pub mod client; pub mod workspace; pub mod cursor; pub mod buffer; pub mod ext; /// Gets or creates the relevant [tokio::runtime::Runtime]. fn tokio() -> &'static tokio::runtime::Runtime { use std::sync::OnceLock; static RT: OnceLock = OnceLock::new(); RT.get_or_init(|| tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread() .enable_all() .build() .expect("could not create tokio runtime") ) } /// A static reference to [jni::JavaVM] that is set on JNI load. static mut JVM: Option> = None; /// Safe accessor for the [jni::JavaVM] static. pub(crate) fn jvm() -> std::sync::Arc { unsafe { JVM.clone() }.unwrap() } /// Called upon initialisation of the JVM. #[allow(non_snake_case)] #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn JNI_OnLoad( vm: jni::JavaVM, _: *mut std::ffi::c_void ) -> jni::sys::jint { unsafe { JVM = Some(std::sync::Arc::new(vm)) }; jni::sys::JNI_VERSION_1_1 } /// Set up logging. Useful for debugging. pub(crate) fn setup_logger(debug: bool, path: Option) { let format = tracing_subscriber::fmt::format() .with_level(true) .with_target(true) .with_thread_ids(false) .with_thread_names(false) .with_ansi(false) .with_file(false) .with_line_number(false) .with_source_location(false) .compact(); let level = if debug { tracing::Level::DEBUG } else {tracing::Level::INFO }; let builder = tracing_subscriber::fmt() .event_format(format) .with_max_level(level); if let Some(path) = path { let logfile = std::fs::File::create(path).expect("failed creating logfile"); builder.with_writer(std::sync::Mutex::new(logfile)).init(); } else { builder.with_writer(std::sync::Mutex::new(std::io::stdout())).init(); } } /// Utility macro that attempts to handle an error in a [Result]. /// MUST be called within a $result.is_err() block or similar. Failure to do so is UB. /// Will return early with a provided return value, or panic if it fails to throw a Java exception. macro_rules! handle_error { ($env: expr, $result: ident, $return: expr) => { { let err = unsafe { $result.unwrap_err_unchecked() }; tracing::info!("Attempting to throw error {err:#?} as a Java exception..."); if let Err(e) = err.jobjectify($env).map(|t| t.into()).and_then(|t: jni::objects::JThrowable| $env.throw(&t)) { panic!("Failed to throw exception: {e}"); } return $return; } }; } pub(crate) use handle_error; /// Performs a null check on the given variable and throws a NullPointerException on the Java side /// if it is null. Finally, it returns with the given default value. macro_rules! null_check { ($env: ident, $var: ident, $return: expr) => { if $var.is_null() { let mut message = stringify!($var).to_string(); message.push_str(" cannot be null!"); $env.throw_new("java/lang/NullPointerException", message) .expect("Failed to throw exception!"); return $return; } }; } pub(crate) use null_check; /// A trait meant for our local result type to make converting it to Java easier. /// jni-rs technically has [jni::errors::ToException], but this approach keeps it stream-like. pub(crate) trait JExceptable<'local, T: Default> { /// Unwrap it and throws an appropriate Java exception if it's an error. /// Theoretically it returns the type's default value, but the exception makes the value ignored. fn jexcept(self, env: &mut jni::JNIEnv<'local>) -> T; } impl<'local, T: Default, E: JObjectify<'local> + std::fmt::Debug> JExceptable<'local, T> for Result { fn jexcept(self, env: &mut jni::JNIEnv<'local>) -> T { if let Ok(res) = self { res } else { handle_error!(env, self, Default::default()); } } } /// Allows easy conversion for various types into Java objects. /// This is similar to [TryInto], but for Java types. pub(crate) trait JObjectify<'local> { /// Attempt to convert the given object to a [jni::objects::JObject]. fn jobjectify(self, env: &mut jni::JNIEnv<'local>) -> Result, jni::errors::Error>; } macro_rules! jobjectify_error { ($self: ident, $type: ty, $jclass: expr) => { impl<'local> JObjectify<'local> for $type { fn jobjectify($self, env: &mut jni::JNIEnv<'local>) -> Result, jni::errors::Error> { let class = env.find_class($jclass)?; let msg = env.new_string(format!("{:#?}", $self))?; env.new_object(class, "(Ljava/lang/String)V", &[jni::objects::JValueGen::Object(&msg)]) } } }; } jobjectify_error!(self, crate::errors::RemoteError, "mp/code/exceptions/ConnectionRemoteException"); jobjectify_error!(self, jni::errors::Error, match self { jni::errors::Error::NullPtr(_) => "java/lang/NullPointerException", _ => "mp/code/exceptions/JNIException" }); jobjectify_error!