use pyo3::types::PyList; use std::{format, sync::Arc}; use tokio::sync::{mpsc, Mutex, RwLock}; use tracing; use tracing_subscriber; use crate::errors::Error as CodempError; use crate::prelude::*; use codemp_proto::{ common::Identity, cursor::CursorEvent as CodempCursorEvent, cursor::CursorPosition as CodempCursorPosition, files::BufferNode, }; use pyo3::{ exceptions::{PyBaseException, PyConnectionError, PyRuntimeError}, prelude::*, types::{PyString, PyType}, }; // ERRORS And LOGGING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ impl From for PyErr { fn from(value: CodempError) -> Self { match value { CodempError::Transport { status, message } => { PyConnectionError::new_err(format!("Transport error: ({}) {}", status, message)) } CodempError::Channel { send } => { PyConnectionError::new_err(format!("Channel error (send:{})", send)) } CodempError::InvalidState { msg } => { PyRuntimeError::new_err(format!("Invalid state: {}", msg)) } CodempError::Deadlocked => PyRuntimeError::new_err(format!("Deadlock, retry.")), CodempError::Filler { message } => { PyBaseException::new_err(format!("Generic error: {}", message)) } } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct LoggerProducer(mpsc::Sender); impl std::io::Write for LoggerProducer { fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result { // TODO this is a LOSSY logger!! let _ = self.0.try_send(String::from_utf8_lossy(buf).to_string()); // ignore: logger disconnected or with full buffer Ok(buf.len()) } fn flush(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> { Ok(()) } } #[pyclass] struct PyLogger(Arc>>); #[pymethods] impl PyLogger { fn message<'a>(&'a self, py: Python<'a>) -> PyResult<&'a PyAny> { let rc = self.0.clone(); pyo3_asyncio::tokio::future_into_py(py, async move { Ok(rc.lock().await.recv().await) }) } } // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Workflow: // We first spin up an empty handler, that can connect to a server, and create a client. // We then use the client, to login into a workspace, and join it, obtaining a workspace object // We will then use that workspace object to interact with the buffers in that workspace. // In steps: // 1. Get Object that can initiate a connection // 2. Connect to a server // 3. Login to a workspace // 4. Join a workspace/get an already joined workspace // 5. Create a new buffer/attach to an existing one #[pyfunction] fn codemp_init<'a>(py: Python<'a>) -> PyResult> { Ok(Py::new(py, PyClient::default())?) } #[pyfunction] fn init_logger(py: Python<'_>, debug: Option) -> PyResult> { let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(256); let level = if debug.unwrap_or(false) { tracing::Level::DEBUG } else { tracing::Level::INFO }; let format = tracing_subscriber::fmt::format() .without_time() .with_level(true) .with_target(true) .with_thread_ids(false) .with_thread_names(false) .with_file(false) .with_line_number(false) .with_source_location(false) .compact(); tracing_subscriber::fmt() .with_ansi(false) .event_format(format) .with_max_level(level) .with_writer(std::sync::Mutex::new(LoggerProducer(tx))) .init(); Ok(Py::new(py, PyLogger(Arc::new(Mutex::new(rx))))?) } #[pyclass] struct PyClient(Arc>>); impl Default for PyClient { fn default() -> Self { PyClient(Arc::new(RwLock::new(None))) } } impl From for PyClient { fn from(value: CodempClient) -> Self { PyClient(RwLock::new(Some(value)).into()) } } #[pymethods] impl PyClient { fn connect<'a>(&'a self, py: Python<'a>, dest: String) -> PyResult<&'a PyAny> { let cli = self.0.clone(); pyo3_asyncio::tokio::future_into_py(py, async move { let client: CodempClient = CodempClient::new(dest.as_str()).await?; let _ = cli.write().await.insert(client); Ok(()) }) } fn login<'a>( &'a self, py: Python<'a>, user: String, password: String, workspace_id: Option, ) -> PyResult<&'a PyAny> { let rc = self.0.clone(); pyo3_asyncio::tokio::future_into_py(py, async