use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering}; use std::{sync::Arc, collections::VecDeque}; use operational_transform::OperationSeq; use tokio::sync::{watch, mpsc, broadcast, Mutex}; use tonic::transport::Channel; use tonic::{async_trait, Streaming}; use crate::errors::IgnorableError; use crate::proto::{OperationRequest, RawOp}; use crate::proto::buffer_client::BufferClient; use crate::api::ControllerWorker; use super::TextChange; use super::controller::BufferController; use super::factory::{leading_noop, tailing_noop}; pub(crate) struct BufferControllerWorker { uid: String, content: watch::Sender, operations: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, stream: Arc>, receiver: watch::Receiver, sender: mpsc::UnboundedSender, buffer: String, path: String, stop: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<()>, stop_control: mpsc::UnboundedSender<()>, operation_tick: Arc, } impl BufferControllerWorker { pub fn new(uid: String, buffer: &str, path: &str) -> Self { let (txt_tx, txt_rx) = watch::channel(buffer.to_string()); let (op_tx, op_rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let (s_tx, _s_rx) = broadcast::channel(64); let (end_tx, end_rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); BufferControllerWorker { uid, content: txt_tx, operations: op_rx, stream: Arc::new(s_tx), receiver: txt_rx, sender: op_tx, buffer: buffer.to_string(), path: path.to_string(), stop: end_rx, stop_control: end_tx, operation_tick: Arc::new(AtomicU64::new(0)), } } } #[async_trait] impl ControllerWorker for BufferControllerWorker { type Controller = BufferController; type Tx = BufferClient; type Rx = Streaming; fn subscribe(&self) -> BufferController { BufferController::new( self.receiver.clone(), self.sender.clone(), Mutex::new(, self.stop_control.clone(), self.operation_tick.clone(), ) } async fn work(mut self, mut tx: Self::Tx, mut rx: Self::Rx) { let mut clientside : VecDeque = VecDeque::new(); let mut serverside : VecDeque = VecDeque::new(); let mut last_seen_tick = 0; loop { // block until one of these is ready tokio::select! { // received a new message from server (or an error) res = rx.message() => { match res { Err(e) => return tracing::error!("error receiving op from server: {}", e), Ok(None) => return tracing::warn!("server closed operation stream"), Ok(Some(msg)) => serverside.push_back( serde_json::from_str(&msg.opseq) .expect("could not deserialize server opseq") ), } }, // received a new operation from client (or channel got closed) res = self.operations.recv() => { match res { None => return tracing::warn!("client closed operation stream"), Some(op) => { clientside.push_back(op.clone()); last_seen_tick = self.operation_tick.load(Ordering::Acquire); } } }, // received a stop request (or channel got closed) res = self.stop.recv() => { match res { None => return tracing::warn!("stop channel closed, stopping worker"), Some(()) => return tracing::debug!("buffer worker stopping cleanly"), } } } // we must give priority to operations received from remote server, because we can transform // our ops with server's ops but server won't transform its ops with ours. We must transform // ALL enqueued client ops: if a new one arrived before we could transform and update, we // should discard our progress and poll again. while let Some(operation) = serverside.get(0).cloned() { let mut transformed_op = operation.clone(); let mut queued_ops = clientside.clone(); let mut txt_before = self.buffer.clone(); for op in queued_ops.iter_mut() { txt_before = match op.apply(&txt_before) { Ok(x) => x, Err(_) => { tracing::error!("could not apply outgoing enqueued opseq to current buffer?"); break; }, }; (*op, transformed_op) = match op.transform(&transformed_op) { Err(e) => { tracing::warn!("could not transform enqueued operation: {}", e); break; }, Ok((x, y)) => (x, y), }; } let skip = leading_noop(transformed_op.ops()) as usize; let tail = tailing_noop(transformed_op.ops()) as usize; let span = skip..(transformed_op.base_len() - tail); let after = transformed_op.apply(&txt_before).expect("could not apply transformed op"); let change = TextChange { span, content: after[skip..after.len()-tail].to_string() }; let tick = self.operation_tick.load(std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Acquire); if tick != last_seen_tick { tracing::warn!("skipping downstream because there are ops"); break } // there are more ops to see first clientside = queued_ops; self.buffer = match operation.apply(&self.buffer) { Ok(x) => x, Err(_) => { tracing::error!("wtf received op could not be applied?"); break; }, }; if clientside.is_empty() { self.content.send(self.buffer.clone()).expect("could not broadcast new buffer content"); } .unwrap_or_warn("could not send operation to server"); serverside.pop_front(); } // if there are still serverside operations to be applied, we can't dispatch our local ones // yet because we need them to transform the ones sent by the server before applying them on // our local buffer. We may get here if a new local operation arrived before we could process // and transform all received server ops. since the buffer is different, it isn't safe to // apply them and we must transform them again. If the loop above left its queue not empty, // we should be guaranteed to unblock immediately in the select above because we have a new // client operation waiting for us to be enqueued if serverside.is_empty() { while let Some(op) = clientside.get(0) { let opseq = serde_json::to_string(&op).expect("could not serialize opseq"); let req = OperationRequest { path: self.path.clone(), hash: format!("{:x}", md5::compute(&self.buffer)), op: Some(RawOp { opseq, user: self.uid.clone(), }), }; if let Err(e) = tx.edit(req).await { tracing::warn!("server rejected operation: {}", e); break; } self.buffer = match op.apply(&self.buffer) { Ok(x) => x, Err(_) => { tracing::error!("wtf accepted remote op could not be applied to our buffer????"); break; }, }; self.content.send(self.buffer.clone()).expect("could not broadcast buffer update"); clientside.pop_front(); } } else { tracing::warn!("skipping upstream because there are ops"); } } } }