(self, uuid::Error, "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException"); jobjectify_error!(self, crate::errors::ConnectionError, match self { crate::errors::ConnectionError::Transport(_) => "mp/code/exceptions/ConnectionTransportException", crate::errors::ConnectionError::Remote(_) => "mp/code/exceptions/ConnectionRemoteException" }); jobjectify_error!(self, crate::errors::ControllerError, match self { crate::errors::ControllerError::Stopped => "mp/code/exceptions/ControllerStoppedException", crate::errors::ControllerError::Unfulfilled => "mp/code/exceptions/ControllerUnfulfilledException", }); impl<'local> JObjectify<'local> for uuid::Uuid { fn jobjectify(self, env: &mut jni::JNIEnv<'local>) -> Result, jni::errors::Error> { let class = env.find_class("java/util/UUID")?; let (msb, lsb) = self.as_u64_pair(); let msb = i64::from_ne_bytes(msb.to_ne_bytes()); let lsb = i64::from_ne_bytes(lsb.to_ne_bytes()); env.new_object(&class, "(JJ)V", &[jni::objects::JValueGen::Long(msb), jni::objects::JValueGen::Long(lsb)]) } } /// Generates a [JObjectify] implementation for a class that is just a holder for a pointer. macro_rules! jobjectify_ptr_class { ($type: ty, $jclass: literal) => { impl<'local> JObjectify<'local> for $type { fn jobjectify(self, env: &mut jni::JNIEnv<'local>) -> Result, jni::errors::Error> { let class = env.find_class($jclass)?; env.new_object( class, "(J)V", &[jni::objects::JValueGen::Long(Box::into_raw(Box::new(self)) as jni::sys::jlong)] ) } } }; } jobjectify_ptr_class!(crate::Client, "mp/code/Client"); jobjectify_ptr_class!(crate::Workspace, "mp/code/Workspace"); jobjectify_ptr_class!(crate::cursor::Controller, "mp/code/CursorController"); jobjectify_ptr_class!(crate::buffer::Controller, "mp/code/BufferController"); impl<'local> JObjectify<'local> for crate::api::User { fn jobjectify(self, env: &mut jni::JNIEnv<'local>) -> Result, jni::errors::Error> { let id_field =; let name_field = env.new_string(; let class = env.find_class("mp/code/data/User")?; env.new_object( &class, "(Ljava/util/UUID;Ljava/lang/String;)V", &[ jni::objects::JValueGen::Object(&id_field), jni::objects::JValueGen::Object(&name_field) ] ) } } impl<'local> JObjectify<'local> for crate::api::Event { fn jobjectify(self, env: &mut jni::JNIEnv<'local>) -> Result, jni::errors::Error> { let (ordinal, arg) = match self { crate::api::Event::UserJoin(arg) => (0, env.new_string(arg)?), crate::api::Event::UserLeave(arg) => (1, env.new_string(arg)?), crate::api::Event::FileTreeUpdated(arg) => (2, env.new_string(arg)?), }; let type_class = env.find_class("mp/code/Workspace$Event$Type")?; let variants: jni::objects::JObjectArray = env.call_method( type_class, "getEnumConstants", "()[Ljava/lang/Object;", &[] )?.l()?.into(); let event_type = env.get_object_array_element(variants, ordinal)?; let event_class = env.find_class("mp/code/Workspace$Event")?; env.new_object( event_class, "(Lmp/code/Workspace$Event$Type;Ljava/lang/String;)V", &[ jni::objects::JValueGen::Object(&event_type), jni::objects::JValueGen::Object(&arg) ] ) } } impl<'local> JObjectify<'local> for crate::workspace::DetachResult { fn jobjectify(self, env: &mut jni::JNIEnv<'local>) -> Result, jni::errors::Error> { let ordinal = match self { crate::workspace::DetachResult::NotAttached => 0, crate::workspace::DetachResult::Detaching => 1, crate::workspace::DetachResult::AlreadyDetached => 2 }; let class = env.find_class("mp/code/data/DetachResult")?; let variants: jni::objects::JObjectArray = env.call_method( class, "getEnumConstants", "()[Ljava/lang/Object;", &[] )?.l()?.into(); env.get_object_array_element(variants, ordinal) } } impl<'local> JObjectify<'local> for crate::api::TextChange { fn jobjectify(self, env: &mut jni::JNIEnv<'local>) -> Result, jni::errors::Error> { let content = env.new_string(self.content)?; let hash = env.find_class("java/util/OptionalLong").and_then(|class| { if let Some(h) = self.hash { env.call_static_method(class, "of", "(J)Ljava/util/OptionalLong;", &[jni::objects::JValueGen::Long(h)]) } else { env.call_static_method(class, "empty", "()Ljava/util/OptionalLong;", &[]) } }).and_then(|o| o.l())?; env.find_class("mp/code/data/TextChange").and_then(|class| { env.new_object( class, "(JJLjava/lang/String;Ljava/util/OptionalLong;)V", &[ jni::objects::JValueGen::Long(self.start.into()), jni::objects::JValueGen::Long(self.end.into()), jni::objects::JValueGen::Object(&content), jni::objects::JValueGen::Object(&hash) ] ) }) } } impl<'local> JObjectify<'local> for