use std::collections::BTreeMap; use axum::{extract::{FromRef, FromRequestParts}, http::{header, request::Parts}}; use base64::Engine; use openssl::{hash::MessageDigest, pkey::PKey, sign::Verifier}; use reqwest::StatusCode; use sea_orm::{ColumnTrait, Condition, EntityTrait, QueryFilter}; use crate::{errors::UpubError, model, server::Context}; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum Identity { Anonymous, Local(String), Remote(String), } impl Identity { pub fn filter_condition(&self) -> Condition { let base_cond = Condition::any().add(model::addressing::Column::Actor.eq(apb::target::PUBLIC)); match self { Identity::Anonymous => base_cond, Identity::Local(uid) => base_cond.add(model::addressing::Column::Actor.eq(uid)), Identity::Remote(server) => base_cond.add(model::addressing::Column::Server.eq(server)), // TODO should we allow all users on same server to see? or just specific user?? } } pub fn is_anon(&self) -> bool { match self { Self::Anonymous => true, _ => false, } } pub fn is_user(&self, uid: &str) -> bool { match self { Self::Local(x) => x == uid, _ => false, } } pub fn is_server(&self, uid: &str) -> bool { match self { Self::Remote(x) => x == uid, _ => false, } } } pub struct AuthIdentity(pub Identity); #[axum::async_trait] impl FromRequestParts for AuthIdentity where Context: FromRef, S: Send + Sync, { type Rejection = UpubError; async fn from_request_parts(parts: &mut Parts, state: &S) -> Result { let ctx = Context::from_ref(state); let mut identity = Identity::Anonymous; let auth_header = parts .headers .get(header::AUTHORIZATION) .map(|v| v.to_str().unwrap_or("")) .unwrap_or(""); if auth_header.starts_with("Bearer ") { match model::session::Entity::find_by_id(auth_header.replace("Bearer ", "")) .filter(Condition::all().add( .one(ctx.db()) .await { Ok(Some(x)) => identity = Identity::Local(, Ok(None) => return Err(UpubError::unauthorized()), Err(e) => { tracing::error!("failed querying user session: {e}"); return Err(UpubError::internal_server_error()) }, } } if let Some(sig) = parts .headers .get("Signature") .map(|v| v.to_str().unwrap_or("")) { let mut http_signature = HttpSignature::parse(sig); // TODO assert payload's digest is equal to signature's let user_id = http_signature.key_id .split('#') .next().ok_or(UpubError::bad_request())? .to_string(); match ctx.fetch().user(&user_id).await { Ok(user) => match http_signature .build_from_parts(parts) .verify(&user.public_key) { Ok(true) => identity = Identity::Remote(Context::server(&user_id)), Ok(false) => tracing::warn!("invalid signature"), Err(e) => tracing::error!("error verifying signature: {e}"), }, Err(e) => { // since most activities are deletions for users we never saw, let's handle this case // if while fetching we receive a GONE, it means we didn't have this user and it doesn't // exist anymore, so it must be a deletion we can ignore if let UpubError::Reqwest(ref x) = e { if let Some(StatusCode::GONE) = x.status() { return Err(UpubError::not_modified()); } } tracing::warn!("could not fetch user (won't verify): {e}"); } } } Ok(AuthIdentity(identity)) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)] pub struct HttpSignature { pub key_id: String, pub algorithm: String, pub headers: Vec, pub signature: String, pub control: String, } impl HttpSignature { pub fn new(key_id: String, algorithm: String, headers: &[&str]) -> Self { HttpSignature { key_id, algorithm, headers: headers.iter().map(|x| x.to_string()).collect(), signature: String::new(), control: String::new(), } } pub fn parse(header: &str) -> Self { let mut sig = HttpSignature::default(); header.split(',') .filter_map(|x| x.split_once('=')) .map(|(k, v)| (k, v.trim_end_matches('"').trim_matches('"'))) .for_each(|(k, v)| match k { "keyId" => sig.key_id = v.to_string(), "algorithm" => sig.algorithm = v.to_string(), "signature" => sig.signature = v.to_string(), "headers" => sig.headers = v.split(' ').map(|x| x.to_string()).collect(), _ => tracing::warn!("unexpected field in http signature: '{k}=\"{v}\"'"), }); sig } pub fn header(&self) -> String { format!( "keyId=\"{}\",algorithm=\"{}\",headers=\"{}\",signature=\"{}\"", self.key_id, self.algorithm, self.headers.join(" "), self.signature, ) } pub fn build_manually(&mut self, method: &str, target: &str, mut headers: BTreeMap) -> &mut Self { let mut out = Vec::new(); for header in &self.headers { match header.as_str() { "(request-target)" => out.push(format!("(request-target): {method} {target}")), // TODO other pseudo-headers _ => out.push( format!("{header}: {}", headers.remove(header).unwrap_or_default()) ), } } self.control = out.join("\n"); self } pub fn build_from_parts(&mut self, parts: &Parts) -> &mut Self { let mut out = Vec::new(); for header in self.headers.iter() { match header.as_str() { "(request-target)" => out.push( format!( "(request-target): {} {}", parts.method.to_string().to_lowercase(), parts.uri.path_and_query().map(|x| x.as_str()).unwrap_or("/") ) ), // TODO other pseudo-headers, _ => out.push(format!("{}: {}", header.to_lowercase(), parts.headers.get(header).map(|x| x.to_str().unwrap_or("")).unwrap_or("") )), } } self.control = out.join("\n"); self } pub fn verify(&self, key: &str) -> crate::Result { let pubkey = PKey::public_key_from_pem(key.as_bytes())?; let mut verifier = Verifier::new(MessageDigest::sha256(), &pubkey)?; let signature = base64::prelude::BASE64_STANDARD.decode(&self.signature)?; Ok(verifier.verify_oneshot(&signature, self.control.as_bytes())?) } pub fn sign(&mut self, key: &str) -> crate::Result<&str> { let privkey = PKey::private_key_from_pem(key.as_bytes())?; let mut signer = openssl::sign::Signer::new(MessageDigest::sha256(), &privkey)?; signer.update(self.control.as_bytes())?; self.signature = base64::prelude::BASE64_STANDARD.encode(signer.sign_to_vec()?); Ok(&self.signature) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { #[test] fn http_signature_signs_and_verifies() { let key = openssl::rsa::Rsa::generate(2048).unwrap(); let private_key = std::str::from_utf8(&key.private_key_to_pem().unwrap()).unwrap().to_string(); let public_key = std::str::from_utf8(&key.public_key_to_pem().unwrap()).unwrap().to_string(); let mut signer = super::HttpSignature { key_id: "test".to_string(), algorithm: "rsa-sha256".to_string(), headers: vec![ "(request-target)".to_string(), "host".to_string(), "date".to_string(), ], signature: String::new(), control: String::new(), }; signer .build_manually("get", "/actor/inbox", [("host".into(), "".into()), ("date".into(), "Sat, 13 Apr 2024 13:36:23 GMT".into())].into()) .sign(&private_key) .unwrap(); let mut verifier = super::HttpSignature::parse(&signer.header()); verifier.build_manually("get", "/actor/inbox", [("host".into(), "".into()), ("date".into(), "Sat, 13 Apr 2024 13:36:23 GMT".into())].into()); assert!(verifier.verify(&public_key).unwrap()); } }