n\n {e}") sublime.error_message(f"Could not attach to buffer '{buffer_id}'") return vbuff = vws.install_buffer(buff_ctl, TEXT_LISTENER) client.register_buffer(vws, vbuff) # we need to keep track of it. # TODO! if the view is already active calling focus_view() # will not trigger the on_activate self.window.focus_view(vbuff.view) sublime.set_timeout_async(lambda: deferred_attach(promise)) def input_description(self) -> str: return "Attach: " def input(self, args): if "workspace_id" not in args: return ActiveWorkspacesIdList(self.window, buffer_list=True) if "buffer_id" not in args: return BufferIdList(args["workspace_id"]) # Leave Buffer Comand class CodempLeaveBufferCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def is_enabled(self): return len(client.all_buffers()) > 0 def run(self, workspace_id, buffer_id): # pyright: ignore[reportIncompatibleMethodOverride] vbuff = client.buffer_from_id(buffer_id) vws = client.workspace_from_id(workspace_id) if vbuff is None or vws is None: sublime.error_message(f"You are not attached to the buffer '{id}'") logging.warning(f"You are not attached to the buffer '{id}'") return def defer_detach(): if vws.codemp.detach(buffer_id): vws.uninstall_buffer(vbuff) client.unregister_buffer(vbuff) sublime.set_timeout_async(defer_detach) def input_description(self) -> str: return "Leave: " def input(self, args): if "workspace_id" not in args: return ActiveWorkspacesIdList(self.window, buffer_list=True) if "buffer_id" not in args: return BufferIdList(args["workspace_id"]) # Leave Buffer Comand class CodempCreateBufferCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def is_enabled(self): return len(client.all_workspaces(self.window)) > 0 def run(self, workspace_id, buffer_id):# pyright: ignore[reportIncompatibleMethodOverride] vws = client.workspace_from_id(workspace_id) if vws is None: sublime.error_message( f"You are not attached to the workspace '{workspace_id}'" ) logging.warning(f"You are not attached to the workspace '{workspace_id}'") return vws.codemp.create(buffer_id) "created buffer '{buffer_id}' in the workspace '{workspace_id}'.\n\ To interact with it you need to attach to it with Codemp: Attach." ) def input_description(self) -> str: return "Create Buffer: " def input(self, args): if "workspace_id" not in args: return ActiveWorkspacesIdList(self.window, buffer_text=True) if "buffer_id" not in args: return SimpleTextInput( (("buffer_id", "new buffer")), ) class CodempDeleteBufferCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def is_enabled(self): return client.codemp is not None and len(client.codemp.active_workspaces()) > 0 def run(self, workspace_id, buffer_id):# pyright: ignore[reportIncompatibleMethodOverride] vws = client.workspace_from_id(workspace_id) if vws is None: sublime.error_message( f"You are not attached to the workspace '{workspace_id}'" ) logging.warning(f"You are not attached to the workspace '{workspace_id}'") return fetch_promise = vws.codemp.fetch_buffers() delete = sublime.ok_cancel_dialog( f"Confirm you want to delete the buffer '{buffer_id}'", ok_title="delete", title="Delete Buffer?", ) if not delete: return fetch_promise.wait() existing = vws.codemp.filetree(buffer_id) if len(existing) == 0: sublime.error_message( f"The buffer '{buffer_id}' does not exists in the workspace." )"The buffer '{buffer_id}' does not exists in the workspace.") return def deferred_delete(): try: vws.codemp.delete(buffer_id).wait() except Exception as e: logging.error( f"error when deleting the buffer '{buffer_id}':\n\n {e}", True ) return vbuff = client.buffer_from_id(buffer_id) if vbuff is None: # we are not attached to it! sublime.set_timeout_async(deferred_delete) else: if vws.codemp.detach(buffer_id): vws.uninstall_buffer(vbuff) sublime.set_timeout_async(deferred_delete) else: logging.error( f"error while detaching from buffer '{buffer_id}', aborting the delete." ) return def input_description(self) -> str: return "Delete buffer: " def input(self, args): if "workspace_id" not in args: return ActiveWorkspacesIdList(self.window, buffer_list=True) if "buffer_id" not in args: return BufferIdList(args["workspace_id"])