use std::io::Write; use std::sync::Mutex; use crate::api::Cursor; use crate::prelude::*; use crate::workspace::worker::DetachResult; use mlua::prelude::*; use tokio::sync::broadcast; impl From:: for LuaError { fn from(value: CodempError) -> Self { LuaError::RuntimeError(value.to_string()) } } lazy_static::lazy_static!{ static ref RT : tokio::runtime::Runtime = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread().enable_all().build().expect("could not create tokio runtime"); static ref LOG : broadcast::Sender = broadcast::channel(32).0; static ref STORE : dashmap::DashMap = dashmap::DashMap::default(); } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct Driver(tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender<()>); impl LuaUserData for Driver { fn add_methods<'lua, M: LuaUserDataMethods<'lua, Self>>(methods: &mut M) { methods.add_method("stop", |_, this, ()| Ok(this.0.send(()).is_ok())); } } fn runtime_drive_forever(_: &Lua, ():()) -> LuaResult { let (tx, mut rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel(); std::thread::spawn(move || RT.block_on(async move { tokio::select! { () = std::future::pending::<()>() => {}, _ = rx.recv() => {}, } })); Ok(Driver(tx)) } fn connect(_: &Lua, (host, username, password): (String, String, String)) -> LuaResult { let client = RT.block_on(CodempClient::new(host, username, password))?; STORE.insert(client.user_id().to_string(), client.clone()); Ok(client) } fn get_client(_: &Lua, (id,): (String,)) -> LuaResult> { Ok(STORE.get(&id).map(|x| x.value().clone())) } fn close_client(_: &Lua, (id,): (String,)) -> LuaResult { if let Some((_id, client)) = STORE.remove(&id) { for ws in client.active_workspaces() { if !client.leave_workspace(&ws) { tracing::warn!("could not leave workspace {ws}"); } } Ok(true) } else { Ok(false) } } impl LuaUserData for CodempClient { fn add_fields<'lua, F: LuaUserDataFields<'lua, Self>>(fields: &mut F) { fields.add_field_method_get("id", |_, this| Ok(this.user_id().to_string())); } fn add_methods<'lua, M: LuaUserDataMethods<'lua, Self>>(methods: &mut M) { // join a remote workspace and start processing cursor events methods.add_method("join_workspace", |_, this, (session,):(String,)| { tracing::info!("joining workspace {}", session); let ws = RT.block_on(async { this.join_workspace(&session).await })?; let cursor = ws.cursor(); Ok(cursor) }); methods.add_method("leave_workspace", |_, this, (session,):(String,)| { Ok(this.leave_workspace(&session)) }); methods.add_method("get_workspace", |_, this, (session,):(String,)| Ok(this.get_workspace(&session))); } } impl LuaUserData for CodempWorkspace { fn add_methods<'lua, M: LuaUserDataMethods<'lua, Self>>(methods: &mut M) { methods.add_method("create_buffer", |_, this, (name,):(String,)| { Ok(RT.block_on(async { this.create(&name).await })?) }); methods.add_method("attach", |_, this, (name,):(String,)| { Ok(RT.block_on(async { this.attach(&name).await })?) }); methods.add_method("detach", |_, this, (name,):(String,)| { Ok(matches!(this.detach(&name), DetachResult::Detaching | DetachResult::AlreadyDetached)) }); methods.add_method("delete_buffer", |_, this, (name,):(String,)| { Ok(RT.block_on(this.delete(&name))?) }); methods.add_method("get_buffer", |_, this, (name,):(String,)| Ok(this.buffer_by_name(&name))); methods.add_method("event", |_, this, ()| Ok(RT.block_on(this.event())?)); } fn add_fields<'lua, F: LuaUserDataFields<'lua, Self>>(fields: &mut F) { fields.add_field_method_get("cursor", |_, this| Ok(this.cursor())); fields.add_field_method_get("filetree", |_, this| Ok(this.filetree())); // fields.add_field_method_get("users", |_, this| Ok(this.0.users())); // TODO } } impl LuaUserData for CodempEvent { fn add_fields<'lua, F: LuaUserDataFields<'lua, Self>>(fields: &mut F) { fields.add_field_method_get("type", |_, this| match this { CodempEvent::FileTreeUpdated => Ok("filetree"), CodempEvent::UserJoin(_) | CodempEvent::UserLeave(_) => Ok("user"), }); fields.add_field_method_get("value", |_, this| match this { CodempEvent::FileTreeUpdated => Ok(None), CodempEvent::UserJoin(x) | CodempEvent::UserLeave(x) => Ok(Some(x.clone())), }); } } impl LuaUserData for CodempCursorController { fn add_methods<'lua, M: LuaUserDataMethods<'lua, Self>>(methods: &mut M) { methods.add_meta_method(LuaMetaMethod::ToString, |_, this, ()| Ok(format!("{:?