# jni-toolbox [![Actions Status](https://github.com/hexedtech/jni-toolbox/actions/workflows/test.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/hexedtech/jni-toolbox/actions) [![Crates.io Version](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/jni-toolbox)](https://crates.io/crates/jni-toolbox) [![docs.rs](https://img.shields.io/docsrs/jni-toolbox)](https://docs.rs/jni-toolbox) This is a simple crate built around [jni-rs](https://github.com/jni-rs/jni-rs) to automatically generate JNI-compatible extern functions. It also wraps functions returning `Result<>`, making short-circuiting easy. ## Usage Just specify package and class on your function, and done! ```rust #[jni_toolbox::jni(package = "your.package.path", class = "ContainerClass")] fn your_function_name(arg: String) -> Result, String> { Ok(arg.split('/').map(|x| x.to_string()).collect()) } ``` ### Conversions Every type that is meant to be sent to Java must implement `IntoJavaObject` (or, unlikely, `IntoJavaPrimitive`); every type that is meant to be received from Java must implement `FromJava`. Most primitives and a few common types should already be implemented. ```rust impl<'j> IntoJavaObject for MyClass { type T = jni::objects::JObject<'j> fn into_java(self, env: &mut jni::JNIEnv<'j>) -> Result { let hello = env.new_string("world")?; // TODO!! } } ``` ### Pointers Note that, while it is possible to pass raw pointers to the JVM, it is not safe by default and must be done with extreme care. ### Exceptions Errors are thrown automatically when a `Result` is an error. For your errors to work, you must implement the `JniToolboxError` trait for your errors, (which just returns the path to your Java error class) and then make a Java error wrapper which can be constructed with a single string argument. Functions returning `Result`s will automatically have their return value unwrapped and, if is an err, throw an exception and return early. ```rust impl JniToolboxError for MyError { fn jclass(&self) -> String { "my/package/some/MyError".to_string() } } ``` ```java package my.package.some; public class MyError extends Throwable { public MyError(String x) { // TODO } } ``` To throw simple exceptions, it's possible to use the `exception` attribute. Pass the exception's fully qualified name (must have a constructor that takes in a single `String` argument). ### Examples The following function: ```rust #[jni(package = "mp.code", class = "Client", ptr)] fn connect(config: Config) -> Result { super::tokio().block_on(Client::connect(config)) } ``` generates a matching expanded function invoking it: ```rust fn connect(config: Config) -> Result { super::tokio().block_on(Client::connect(config)) } #[no_mangle] #[allow(unused_unit)] pub extern "system" fn Java_mp_code_Client_connect<'local>( mut env: jni::JNIEnv<'local>, _class: jni::objects::JClass<'local>, config: >::From, ) -> >::Ret { use jni_toolbox::{FromJava, IntoJava, JniToolboxError}; let config_new = match jni_toolbox::from_java_static::(&mut env, config) { Ok(x) => x, Err(e) => { let _ = env.throw_new("java/lang/RuntimeException", format!("{e:?}")); return std::ptr::null_mut(); } }; let result = connect(config_new); let ret = match result { Ok(x) => x, Err(e) => match env.find_class(e.jclass()) { Err(e) => panic!("error throwing Java exception -- failed resolving error class: {e}"), Ok(class) => match env.new_string(format!("{e:?}")) { Err(e) => panic!("error throwing Java exception -- failed creating error string: {e}"), Ok(msg) => match env.new_object(class, "(Ljava/lang/String;)V", &[jni::objects::JValueGen::Object(&msg)]) { Err(e) => panic!("error throwing Java exception -- failed creating object: {e}")); Ok(obj) => match env.throw(jni::objects::JThrowable::from(obj)) { Err(e) => panic!("error throwing Java exception -- failed throwing: {e}"), Ok(_) => return std::ptr::null_mut(), }, }, }, }, }; match ret.into_java(&mut env) { Ok(fin) => fin, Err(e) => { let _ = env.throw_new("java/lang/RuntimeException", format!("{e:?}")); std::ptr::null_mut() } } } ``` ## Status This crate is early and intended mostly to maintain [`codemp`](https://github.com/hexedtech/codemp)'s Java bindings, so things not used there may be missing or slightly broken. However, the crate is also quite small and only runs at compile time, so trying it out in your own project should not be a problem.