from __future__ import annotations from typing import Optional, Callable import sublime import sublime_plugin import Codemp.ext.sublime_asyncio as sublime_asyncio import asyncio # noqa: F401 import typing # noqa: F401 import tempfile import os from Codemp.bindings.codemp_client import codemp_init, PyCursorEvent, PyTextChange, PyId # Some utility functions def status_log(msg): sublime.status_message("[codemp] {}".format(msg)) print("[codemp] {}".format(msg)) def rowcol_to_region(view, start, end): a = view.text_point(start[0], start[1]) b = view.text_point(end[0], end[1]) return sublime.Region(a, b) def is_active(view): if view.window().active_view() == view: return True return False def safe_listener_detach(txt_listener): if txt_listener.is_attached(): txt_listener.detach() ############################################################################### # This class is used as an abstraction between the local buffers (sublime side) and the # remote buffers (codemp side), to handle the syncronicity. # This class is mainly manipulated by a VirtualWorkspace, that manages its buffers # using this abstract class class VirtualBuffer: def __init__( self, view: sublime.View, remote_id: str, workspace: VirtualWorkspace, buffctl: BufferController, ): self.view = view self.codemp_id = remote_id self.sublime_id = view.buffer_id() self.worker_task_name = "buffer-worker-{}".format(self.codemp_id) self.workspace = workspace self.buffctl = buffctl self.tmpfile = os.path.join(workspace.rootdir, self.codemp_id) self.view.set_name(self.codemp_id) open(self.tmpfile, "a").close() self.view.retarget(self.tmpfile) self.view.set_scratch(True) # mark the view as a codemp view self.view.set_status("z_codemp_buffer", "[Codemp]") self.view.settings()["codemp_buffer"] = True # # start the buffer worker that waits for text_changes in the worker thread # sublime_asyncio.dispatch( # self.apply_buffer_change_task(), store_task(self.worker_task_name) # ) def cleanup(self): os.remove(self.tmpfile) # cleanup views del self.view.settings()["codemp_buffer"] self.view.erase_status("z_codemp_buffer") self.view.erase_regions("codemp_cursors") # the text listener should be detached by the event listener # on close and on_deactivated events. # A virtual workspace is a bridge class that aims to translate # events that happen to the codemp workspaces into sublime actions class VirtualWorkspace: def __init__(self, client: VirtualClient, workspace_id: str, handle: Workspace): = workspace_id self.sublime_window = sublime.active_window() self.client = client self.handle = handle self.curctl = handle.cursor() self.active_buffers: list[VirtualBuffer] = [] # REMEMBER TO DELETE THE TEMP STUFF! # initialise the virtual filesystem tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="codemp_") status_log("setting up virtual fs for workspace in: {} ".format(tmpdir)) self.rootdir = tmpdir # and add a new "project folder" proj_data = self.sublime_window.project_data() if proj_data is None: proj_data = {"folders": []} proj_data["folders"].append( {"name": "CODEMP::" + workspace_id, "path": self.rootdir} ) self.sublime_window.set_project_data(proj_data) # start the event listener? def cleanup(self): # the worskpace only cares about closing the various open views on its buffers. # the event listener calls the cleanup code for each buffer independently on its own. for vbuff in self.active_buffers: vbuff.view.close() d = self.sublime_window.project_data() newf = filter(lambda F: not F["name"].startwith("CODEMP::"), d["folders"]) d["folders"] = newf self.sublime_window.set_project_data(d) os.removedirs(self.rootdir) def get_virtual_by_local(self, id: str) -> Optional[VirtualBuffer]: return next( (vbuff for vbuff in self.active_buffers if vbuff.sublime_id == id), None ) def get_virtual_by_remote(self, id: str) -> Optional[VirtualBuffer]: return next( (vbuff for vbuff in self.active_buffers if vbuff.codemp_id == id), None ) async def attach(self, id: str): if id is None: status_log("can't attach if buffer does not exist, aborting.") return await self.handle.fetch_buffers() existing_buffers = self.handle.filetree() if id not in existing_buffers: try: await self.handle.create(id) except Exception as e: status_log(f"could not create buffer: {e}") return try: buff_ctl = await self.handle.attach(id) except Exception as e: status_log(f"error when attaching to buffer '{id}': {e}") return # REMEMBER TO DEAL WITH DELETING THESE THINGS! view = self.sublime_window.new_file() vbuff = VirtualBuffer(view, id, self, buff_ctl) self.active_buffers.append(vbuff) self.client.spawn_buffer_manager(vbuff) # if