a warm colorscheme with blue and red tones, to keep you cozy at night
Updated 2024-09-15 12:16:03 +02:00
scct federated backend server
Updated 2024-09-01 13:49:02 +02:00
JVM ASM patching library
Updated 2024-08-30 14:26:25 +02:00
generate an image with a tao te ching quote and display it on snow's kindle
Updated 2024-08-28 14:20:52 +02:00
micro social network, federated
Updated 2024-08-15 17:30:37 +02:00
Updated 2024-08-11 21:08:37 +02:00
Updated 2024-07-30 19:54:04 +02:00
Updated 2024-07-15 13:28:04 +02:00
you can control bluesound speakers with unauthenticated http requests
Updated 2024-07-03 21:45:55 +02:00
a generative 10print-pattern banner for a (pleroma) fedi account
Updated 2024-07-03 20:01:57 +02:00
a simple but complete neovim config for those who cannot stop tinkering
Updated 2024-07-03 02:38:49 +02:00
generative art with the diffusion-limited aggregation algorithm
Updated 2024-06-30 20:14:56 +02:00
My own theme for zola.
Updated 2024-06-28 17:42:37 +02:00
tui chat client for owncast, powered by websockets
Updated 2024-06-05 03:34:43 +02:00
Fast Java event bus leveraging the power of annotation processing.
Updated 2024-06-04 23:01:35 +02:00
An annotation processor to kill Lillero's boilerplate
Updated 2024-06-04 20:03:51 +02:00
An annotation processor for Geb!, the Generative Event Bus.
Updated 2024-06-01 01:46:27 +02:00
Simple CLI program to write down mappings in various formats.
Updated 2024-05-31 19:41:42 +02:00
A lightweight mapping library used by the Lillero processor.
Updated 2024-05-31 18:56:00 +02:00
simple http api to query mumble servers
Updated 2024-05-30 16:12:34 +02:00