use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher; use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; use std::sync::Arc; use diamond_types::LocalVersion; use tokio::sync::{mpsc, oneshot, watch}; use tonic::{async_trait, Streaming}; use uuid::Uuid; use crate::api::controller::ControllerWorker; use crate::api::Op; use crate::api::TextChange; use crate::errors::IgnorableError; use codemp_proto::buffer::{BufferEvent, Operation}; use super::controller::{BufferController, BufferControllerInner}; pub(crate) struct BufferWorker { user_id: Uuid, buffer: diamond_types::list::ListCRDT, latest_version: watch::Sender, ops_in: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, ops_out: mpsc::UnboundedSender<(LocalVersion, Option)>, poller: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver>, pollers: Vec>, stop: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<()>, controller: BufferController, } impl BufferWorker { pub fn new(user_id: Uuid, path: &str) -> Self { //let (txt_tx, txt_rx) = watch::channel("".to_string()); let init = diamond_types::LocalVersion::default(); let buffer = diamond_types::list::ListCRDT::default(); let (latest_version_tx, latest_version_rx) = watch::channel(init.clone()); let (opin_tx, opin_rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let (opout_tx, opout_rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let (poller_tx, poller_rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new(); user_id.hash(&mut hasher); let _site_id = hasher.finish() as usize; let (end_tx, end_rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let controller = BufferControllerInner::new( path.to_string(), latest_version_rx, opin_tx, opout_rx, poller_tx, end_tx, ); BufferWorker { user_id, buffer, latest_version: latest_version_tx, ops_in: opin_rx, ops_out: opout_tx, poller: poller_rx, pollers: Vec::new(), stop: end_rx, controller: BufferController(Arc::new(controller)), } } } #[async_trait] impl ControllerWorker for BufferWorker { type Controller = BufferController; type Tx = mpsc::Sender; type Rx = Streaming; fn controller(&self) -> BufferController { self.controller.clone() } async fn work(mut self, tx: Self::Tx, mut rx: Self::Rx) { loop { // block until one of these is ready tokio::select! { biased; // received stop signal _ = self.stop.recv() => break, // received a new poller, add it to collection res = self.poller.recv() => match res { None => break tracing::error!("poller channel closed"), Some(tx) => self.pollers.push(tx), }, // received a text change from editor res = self.ops_in.recv() => match res { None => break tracing::debug!("stopping: editor closed channel"), Some(change) => { let agent_id = self.buffer.get_or_create_agent_id(&self.user_id.to_string()); let lastver = self.buffer.oplog.local_version_ref(); if change.is_insert() { self.buffer.insert(agent_id, change.start as usize, &change.content) // TODO da vedere il cast } else if change.is_delete() { self.buffer.delete_without_content(1, change.span()) } else { continue; }; tx.send(Operation { data: self.buffer.oplog.encode_from(Default::default(), lastver) }); self.latest_version.send(self.buffer.oplog.local_version()); }, }, // received a message from server res = rx.message() => match res { Err(_e) => break, Ok(None) => break, Ok(Some(change)) => { let lastver = self.buffer.oplog.local_version_ref(); match self.buffer.merge_data_and_ff(& { Ok(local_version) => { // give all the changes needed to the controller in a channel. for (lv, Some(dtop)) in self.buffer.oplog.iter_xf_operations_from(lastver, &local_version) { // x.0.start should always be after lastver! // this step_ver will be the version after we apply the operation // we give it to the controller so that he knows where it's at. let step_ver = self.buffer.oplog.version_union(&[lv.start], lastver); let opout = (step_ver, Some(Op(dtop))); self.ops_out.send(opout).unwrap(); //TODO ERRORS } // finally we send the self.latest_version.send(local_version); for tx in self.pollers.drain(..) { tx.send(()).unwrap_or_warn("could not wake up poller"); } }, Err(e) => tracing::error!("could not deserialize operation from server: {}", e), } }, } } } } }