the view is already active calling focus_view() will not trigger the on_activate() self.sublime_window.focus_view(view) class VirtualClient: def __init__(self, on_exit: Callable = None): self.handle: Client = Client() self.workspaces: list[VirtualWorkspace] = [] self.active_workspace: VirtualWorkspace = None = TaskManager(on_exit) self.change_clock = 0 def make_active(self, ws: VirtualWorkspace): # TODO: Logic to deal with swapping to and from workspaces, # what happens to the cursor tasks etc.. if self.active_workspace is not None:"move-cursor-{}") self.active_workspace = ws self.spawn_cursor_manager(ws) def get_virtual_local(self, id: str) -> Optional[VirtualWorkspace]: # get's the workspace that contains a buffer next( ( vws for vws in self.workspaces if vws.get_virtual_by_local(id) is not None ), None, ) def get_virtual_remote(self, id: str) -> Optional[VirtualWorkspace]: # get's the workspace that contains a buffer next( ( vws for vws in self.workspaces if vws.get_virtual_by_remote(id) is not None ), None, ) async def connect(self, server_host: str): status_log(f"Connecting to {server_host}") try: await self.handle.connect(server_host) except Exception: sublime.error_message("Could not connect:\n Make sure the server is up.") return id = await self.handle.user_id() print(f"TEST: {id}") async def join_workspace( self, workspace_id: str, user="sublime", password="lmaodefaultpassword" ): try: status_log(f"Logging into workspace: '{workspace_id}'") await self.handle.login(user, password, workspace_id) except Exception as e: sublime.error_message(f"Failed to login to workspace '{workspace_id}': {e}") return try: status_log(f"Joining workspace: '{workspace_id}'") workspace_handle = await self.handle.join_workspace(workspace_id) except Exception as e: sublime.error_message(f"Could not join workspace '{workspace_id}': {e}") return print( # here we should also start the workspace event watcher task vws = VirtualWorkspace(self, workspace_id, workspace_handle) self.make_active(vws) self.workspaces.append(vws) def spawn_cursor_manager(self, virtual_workspace: VirtualWorkspace): async def move_cursor_task(vws): global _regions_colors global _palette status_log(f"spinning up cursor worker for workspace '{}'...") # TODO: make the matching user/color more solid. now all users have one color cursor. # Maybe make all cursors the same color and only use annotations as a discriminant. # idea: use a user id hash map that maps to a color. try: while cursor_event := await vws.curctl.recv(): vbuff = vws.get_virtual_by_remote(cursor_event.buffer) if vbuff is None: status_log( f"Received a cursor event for an unknown or inactive buffer: {cursor_event.buffer}" ) continue reg = rowcol_to_region( vbuff.view, cursor_event.start, cursor_event.end ) reg_flags = sublime.RegionFlags.DRAW_EMPTY # show cursors. user_hash = hash(cursor_event.user) vbuff.view.add_regions( f"codemp-cursors-{user_hash}", [reg], flags=reg_flags, scope=_regions_colors[user_hash % len(_regions_colors)], annotations=[cursor_event.user], annotation_color=_palette[user_hash % len(_palette)], ) except asyncio.CancelledError: status_log(f"cursor worker for '{}' stopped...") return move_cursor_task(virtual_workspace), f"cursor-ctl-{}" ) def send_cursor(self, vbuff: VirtualBuffer): # TODO: only the last placed cursor/selection. status_log(f"sending cursor position in workspace: {}") region = vbuff.view.sel()[0] start = vbuff.view.rowcol(region.begin()) # only counts UTF8 chars end = vbuff.view.rowcol(region.end()) vbuff.workspace.curctl.send(vbuff.codemp_id, start, end) def spawn_buffer_manager(self, vbuff: VirtualBuffer): status_log("spawning buffer manager") async def apply_buffer_change_task(vb): status_log(f"spinning up '{vb.codemp_id}' buffer worker...") try: while text_change := await vb.buffctl.recv(): # In case a change arrives to a background buffer, just apply it. # We are not listening on it. Otherwise, interrupt the listening # to avoid echoing back the change just received. if text_change.is_empty(): status_log("change is empty. skipping.") continue vb.view.settings()[ "codemp_ignore_next_on_modified_text_event" ] = True # we need to go through a sublime text command, since the method, # view.replace needs an edit token, that is obtained only when calling # a textcommand associated with a view. vb.view.run_command( "codemp_replace_text", { "start": text_change.start_incl, "end": text_change.end_excl, "content": text_change.content, "change_id": vb.view.change_id(), }, ) except asyncio.CancelledError: