* A basic sqlite database is used for keeping track of bridged rooms.
* Logs are saved to the `appservice.log` file in `$PWD` or the specified directory.
* For avatars to show up on Discord, you must have a [reverse proxy](https://github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/blob/master/docs/nginx/monolith-sample.conf) set up on your homeserver as the bridge does not specify the homeserver port when passing the avatar url.
* [Privileged Intents](https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/intents.html#privileged-intents) for members and presence must be enabled for your Discord bot.
* This Appservice might not work well for bridging a large number of rooms since it is mostly synchronous. However, it wouldn't take much effort to port it to `asyncio` and `aiohttp` if desired.