use axum::{extract::{FromRef, FromRequestParts}, http::{header, request::Parts, StatusCode}}; use sea_orm::{ColumnTrait, Condition, EntityTrait, QueryFilter}; use crate::{model, server::Context}; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum Identity { Anonymous, Local(String), Remote(String), } pub struct AuthIdentity(pub Identity); #[axum::async_trait] impl FromRequestParts for AuthIdentity where Context: FromRef, S: Send + Sync, { type Rejection = StatusCode; async fn from_request_parts(parts: &mut Parts, state: &S) -> Result { let ctx = Context::from_ref(state); let mut identity = Identity::Anonymous; let auth_header = parts .headers .get(header::AUTHORIZATION) .map(|v| v.to_str().unwrap_or("")) .unwrap_or(""); if auth_header.starts_with("Bearer ") { match model::session::Entity::find_by_id(auth_header.replace("Bearer ", "")) .filter(Condition::all().add( .one(ctx.db()) .await { Ok(Some(x)) => identity = Identity::Local(, Ok(None) => return Err(StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED), Err(e) => { tracing::error!("failed querying user session: {e}"); return Err(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) }, } } if let Some(sig) = parts .headers .get("Signature") .map(|v| v.to_str().unwrap_or("")) { // TODO load pub key of actor and decode+verify signature let decoded = "asd".to_string(); let mut key_id = None; let mut headers = None; let mut signature = None; for frag in decoded.split(',') { if frag.starts_with("keyId=") { key_id = Some(frag.replace("keyId=\"", "")); key_id.as_mut().unwrap().pop(); } if frag.starts_with("signature=") { signature = Some(frag.replace("signature=\"", "")); signature.as_mut().unwrap().pop(); } if frag.starts_with("headers=") { let mut h = frag.replace("headers=\"", ""); h.pop(); headers = Some(h.split(' ').map(|x| x.to_string()).collect::>()); } } if key_id.is_none() || headers.is_none() || signature.is_none() { tracing::warn!("malformed signature"); return Err(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST); } } Ok(AuthIdentity(identity)) } }