move { let cli =; if cli.is_none() { return Err(PyConnectionError::new_err("Connect to a server first.")); }; cli.as_ref() .unwrap() .login(user, password, workspace_id) .await?; Ok(()) }) } fn join_workspace<'a>(&'a self, py: Python<'a>, workspace: String) -> PyResult<&'a PyAny> { let rc = self.0.clone(); pyo3_asyncio::tokio::future_into_py(py, async move { let mut cli = rc.write().await; if cli.is_none() { return Err(PyConnectionError::new_err("Connect to a server first.")); }; let workspace: PyWorkspace = cli .as_mut() .unwrap() .join_workspace(workspace.as_str()) .await? .into(); Python::with_gil(|py| Ok(Py::new(py, workspace)?)) }) } // join a workspace fn get_workspace<'a>(&'a self, py: Python<'a>, id: String) -> PyResult<&'a PyAny> { let rc = self.0.clone(); pyo3_asyncio::tokio::future_into_py(py, async move { let cli =; if cli.is_none() { return Err(PyConnectionError::new_err("Connect to a server first.")); }; let Some(ws) = cli.as_ref().unwrap().get_workspace(id.as_str()) else { return Ok(None) }; Python::with_gil(|py| Ok(Some(Py::new(py, PyWorkspace(ws))?))) }) } fn user_id<'a>(&'a self, py: Python<'a>) -> PyResult<&'a PyAny> { let rc = self.0.clone(); pyo3_asyncio::tokio::future_into_py(py, async move { let cli =; if cli.is_none() { return Err(PyConnectionError::new_err("Connect to a server first.")); }; let id = cli.as_ref().unwrap().user_id().to_string(); Python::with_gil(|py| { let id: Py = PyString::new(py, id.as_str()).into_py(py); Ok(id) }) }) } } #[pyclass] struct PyWorkspace(Arc); impl From> for PyWorkspace { fn from(value: Arc) -> Self { PyWorkspace(value) } } #[pymethods] impl PyWorkspace { // join a workspace fn create<'a>(&'a self, py: Python<'a>, path: String) -> PyResult<&'a PyAny> { let ws = self.0.clone(); pyo3_asyncio::tokio::future_into_py(py, async move { ws.create(path.as_str()).await?; Ok(()) }) } fn attach<'a>(&'a self, py: Python<'a>, path: String) -> PyResult<&'a PyAny> { let ws = self.0.clone(); pyo3_asyncio::tokio::future_into_py(py, async move { let buffctl: PyBufferController = ws.attach(path.as_str()).await?.into(); Python::with_gil(|py| Ok(Py::new(py, buffctl)?)) }) } fn fetch_buffers<'a>(&'a self, py: Python<'a>) -> PyResult<&'a PyAny> { let ws = self.0.clone(); pyo3_asyncio::tokio::future_into_py(py, async move { ws.fetch_buffers().await?; Ok(()) }) } fn fetch_users<'a>(&'a self, py: Python<'a>) -> PyResult<&'a PyAny> { let ws = self.0.clone(); pyo3_asyncio::tokio::future_into_py(py, async move { ws.fetch_users().await?; Ok(()) }) } fn list_buffer_users<'a>(&'a self, py: Python<'a>, path: String) -> PyResult<&'a PyAny> { let ws = self.0.clone(); pyo3_asyncio::tokio::future_into_py(py, async move { let usrlist: Vec = ws .list_buffer_users(path.as_str()) .await? .into_iter() .map(PyId::from) .collect(); Ok(usrlist) }) } fn delete<'a>(&'a self, py: Python<'a>, path: String) -> PyResult<&'a PyAny> { let ws = self.0.clone(); pyo3_asyncio::tokio::future_into_py(py, async move { ws.delete(path.as_str()).await?; Ok(()) }) } fn id(&self, py: Python<'_>) -> Py { PyString::new(py, } fn cursor(&self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult> { Ok(Py::new(py, PyCursorController::from(self.0.cursor()))?) } fn buffer_by_name( &self, py: Python<'_>, path: String, ) -> PyResult>> { let Some(bufctl) = self.0.buffer_by_name(path.as_str()) else { return Ok(None) }; Ok(Some(Py::new(py, PyBufferController::from(bufctl))?)) } fn filetree(&self, py: Python<'_>) -> Py { PyList::new(py, self.0.filetree()).into_py(py) } } /* ########################################################################### */ #[pyclass] struct PyCursorController(Arc); impl From> for PyCursorController { fn from(value: Arc) -> Self { PyCursorController(value) } } #[pymethods] impl PyCursorController { fn send<'a>(&'a self, path: String, start: (i32, i32), end: (i32, i32)) -> PyResult<()> { let