import sublime import os import logging from asyncio import CancelledError from codemp import BufferController from Codemp.src import globals as g from Codemp.src.task_manager import rt logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # This class is used as an abstraction between the local buffers (sublime side) and the # remote buffers (codemp side), to handle the syncronicity. # This class is mainly manipulated by a VirtualWorkspace, that manages its buffers # using this abstract class class VirtualBuffer: def __init__( self, workspace_id: str, workspace_rootdir: str, remote_id: str, buffctl: BufferController, ): self.view = sublime.active_window().new_file() self.codemp_id = remote_id self.sublime_id = self.view.buffer_id() self.workspace_id = workspace_id self.workspace_rootdir = workspace_rootdir self.buffctl = buffctl self.tmpfile = os.path.join(workspace_rootdir, self.codemp_id) self.view.set_name(self.codemp_id) open(self.tmpfile, "a").close() self.view.retarget(self.tmpfile) self.view.set_scratch(True) rt.dispatch( self.apply_bufferchange_task(), f"{g.BUFFCTL_TASK_PREFIX}-{self.codemp_id}", ) # mark the view as a codemp view s = self.view.settings() self.view.set_status(g.SUBLIME_STATUS_ID, "[Codemp]") s[g.CODEMP_BUFFER_TAG] = True s[g.CODEMP_REMOTE_ID] = self.codemp_id s[g.CODEMP_WORKSPACE_ID] = self.workspace_id def cleanup(self): os.remove(self.tmpfile) # cleanup views s = self.view.settings() del s[g.CODEMP_BUFFER_TAG] del s[g.CODEMP_REMOTE_ID] del s[g.CODEMP_WORKSPACE_ID] self.view.erase_status(g.SUBLIME_STATUS_ID) rt.stop_task(f"{g.BUFFCTL_TASK_PREFIX}-{self.codemp_id}")"cleaning up virtual buffer '{self.codemp_id}'") async def apply_bufferchange_task(self): logger.debug(f"spinning up '{self.codemp_id}' buffer worker...") try: while text_change := await self.buffctl.recv(): change_id = self.view.change_id() if text_change.is_empty(): logger.debug("change is empty. skipping.") continue # In case a change arrives to a background buffer, just apply it. # We are not listening on it. Otherwise, interrupt the listening # to avoid echoing back the change just received. if == g.ACTIVE_CODEMP_VIEW: self.view.settings()[g.CODEMP_IGNORE_NEXT_TEXT_CHANGE] = True # we need to go through a sublime text command, since the method, # view.replace needs an edit token, that is obtained only when calling # a textcommand associated with a view. self.view.run_command( "codemp_replace_text", { "start": text_change.start, "end": text_change.end, "content": text_change.content, "change_id": change_id, }, # pyright: ignore ) except CancelledError: logger.debug(f"'{self.codemp_id}' buffer worker stopped...") raise except Exception as e: logger.error(f"buffer worker '{self.codemp_id}' crashed:\n{e}") raise def send_buffer_change(self, changes): # we do not do any index checking, and trust sublime with providing the correct # sequential indexing, assuming the changes are applied in the order they are received. for change in changes: region = sublime.Region(, logger.debug( "sending txt change: Reg({} {}) -> '{}'".format( region.begin(), region.end(), change.str ) ) self.buffctl.send(region.begin(), region.end(), change.str) def send_cursor(self, vws): # pyright: ignore # noqa: F821 # TODO: only the last placed cursor/selection. # status_log(f"sending cursor position in workspace: {}") region = self.view.sel()[0] start = self.view.rowcol(region.begin()) # only counts UTF8 chars end = self.view.rowcol(region.end()) vws.curctl.send(self.codemp_id, start, end)