crate::api::Cursor { fn jobjectify(self, env: &mut jni::JNIEnv<'local>) -> Result, jni::errors::Error> { env.find_class("mp/code/data/Cursor").and_then(|class| { let buffer = env.new_string(&self.buffer)?; let user = if let Some(user) = self.user { env.new_string(user)?.into() } else { jni::objects::JObject::null() }; env.new_object( class, "(IIIILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V", &[ jni::objects::JValueGen::Int(self.start.0), jni::objects::JValueGen::Int(self.start.1), jni::objects::JValueGen::Int(self.end.0), jni::objects::JValueGen::Int(self.end.1), jni::objects::JValueGen::Object(&buffer), jni::objects::JValueGen::Object(&user) ] ) }) } } /// Allows easy conversion of Java types into their Rust counterparts. pub(crate) trait Deobjectify<'local, T: Sized> { /// Attempt to convert the given [jni::objects::JObject] into its Rust counterpart. fn deobjectify(env: &mut jni::JNIEnv<'local>, jobject: jni::objects::JObject<'local>) -> Result; } impl<'local> Deobjectify<'local, Self> for crate::api::Config { fn deobjectify(env: &mut jni::JNIEnv<'local>, config: jni::objects::JObject<'local>) -> Result { let username = { let jfield = env.get_field(&config, "username", "Ljava/lang/String;")?.l()?; if jfield.is_null() { return Err(jni::errors::Error::NullPtr("Username can never be null!")); } unsafe { env.get_string_unchecked(&jfield.into()) }?.into() }; let password = { let jfield = env.get_field(&config, "password", "Ljava/lang/String;")?.l()?; if jfield.is_null() { return Err(jni::errors::Error::NullPtr("Password can never be null!")); } unsafe { env.get_string_unchecked(&jfield.into()) }?.into() }; let host = { let jfield = env.get_field(&config, "host", "Ljava/util/Optional;")?.l()?; if env.call_method(&jfield, "isPresent", "()Z", &[])?.z()? { let field = env.call_method(&jfield, "get", "()Ljava/lang/Object;", &[])?.l()?; Some(unsafe { env.get_string_unchecked(&field.into()) }?.into()) } else { None } }; let port = { let jfield = env.get_field(&config, "port", "Ljava/util/OptionalInt;")?.l()?; if env.call_method(&jfield, "isPresent", "()Z", &[])?.z()? { let ivalue = env.call_method(&jfield, "get", "()I", &[])?.i()?; Some(ivalue.clamp(0, 65535) as u16) } else { None } }; let tls = { let jfield = env.get_field(&config, "host", "Ljava/util/Optional;")?.l()?; if env.call_method(&jfield, "isPresent", "()Z", &[])?.z()? { let field = env.call_method(&jfield, "get", "()Ljava/lang/Object;", &[])?.l()?; Some(env.call_method(field, "booleanValue", "()Z", &[])?.z()?) } else { None } }; Ok(Self { username, password, host, port, tls }) } } impl<'local> Deobjectify<'local, Self> for crate::api::Cursor { fn deobjectify(env: &mut jni::JNIEnv<'local>, cursor: jni::objects::JObject<'local>) -> Result { let start_row = env.get_field(&cursor, "startRow", "I")?.i()?; let start_col = env.get_field(&cursor, "startCol", "I")?.i()?; let end_row = env.get_field(&cursor, "endRow", "I")?.i()?; let end_col = env.get_field(&cursor, "endCol", "I")?.i()?; let buffer = { let jfield = env.get_field(&cursor, "buffer", "Ljava/lang/String;")?.l()?; if jfield.is_null() { return Err(jni::errors::Error::NullPtr("Buffer can never be null!")); } unsafe { env.get_string_unchecked(&jfield.into()) }?.into() }; let user = { let jfield = env.get_field(&cursor, "user", "Ljava/lang/String;")?.l()?; if jfield.is_null() { None } else { Some(unsafe { env.get_string_unchecked(&jfield.into()) }?.into()) } }; Ok(Self { start: (start_row, start_col), end: (end_row, end_col), buffer, user }) } } impl<'local> Deobjectify<'local, Self> for crate::api::TextChange { fn deobjectify(env: &mut jni::JNIEnv<'local>, change: jni::objects::JObject<'local>) -> Result { let start = env.get_field(&change, "start", "I")?.j()?.max(0) as u32; let end = env.get_field(&change, "end", "I")?.j()?.max(0) as u32; let content = { let jfield = env.get_field(&change, "content", "Ljava/lang/String;")?.l()?; if jfield.is_null() { return Err(jni::errors::Error::NullPtr("Content can never be null!")); } unsafe { env.get_string_unchecked(&jfield.into()) }?.into() }; let hash = { let jfield = env.get_field(&change, "hash", "Ljava/util/OptionalLong;")?.l()?; if env.call_method(&jfield, "isPresent", "()Z", &[])?.z()? { Some(env.call_method(&jfield, "getAsLong", "()J", &[])?.j()?) } else { None } }; Ok(Self { start, end, content, hash }) } }