status_log("'{}' buffer worker stopped...".format(vb.codemp_id)) apply_buffer_change_task(vbuff), f"buffer-ctl-{vbuff.codemp_id}" ) def send_buffer_change(self, changes, vbuff: VirtualBuffer): # we do not do any index checking, and trust sublime with providing the correct # sequential indexing, assuming the changes are applied in the order they are received. for change in changes: region = sublime.Region(, status_log( "sending txt change: Reg({} {}) -> '{}'".format( region.begin(), region.end(), change.str ) ) vbuff.buffctl.send(region.begin(), region.end(), change.str) class TaskManager: def __init__(self, exit_handler): self.tasks = [] self.exit_handler_id = sublime_asyncio.acquire(exit_handler) def release(self, at_exit): sublime_asyncio.release(at_exit, self.exit_handler_id) def dispatch(self, coro, name): sublime_asyncio.dispatch(coro, self.store_named_lambda(name)) def sync(self, coro): sublime_asyncio.sync(coro) def store(self, task): self.tasks.append(task) def store_named(self, task, name=None): task.set_name(name) def store_named_lambda(self, name): def _store(task): task.set_name(name) return _store def get_task(self, name) -> Optional: return next((t for t in self.tasks if t.get_name() == name), None) def get_task_idx(self, name) -> Optional: return next( (i for (i, t) in enumerate(self.tasks) if t.get_name() == name), None ) def pop_task(self, name) -> Optional: idx = self.get_task_idx(name) if id is not None: return self.task.pop(idx) return None def stop(self, name): t = self.get_task(name) if t is not None: t.cancel() def stop_and_pop(self, name) -> Optional: idx, task = next( ((i, t) for (i, t) in enumerate(self.tasks) if t.get_name() == name), (None, None), ) if idx is not None: task.cancel() return self.tasks.pop(idx) def stop_all(self): for task in self.tasks: task.cancel() ###################################################################################### # These are helper wrappers, that wrap the coroutines returned from the # pyo3 bindings into usable awaitable functions. # These should not be directly extended but rather use the higher level "virtual" counterparts above. # All methods, without an explicit 'noexcept' are to be treated as failable # and can throw an error class CursorController: def __init__(self, handle) -> None: # noexcept self.handle = handle def send(self, path: str, start: tuple[int, int], end: tuple[int, int]) -> None: self.handle.send(path, start, end) def try_recv(self) -> Optional[PyCursorEvent]: return self.handle.try_recv() async def recv(self) -> PyCursorEvent: return await self.handle.recv() async def poll(self) -> None: # await until new cursor event, then returns return await self.handle.poll() class BufferController: def __init__(self, handle) -> None: # noexcept self.handle = handle def send(self, start: int, end: int, txt: str) -> None: self.handle.send(start, end, txt) def try_recv(self) -> Optional[PyTextChange]: return self.handle.try_recv() async def recv(self) -> PyTextChange: return await self.handle.recv() async def poll(self) -> None: return await self.handle.poll() class Workspace: def __init__(self, handle) -> None: # noexcept self.handle = handle async def create(self, path: str) -> None: await self.handle.create(path) async def attach(self, path: str) -> BufferController: return BufferController(await self.handle.attach(path)) async def fetch_buffers(self) -> None: await self.handle.fetch_buffers() async def fetch_users(self) -> None: await self.handle.fetch_users() async def list_buffer_users(self, path: str) -> list[PyId]: return await self.handle.list_buffer_users(path) async def delete(self, path) -> None: await self.handle.delete(path) def id(self) -> str: # noexcept return def cursor(self) -> CursorController: return CursorController(self.handle.cursor()) def buffer_by_name(self, path) -> BufferController: return BufferController(self.handle.buffer_by_name(path)) def filetree(self) -> list[str]: # noexcept return self.handle.filetree() class Client: def __init__(self) -> None: self.handle = codemp_init() async def connect(self, server_host: str) -> None: await self.handle.connect(server_host) async def login(self, user: str, password: str, workspace: Optional[str]) -> None: await self.handle.login(user, password, workspace) async def join_workspace(self, workspace: str) -> Workspace: return Workspace(await self.handle.join_workspace(workspace)) async def get_workspace(self, id: str) -> Optional[Workspace]: return Workspace(await self.handle.get_workspace(id)) async def user_id(self) -> str: return await self.handle.user_id()