}", this))); methods.add_method("send", |_, this, (buffer, start_row, start_col, end_row, end_col):(String, i32, i32, i32, i32)| { Ok(RT.block_on(this.send(CodempCursor { buffer, start: (start_row, start_col), end: (end_row, end_col), user: None }))?) }); methods.add_method("try_recv", |_, this, ()| { match RT.block_on(this.try_recv())? { Some(x) => Ok(Some(x)), None => Ok(None), } }); methods.add_method("poll", |_, this, ()| { RT.block_on(this.poll())?; Ok(()) }); } } impl LuaUserData for Cursor { fn add_fields<'lua, F: LuaUserDataFields<'lua, Self>>(fields: &mut F) { fields.add_field_method_get("user", |_, this| Ok(|x| x.to_string()))); fields.add_field_method_get("buffer", |_, this| Ok(this.buffer.clone())); fields.add_field_method_get("start", |_, this| Ok(RowCol::from(this.start))); fields.add_field_method_get("finish", |_, this| Ok(RowCol::from(this.end))); } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] struct RowCol { row: i32, col: i32, } impl From<(i32, i32)> for RowCol { fn from((row, col): (i32, i32)) -> Self { Self { row, col } } } impl LuaUserData for RowCol { fn add_fields<'lua, F: LuaUserDataFields<'lua, Self>>(fields: &mut F) { fields.add_field_method_get("row", |_, this| Ok(this.row)); fields.add_field_method_get("col", |_, this| Ok(this.col)); } } impl LuaUserData for CodempBufferController { fn add_methods<'lua, M: LuaUserDataMethods<'lua, Self>>(methods: &mut M) { methods.add_meta_method(LuaMetaMethod::ToString, |_, this, ()| Ok(format!("{:?}", this))); methods.add_method("send", |_, this, (start, end, text): (usize, usize, String)| { Ok( RT.block_on(this.send( CodempTextChange { start: start as u32, end: end as u32, content: text, hash: None, } ))? ) }); methods.add_method("try_recv", |_, this, ()| { match RT.block_on(this.try_recv())? { Some(x) => Ok(Some(x)), None => Ok(None), } }); methods.add_method("poll", |_, this, ()| { RT.block_on(this.poll())?; Ok(()) }); methods.add_method("content", |_, this, ()| Ok(RT.block_on(this.content())?) ); } } impl LuaUserData for CodempTextChange { fn add_fields<'lua, F: LuaUserDataFields<'lua, Self>>(fields: &mut F) { fields.add_field_method_get("content", |_, this| Ok(this.content.clone())); fields.add_field_method_get("first", |_, this| Ok(this.start)); fields.add_field_method_get("last", |_, this| Ok(this.end)); fields.add_field_method_get("hash", |_, this| Ok(this.hash)); } fn add_methods<'lua, M: LuaUserDataMethods<'lua, Self>>(methods: &mut M) { methods.add_meta_function(LuaMetaMethod::Call, |_, (start, end, txt, hash): (usize, usize, String, Option)| { Ok(CodempTextChange { start: start as u32, end: end as u32, content: txt, hash, }) }); methods.add_meta_method(LuaMetaMethod::ToString, |_, this, ()| Ok(format!("{:?}", this))); methods.add_method("apply", |_, this, (txt,):(String,)| Ok(this.apply(&txt))); } } // setup library logging to file #[derive(Debug)] struct LuaLogger(broadcast::Receiver); impl LuaUserData for LuaLogger { fn add_methods<'lua, M: LuaUserDataMethods<'lua, Self>>(methods: &mut M) { methods.add_method_mut("recv", |_, this, ()| { Ok(this.0.blocking_recv().expect("logger channel closed")) }); } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct LuaLoggerProducer; impl Write for LuaLoggerProducer { fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result { let _ = LOG.send(String::from_utf8_lossy(buf).to_string()); Ok(buf.len()) } fn flush(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> { Ok(()) } } fn setup_logger(_: &Lua, (debug, path): (Option, Option)) -> LuaResult { let format = tracing_subscriber::fmt::format() .with_level(true) .with_target(true) .with_thread_ids(false) .with_thread_names(false) .with_ansi(false) .with_file(false) .with_line_number(false) .with_source_location(false) .compact(); let level = if debug.unwrap_or_default() { tracing::Level::DEBUG } else {tracing::Level::INFO }; let builder = tracing_subscriber::fmt() .event_format(format) .with_max_level(level); let result = if let Some(path) = path { let logfile = std::fs::File::create(path).expect("failed creating logfile"); builder.with_writer(Mutex::new(logfile)).try_init().is_ok() } else { builder.with_writer(Mutex::new(LuaLoggerProducer)).try_init().is_ok() }; Ok(result) } fn get_logger(_: &Lua, (): ()) -> LuaResult { let sub = LOG.subscribe(); Ok(LuaLogger(sub)) } fn hash(_: &Lua, (txt,): (String,)) -> LuaResult { Ok(crate::hash(txt)) } // define module and exports #[mlua::lua_module] fn codemp_lua(lua: &Lua) -> LuaResult { let exports = lua.create_table()?; // entrypoint exports.set("connect", lua.create_function(connect)?)?; exports.set("get_client", lua.create_function(get_client)?)?; exports.set("close_client", lua.create_function(close_client)?)?; // utils exports.set("hash", lua.create_function(hash)?)?; // runtime exports.set("runtime_drive_forever", lua.create_function(runtime_drive_forever)?)?; // logging exports.set("setup_logger", lua.create_function(setup_logger)?)?; exports.set("get_logger", lua.create_function(get_logger)?)?; Ok(exports) }