import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import * as codemp from '@codemp/codemp'; // TODO why won't it work with a custom name??? import * as mapping from "./mapping"; import { LOGGER } from './extension'; let CACHE = new codemp.OpCache(); let MAPPINGS = new mapping.BufferMappingContainer(); let smallNumberDecorationType = vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({}); let client : codemp.Client | null = null; let workspace : codemp.Workspace | null = null; let username : string; export async function connect(){ let username = await vscode.window.showInputBox({prompt: "enter username"}); if(username===null) throw "choose an username"; client = await codemp.connect("", username!, "lmaodefaultpassword"); } export async function join() { let workspace_id = await vscode.window.showInputBox({prompt: "workspace to attach (default to default)"}); //let editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor; if (workspace_id === undefined) return // user cancelled with ESC if (workspace_id.length == 0) workspace_id = "asd" if(client===null) throw "connect first"; workspace = await client.join_workspace(workspace_id) let controller = workspace.cursor(); controller.callback((event: codemp.Cursor) => { let range_start : vscode.Position = new vscode.Position(event.startRow , event.startCol); // -1? let range_end : vscode.Position = new vscode.Position(event.endRow, event.endCol); // -1? idk if this works it's kinda funny, should test with someone with a working version of codemp const decorationRange = new vscode.Range(range_start, range_end); smallNumberDecorationType.dispose(); smallNumberDecorationType = vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({ borderWidth: '5px', borderStyle: 'solid', overviewRulerColor: 'blue', overviewRulerLane: vscode.OverviewRulerLane.Right, light: { // this color will be used in light color themes borderColor: 'darkblue' //should create this color based on event.user (uuid) }, dark: { // this color will be used in dark color themes borderColor: 'lightblue' //should create this color based on event.user (uuid) } }); let m = MAPPINGS.get_by_buffer(event.buffer); if (m===null) return; m.editor.setDecorations(smallNumberDecorationType, [decorationRange]); }); vscode.window.onDidChangeTextEditorSelection((event: vscode.TextEditorSelectionChangeEvent) => { if (event.kind == vscode.TextEditorSelectionChangeKind.Command) return; // TODO commands might move cursor too let buf = event.textEditor.document.uri; let selection : vscode.Selection = event.selections[0] // TODO there may be more than one cursor!! let anchor : [number, number] = [selection.anchor.line, selection.anchor.character]; let position : [number, number] = [,]; let n = MAPPINGS.get_by_editor(buf) if (n===null) return; let cursor : codemp.Cursor = { startRow: selection.anchor.line, startCol: selection.anchor.character, endRow:, endCol:, buffer: n.buffer.get_name(), user: username } controller.send(cursor); }); console.log("workspace id \n"); console.log(; vscode.window.showInformationMessage(`Connected to workspace @[${workspace}]`); } export async function createBuffer() { let bufferName : any = (await vscode.window.showInputBox({prompt: "path of the buffer to create"}))!; if(workspace===null) throw "join a workspace first" workspace.create(bufferName); console.log("new buffer created ", bufferName, "\n"); } export async function attach() { let buffer_name : any = (await vscode.window.showInputBox({prompt: "buffer to attach to"}))!; if(workspace===null) throw "join a workspace first" let buffer : codemp.BufferController = await workspace.attach(buffer_name); console.log("attached to buffer", buffer_name); console.log("buffer", buffer); let editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor; if (editor === undefined) { let fileUri = buffer_name; let random = (Math.random() + 1).toString(36).substring(2); const fileName = ''+ random ; //const newFileUri = vscode.Uri.file(fileName).with({ scheme: 'untitled', path: fileName }); //Create a document not a file so it's temp and it doesn't get saved const newFileUri = vscode.Uri.file(fileName).with({ scheme: 'untitled', path: "" }); //vscode.workspace.openTextDocument() await vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(newFileUri); vscode.commands.executeCommand('', newFileUri); //It should already be opened with the api command above idk why i do this? //vscode.window.showInformationMessage(`Open a file first`); //return; } editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor!; //console.log("Buffer = ", buffer, "\n"); vscode.window.showInformationMessage(`Connected to codemp workspace buffer @[${buffer_name}]`); let file_uri : vscode.Uri = editor.document.uri; MAPPINGS.put(new mapping.BufferMapping(buffer, editor)); vscode.workspace.onDidChangeTextDocument((event:vscode.TextDocumentChangeEvent) => { if (event.document.uri != file_uri) return; // ? for (let change of event.contentChanges) { if (CACHE.get(buffer_name, change.rangeOffset, change.text, change.rangeOffset + change.rangeLength)) continue;`onDidChangeTextDocument(event: [${change.rangeOffset}, ${change.text}, ${change.rangeOffset + change.rangeLength}])`); buffer.send({ start: change.rangeOffset, end: change.rangeOffset+change.rangeLength, content: change.text }); } }); buffer.callback((event: codemp.TextChange) => {`buffer.callback(event: [${event.start}, ${event.content}, ${event.end}])`) CACHE.put(buffer_name, event.start, event.content, event.end); if (editor === undefined) { throw "Open an editor first" } let range = new vscode.Range( editor.document.positionAt(event.start), editor.document.positionAt(event.end) ) editor.edit(editBuilder => { editBuilder .replace(range, event.content) }); }); } /*export async function disconnectBuffer() { TODO i should just set buffer=null let buffer : string = (await vscode.window.showInputBox({prompt: "buffer name for the file to disconnect from"}))!; codemp.disconnectBuffer(buffer); vscode.window.showInformationMessage(`Disconnected from codemp workspace buffer @[${buffer}]`); }*/ export async function sync() { if(workspace===null) throw "join a workspace first"; let editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor; if (editor === undefined) throw "no active editor to sync"; let k = MAPPINGS.get_by_editor(editor.document.uri); if(k === null) throw "No such buffer managed by codemp" let buffer = workspace.buffer_by_name(k.buffer.get_name()); if (buffer==null) throw "This buffer does not exist anymore"; let content = await buffer.content(); let doc_len = editor.document.getText().length; let range = new vscode.Range( editor.document.positionAt(0), editor.document.positionAt(doc_len) ); CACHE.put(k.buffer.get_name(), 0, content, doc_len); editor.edit(editBuilder => editBuilder.replace(range, content)); } export async function listBuffers(){ if(workspace===null) throw "join a workspace first" let buffers = workspace.filetree(); console.log(buffers); // improve UX } // This method is called when your extension is deactivated export function deactivate() { //Maybe i should disconnect from every workspace and buffer ??? // TODO } export function printOpCache() { console.log("CACHE\n"); console.log(CACHE.toString()); }