use jni::{objects::{JClass, JObject, JValueGen}, sys::{jlong, jobject}, JNIEnv}; use crate::{api::Controller, ffi::java::util::JExceptable}; /* * Class: mp_code_CursorController * Method: recv * Signature: (J)Lmp/code/data/Cursor; */ #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn Java_mp_code_CursorController_try_1recv( mut env: JNIEnv, _class: JClass, self_ptr: jlong, ) -> jobject { let controller = unsafe { Box::leak(Box::from_raw(self_ptr as *mut crate::cursor::Controller)) }; match controller.try_recv().jexcept(&mut env) { None => JObject::null().as_raw(), Some(event) => { let class = env.find_class("mp/code/data/Cursor").expect("Couldn't find class!"); env.new_object( class, "(IIIILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V", &[ JValueGen::Int(event.start.0), JValueGen::Int(event.start.1), JValueGen::Int(event.end.0), JValueGen::Int(event.end.1), JValueGen::Object(&env.new_string(event.buffer).expect("Failed to create String!")), JValueGen::Object(&env.new_string(|x| x.to_string()).unwrap_or_default()).expect("Failed to create String!")) ] ).expect("failed creating object").into_raw() } } } // public Cursor(int startRow, int startCol, int endRow, int endCol, String buffer, String user) { /* * Class: mp_code_CursorController * Method: send * Signature: (JLmp/code/data/Cursor;)V */ #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn Java_mp_code_CursorController_send<'local>( mut env: JNIEnv, _class: JClass<'local>, self_ptr: jlong, input: JObject<'local>, ) { todo!() } /* * Class: mp_code_CursorController * Method: free * Signature: (J)V */ #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn Java_mp_code_CursorController_free<'local>( _env: JNIEnv, _class: JClass<'local>, self_ptr: jlong, ) { let _ = unsafe { Box::from_raw(self_ptr as *mut crate::cursor::Controller) }; }