pos = CodempCursorPosition { buffer: BufferNode { path }, start: start.into(), end: end.into(), }; Ok(self.0.send(pos)?) } fn try_recv(&self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult { match self.0.try_recv()? { Some(cur_event) => { let evt = PyCursorEvent::from(cur_event); Ok(evt.into_py(py)) } None => Ok(py.None()), } } fn recv<'a>(&'a self, py: Python<'a>) -> PyResult<&'a PyAny> { let rc = self.0.clone(); pyo3_asyncio::tokio::future_into_py(py, async move { let cur_event: PyCursorEvent = rc.recv().await?.into(); Python::with_gil(|py| Ok(Py::new(py, cur_event)?)) }) } fn poll<'a>(&'a self, py: Python<'a>) -> PyResult<&'a PyAny> { let rc = self.0.clone(); pyo3_asyncio::tokio::future_into_py(py, async move { Ok(rc.poll().await?) }) } } #[pyclass] struct PyBufferController(Arc); impl From> for PyBufferController { fn from(value: Arc) -> Self { PyBufferController(value) } } #[pymethods] impl PyBufferController { fn content<'a>(&self, py: Python<'a>) -> &'a PyString { PyString::new(py, self.0.content().as_str()) } fn send(&self, start: usize, end: usize, txt: String) -> PyResult<()> { let op = CodempTextChange { span: start..end, content: txt.into(), }; Ok(self.0.send(op)?) } fn try_recv(&self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult { match self.0.try_recv()? { Some(txt_change) => { let evt = PyTextChange::from(txt_change); Ok(evt.into_py(py)) } None => Ok(py.None()), } } fn recv<'a>(&'a self, py: Python<'a>) -> PyResult<&'a PyAny> { let rc = self.0.clone(); pyo3_asyncio::tokio::future_into_py(py, async move { let txt_change: PyTextChange = rc.recv().await?.into(); Python::with_gil(|py| Ok(Py::new(py, txt_change)?)) }) } fn poll<'a>(&'a self, py: Python<'a>) -> PyResult<&'a PyAny> { let rc = self.0.clone(); pyo3_asyncio::tokio::future_into_py(py, async move { Ok(rc.poll().await?) }) } } /* ---------- Type Wrappers ----------*/ // All these objects are not meant to be handled rust side. // Just to be sent to the python heap. #[pyclass] struct PyId { #[pyo3(get, set)] id: String, } impl From for PyId { fn from(value: Identity) -> Self { PyId { id: } } } #[pyclass] struct PyCursorEvent { #[pyo3(get, set)] user: String, #[pyo3(get, set)] buffer: String, #[pyo3(get, set)] start: (i32, i32), #[pyo3(get, set)] end: (i32, i32), } impl From for PyCursorEvent { fn from(value: CodempCursorEvent) -> Self { // todo, handle this optional better? let pos = value.position; PyCursorEvent { user:, buffer: pos.buffer.path, start: pos.start.into(), end: pos.end.into(), } } } #[pyclass] struct PyTextChange(CodempTextChange); impl From for PyTextChange { fn from(value: CodempTextChange) -> Self { PyTextChange(value) } } #[pymethods] impl PyTextChange { #[getter] fn start_incl(&self) -> PyResult { Ok(self.0.span.start) } #[getter] fn end_excl(&self) -> PyResult { Ok(self.0.span.end) } #[getter] fn content(&self) -> PyResult { Ok(self.0.content.clone()) } fn is_deletion(&self) -> bool { self.0.is_deletion() } fn is_addition(&self) -> bool { self.0.is_addition() } fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.0.is_empty() } fn apply(&self, txt: &str) -> String { self.0.apply(txt) } #[classmethod] fn from_diff(_cls: &PyType, before: &str, after: &str) -> PyTextChange { PyTextChange(CodempTextChange::from_diff(before, after)) } #[classmethod] fn index_to_rowcol(_cls: &PyType, txt: &str, index: usize) -> (i32, i32) { CodempTextChange::index_to_rowcol(txt, index).into() } } /* ------ Python module --------*/ #[pymodule] fn codemp_client(_py: Python, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> { m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(codemp_init, m)?)?; m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(init_logger, m)?)?; m.add_class::()?; m.add_class::()?; m.add_class::()?; m.add_class::()?; m.add_class::()?; m.add_class::()?; m.add_class::()?; m.add_class::()?; Ok(()) }