use apb::{Node, Base, Object, Document}; use sea_orm::{sea_query::Expr, ActiveValue::Set, ColumnTrait, EntityTrait, IntoActiveModel, QueryFilter}; use crate::{errors::UpubError, model, server::Context}; use super::fetcher::Fetcher; #[axum::async_trait] pub trait Normalizer { async fn insert_object(&self, obj: impl apb::Object, server: Option) -> crate::Result; } #[axum::async_trait] impl Normalizer for super::Context { async fn insert_object(&self, object_node: impl apb::Object, server: Option) -> crate::Result { let oid =; let uid = object_node.attributed_to().id(); let mut object_model = model::object::ActiveModel::new(&object_node)?; if let Some(server) = server { // make sure we're allowed to create this object if let Set(Some(object_author)) = &object_model.attributed_to { if server != Context::server(object_author) { return Err(UpubError::forbidden()); } } else if server != Context::server(&oid) { return Err(UpubError::forbidden()); }; } // make sure content only contains a safe subset of html if let Set(Some(content)) = object_model.content { object_model.content = Set(Some(mdhtml::safe_html(&content))); } // fix context for remote posts // > note that this will effectively recursively try to fetch the parent object, in order to find // > the context (which is id of topmost object). there's a recursion limit of 16 hidden inside // > btw! also if any link is broken or we get rate limited, the whole insertion fails which is // > kind of dumb. there should be a job system so this can be done in waves. or maybe there's // > some whole other way to do this?? im thinking but misskey aaaa!! TODO if let Set(Some(ref reply)) = object_model.in_reply_to { if let Some(o) = model::object::Entity::find_by_ap_id(reply).one(self.db()).await? { object_model.context = Set(o.context); } else { object_model.context = Set(None); // TODO to be filled by some other task } } else { object_model.context = Set(Some(oid.clone())); } model::object::Entity::insert(object_model.clone().into_active_model()).exec(self.db()).await?; let object = model::object::Entity::find_by_ap_id(&oid).one(self.db()).await?.ok_or_else(UpubError::internal_server_error)?; // update replies counter if let Set(Some(ref in_reply_to)) = object_model.in_reply_to { if self.fetch_object(in_reply_to).await.is_ok() { model::object::Entity::update_many() .filter(model::object::Column::Id.eq(in_reply_to)) .col_expr(model::object::Column::Replies, Expr::col(model::object::Column::Replies).add(1)) .exec(self.db()) .await?; } } // update statuses counter if let Some(object_author) = uid { model::actor::Entity::update_many() .col_expr(model::actor::Column::StatusesCount, Expr::col(model::actor::Column::StatusesCount).add(1)) .filter(model::actor::Column::Id.eq(&object_author)) .exec(self.db()) .await?; } for attachment in object_node.attachment().flat() { let attachment_model = match attachment { Node::Empty => continue, Node::Array(_) => { tracing::warn!("ignoring array-in-array while processing attachments"); continue }, Node::Link(l) => model::attachment::ActiveModel { internal: sea_orm::ActiveValue::NotSet, url: Set(l.href().to_string()), object: Set(object.internal), document_type: Set(apb::DocumentType::Page), name: Set(l.link_name().map(|x| x.to_string())), media_type: Set(l.link_media_type().unwrap_or("link").to_string()), created: Set(chrono::Utc::now()), }, Node::Object(o) => model::attachment::ActiveModel { internal: sea_orm::ActiveValue::NotSet, url: Set(o.url().id().unwrap_or_else(|||x| x.to_string()).unwrap_or_default())), object: Set(object.internal), document_type: Set(o.as_document().map_or(apb::DocumentType::Document, |x| x.document_type().unwrap_or(apb::DocumentType::Page))), name: Set(|x| x.to_string())), media_type: Set(o.media_type().unwrap_or("link").to_string()), created: Set(o.published().unwrap_or_else(chrono::Utc::now)), }, }; model::attachment::Entity::insert(attachment_model) .exec(self.db()) .await?; } // lemmy sends us an image field in posts, treat it like an attachment i'd say if let Some(img) = object_node.image().get() { // TODO lemmy doesnt tell us the media type but we use it to display the thing... let img_url = img.url().id().unwrap_or_default(); let media_type = if img_url.ends_with("png") { Some("image/png".to_string()) } else if img_url.ends_with("webp") { Some("image/webp".to_string()) } else if img_url.ends_with("jpeg") || img_url.ends_with("jpg") { Some("image/jpeg".to_string()) } else { None }; let attachment_model = model::attachment::ActiveModel { internal: sea_orm::ActiveValue::NotSet, url: Set(img.url().id().unwrap_or_else(|||x| x.to_string()).unwrap_or_default())), object: Set(object.internal), document_type: Set(img.as_document().map_or(apb::DocumentType::Document, |x| x.document_type().unwrap_or(apb::DocumentType::Page))), name: Set(|x| x.to_string())), media_type: Set(img.media_type().unwrap_or(media_type.as_deref().unwrap_or("link")).to_string()), created: Set(img.published().unwrap_or_else(chrono::Utc::now)), }; model::attachment::Entity::insert(attachment_model) .exec(self.db()) .await?; } Ok(object) } }