import sublime import sublime_plugin # import Codemp.codemp_client as codemp from Codemp.src.codemp_client import * import Codemp.ext.sublime_asyncio as sublime_asyncio import asyncio import time # UGLYYYY, find a way to not have global variables laying around. _tasks = [] _client = CodempClient() _cursor_controller = None _op_controller = None _setting_key = "codemp_buffer" def store_task(name = None): def store_named_task(task): global _tasks task.set_name(name) _tasks.append(task) return store_named_task def plugin_loaded(): sublime_asyncio.acquire() # instantiate and start a global event loop. class CodempClientViewEventListener(sublime_plugin.ViewEventListener): @classmethod def is_applicable(cls, settings): return "codemp_buffer" in settings def on_selection_modified_async(self): global _cursor_controller if _cursor_controller: sublime_asyncio.dispatch(send_selection(self.view)) def on_close(self): self.view.settings()["codemp_buffer"] = False class CodempClientTextChangeListener(sublime_plugin.TextChangeListener): @classmethod def is_applicable(cls, buffer): for view in buffer.views(): if "codemp_buffer" in view.settings(): return True return False def on_text_changed(self, changes): global _op_controller if _op_controller: for change in changes: sublime_asyncio.dispatch(apply_changes(change)) async def apply_changes(change): global _op_controller text = change.str skip = if change.len_utf8 == 0: # we are inserting new text. tail = len(_op_controller.get_content()) - skip else: # we are changing an existing region of text of length len_utf8 tail = len(_op_controller.get_content()) - skip - change.len_utf8 tail_skip = len(_op_controller.get_content()) - tail print("[buff change]", skip, text, tail_skip) await _op_controller.apply(skip, text, tail) async def make_connection(server_host): global _client if _client.ready: sublime.message_dialog("A connection already exists.") return sublime.status_message("[codemp] Connecting to {}".format(server_host)) print("[codemp] Connecting to {}".format(server_host)) await _client.connect(server_host) id = await _client.get_id() sublime.status_message("[codemp] Connected with client ID: {}".format(id)) print("[codemp] Connected with client ID: ", id) async def move_cursor(usr, caller, path, start, end): print(usr, caller, start, end) async def sync_buffer(caller, start, end, txt): print("[buffer]", caller, start, end, txt) async def share_buffer(buffer): global _client global _cursor_controller global _op_controller if not _client.ready: sublime.error_message("No connected client.") return sublime.status_message("[codemp] Sharing buffer {}".format(buffer)) print("[codemp] Sharing buffer {}".format(buffer)) view = get_matching_view(buffer) contents = get_contents(view) created = await _client.create(view.file_name(), contents) if not created: sublime.error_message("Could not share buffer.") return _op_controller = await _client.attach(buffer) _op_controller.callback(sync_buffer, _cursor_controller = await _client.listen() _cursor_controller.callback(move_cursor, if not _cursor_controller: sublime.error_message("Could not subsribe a listener.") return if not _op_controller: sublime.error_message("Could not attach to the buffer.") return sublime.status_message("[codemp] Listening") print("[codemp] Listening") view.settings()["codemp_buffer"] = True async def join_buffer(window, buffer): global _client global _cursor_controller global _op_controller if not _client.ready: sublime.error_message("No connected client.") return view = get_matching_view(buffer) sublime.status_message("[codemp] Joining buffer {}".format(buffer)) print("[codemp] Joining buffer {}".format(buffer)) _op_controller = await _client.attach(buffer) content = _op_controller.get_content() view.run_command("codemp_replace_view", {"content": content}) _cursor_controller = await _client.listen() _cursor_controller.callback(move_cursor) if not _cursor_controller: sublime.error_message("Could not subsribe a listener.") return if not _op_controller: sublime.error_message("Could not attach to the buffer.") return sublime.status_message("[codemp] Listening") print("[codemp] Listening") view.settings()["codemp_buffer"] = True async def send_selection(view): global _cursor_controller path = view.file_name() region = view.sel()[0] # TODO: only the last placed cursor/selection. start = view.rowcol(region.begin()) #only counts UTF8 chars end = view.rowcol(region.end()) await _cursor_controller.send(path, start, end) def get_contents(view): r = sublime.Region(0, view.size()) return view.substr(r) def get_matching_view(path): for window in for view in window.views(): if view.file_name() == path: return view # See the proxy command class at the bottom class CodempConnectCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def run(self, server_host): sublime_asyncio.dispatch(make_connection(server_host)) # see proxy command at the bottom class CodempShareCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def run(self, buffer): sublime_asyncio.dispatch(share_buffer(buffer)) # see proxy command at the bottom class CodempJoinCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def run(self, buffer): sublime_asyncio.dispatch(join_buffer(self.window, buffer)) class CodempPopulateView(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): def run(self, edit, content): self.view.replace(edit, sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()), content) class ProxyCodempConnectCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): # on_window_command, does not trigger when called from the command palette # See: def run(self, **kwargs): self.window.run_command("codemp_connect", kwargs) def input(self, args): if 'server_host' not in args: return ServerHostInputHandler() def input_description(self): return 'Server host:' class ProxyCodempShareCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): # on_window_command, does not trigger when called from the command palette # See: def run(self, **kwargs): self.window.run_command("codemp_share", kwargs) def input(self, args): if 'buffer' not in args: return BufferInputHandler() def input_description(self): return 'Share Buffer:' class ProxyCodempJoinCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): # on_window_command, does not trigger when called from the command palette # See: def run(self, **kwargs): self.window.run_command("codemp_join", kwargs) def input(self, args): if 'buffer' not in args: return BufferInputHandler() def input_description(self): return 'Join Buffer:' class BufferInputHandler(sublime_plugin.ListInputHandler): def list_items(self): ret_list = [] for window in for view in window.views(): if view.file_name(): ret_list.append(view.file_name()) return ret_list class ServerHostInputHandler(sublime_plugin.TextInputHandler): def initial_text(self): return "http://[::1]:50051"