import sublime import sublime_plugin import logging import os from ..core.session import session from ..core.workspace import workspaces from ..core.buffers import buffers from ..text_listener import TEXT_LISTENER from ..utils import some from ..input_handlers import SimpleListInput, SimpleTextInput logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Join Buffer Command class CodempJoinBufferCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def is_enabled(self): return len(workspaces.lookup(self.window)) > 0 def input_description(self) -> str: return "Join Buffer: " def input(self, args): for name in ["workspace_id", "buffer_id"]: if name not in args: if name == "workspace_id": wslist = session.client.active_workspaces() return SimpleListInput( ("workspace_id", wslist), ) if name == "buffer_id": try: ws = workspaces.lookupId(args["workspace_id"]) except KeyError: sublime.error_message("Workspace does not exists or is not active.") return None bflist = ws.handle.fetch_buffers().wait() if bflist: return SimpleListInput( ("buffer_id", bflist) ) else: sublime.error_message("Workspace does not have any buffers inside.") return None def run(self, workspace_id, buffer_id): # pyright: ignore[reportIncompatibleMethodOverride] if not buffer_id: return try: vws = workspaces.lookupId(workspace_id) except KeyError: logger.error(f"Can't create buffer: '{workspace_id}' does not exists or is not active.") return try: # if it exists already, focus and listen buff = buffers.lookupId(buffer_id) self.window.focus_view(buff.view) return except KeyError: pass logger.debug(f"attempting to attach to {buffer_id}...") def _(): vbuff = some(buffers.register(buffer_id, vws)) vbuff.sync(TEXT_LISTENER) sublime.set_timeout_async(_) # Leave Buffer Comand class CodempLeaveBufferCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def is_enabled(self): return len(buffers.lookup()) > 0 def input_description(self) -> str: return "Leave: " def input(self, args): if "buffer_id" not in args: return SimpleListInput( ("buffer_id", [ for bf in buffers.lookup()]) ) def run(self, buffer_id): # pyright: ignore[reportIncompatibleMethodOverride] if buffer_id not in buffers: logger.warning(f"The buffer was already removed: '{buffer_id}'") return # The call must happen separately, otherwise it causes sublime to crash... # no idea why... sublime.set_timeout(lambda: buffers.remove(buffer_id), 10) class CodempShareLocalBufferCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def is_enabled(self) -> bool: return workspaces.hasactive() def input_description(self) -> str: return "Share to workspace:" def input(self, args): if "workspace_id" not in args: return SimpleListInput( ("workspace_id", session.client.active_workspaces()) ) def run(self, workspace_id: str): # get the current active window # compute the buffer name: # just the name is alone, # the relative path if in a project # check existance: # if existing, ask for overwrite, and beam stuff up # if not, create and then beam stuff up. view = self.window.active_view() if view: self.wid = workspace_id self.make_buffer_id(view) def make_buffer_id(self, view: sublime.View): # if file_name is nothing, then the buffer is not saved to disk, # and only has a name. isephimeral = view.file_name() is None if isephimeral: tmpbid = # ask for confirmation of the buffer name. self.window.show_input_panel("Share with name:", tmpbid, lambda str: self.check_validity_and_share(str, view), view.set_name, lambda: view.set_name(tmpbid)) return windowhasproject = self.window.project_data() is not None tmpbid = str(view.file_name()) if not windowhasproject: self.check_validity_and_share(os.path.basename(tmpbid), view) return projectfolders = self.window.project_data().get("folders") #pyright: ignore if not projectfolders: self.check_validity_and_share(os.path.basename(tmpbid), view) return projpaths = [f['path'] for f in projectfolders] for projpath in projpaths: if os.path.commonpath([projpath]) == os.path.commonpath([projpath, tmpbid]): bid = os.path.relpath(tmpbid, projpath) self.check_validity_and_share(bid, view) return def check_validity_and_share(self, bid, view): vws = workspaces.lookupId(self.wid) if bid in buffers: # we are already attached and the buffer exists. Simply send # the current contents to the remote. bfm = buffers.lookupId(bid) bfm.overwrite(TEXT_LISTENER) return allbuffers = vws.handle.fetch_buffers().wait() if bid not in allbuffers: # in the future make this creation ephimeral. self.window.run_command("codemp_create_buffer", { "workspace_id": self.wid, "buffer_id": bid }) def _(): vbuff = some(buffers.register(bid, vws, localview=view)) vbuff.overwrite(TEXT_LISTENER) sublime.set_timeout_async(_) # Leave Buffer Comand class CodempCreateBufferCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def is_enabled(self): return workspaces.hasactive() def run(self, workspace_id, buffer_id):# pyright: ignore[reportIncompatibleMethodOverride] try: vws = workspaces.lookupId(workspace_id) except KeyError: sublime.error_message(f"You are not attached to the workspace '{workspace_id}'") logger.warning(f"You are not attached to the workspace '{workspace_id}'") return vws.handle.create_buffer(buffer_id).wait() f"created buffer '{buffer_id}' in the workspace '{workspace_id}'.\n\ To interact with it you need to attach to it with Codemp: Attach." ) class CodempDeleteBufferCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def is_enabled(self): return len(workspaces.lookup()) > 0 def run(self, workspace_id, buffer_id):# pyright: ignore[reportIncompatibleMethodOverride] try: vws = workspaces.lookupId(workspace_id) except KeyError: sublime.error_message(f"You are not attached to the workspace {workspace_id}") logger.warning(f"You are not attached to the workspace {workspace_id}") return if buffer_id in buffers: if not sublime.ok_cancel_dialog( f"You are currently attached to '{buffer_id}'.\n\ Do you want to detach and delete it?", ok_title="yes", title="Delete Buffer?", ): return self.window.run_command( "codemp_leave_buffer", {"buffer_id": buffer_id }) else: if not sublime.ok_cancel_dialog( f"Confirm you want to delete the buffer '{buffer_id}'", ok_title="delete", title="Delete Buffer?", ): return vws.handle.delete_buffer(buffer_id).wait()