334 lines
8.9 KiB
334 lines
8.9 KiB
import io
import struct
import asyncio
import uuid
import logging
import pynbt
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Any, Union, Optional, Type as Class
class Type(object):
pytype : type
def write(self, data:Any, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None) -> None:
"""Write data to a packet buffer"""
raise NotImplementedError
def read(self, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None) -> Any:
"""Read data off a packet buffer"""
raise NotImplementedError
def check(self, ctx:object) -> bool:
"""Check if this type exists in this context"""
return True
class VoidType(Type):
pytype : type = type(None)
def write(self, v:None, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None):
def read(self, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None) -> None:
return None
Void = VoidType()
class UnimplementedDataType(Type):
pytype : type = bytes
def write(self, data:bytes, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None):
if data:
def read(self, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None) -> bytes:
return buffer.read()
TrailingData = UnimplementedDataType()
EntityMetadata = UnimplementedDataType()
EntityMetadataItem = UnimplementedDataType()
class PrimitiveType(Type):
size : int
fmt : str
def __init__(self, pytype:type, fmt:str, size:int):
self.pytype = pytype
self.fmt = fmt
self.size = size
def write(self, data:Any, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None):
buffer.write(struct.pack(self.fmt, data))
def read(self, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None) -> Any:
return struct.unpack(self.fmt, buffer.read(self.size))[0]
Boolean = PrimitiveType(bool, ">?", 1)
Byte = PrimitiveType(int, ">b", 1)
UnsignedByte = PrimitiveType(int, ">B", 1)
Short = PrimitiveType(int, ">h", 2)
UnsignedShort = PrimitiveType(int, ">H", 2)
Int = PrimitiveType(int, ">i", 4)
UnsignedInt = PrimitiveType(int, ">I", 4)
Long = PrimitiveType(int, ">q", 8)
UnsignedLong = PrimitiveType(int, ">Q", 8)
Float = PrimitiveType(float, ">f", 4)
Double = PrimitiveType(float, ">d", 8)
Angle = PrimitiveType(int, ">b", 1)
class NBTType(Type):
def write(self, data:pynbt.NBTFile, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None):
def read(self, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None) -> Optional[pynbt.NBTFile]:
head = Byte.read(buffer)
if head == 0x0:
return None
buffer.seek(-1,1) # go back 1 byte
return pynbt.NBTFile(io=buffer)
NBTTag = NBTType()
# NBTTag = TrailingData
class VarLenPrimitive(Type):
pytype : type = int
max_bytes : int
def __init__(self, max_bytes:int):
self.max_bytes = max_bytes
def write(self, data:int, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None):
count = 0
while count < self.max_bytes:
byte = data & 0b01111111
data >>= 7
if data > 0:
byte |= 0b10000000
buffer.write(struct.pack("B", byte))
count += 1
if not data:
def read(self, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None) -> int:
numRead = 0
result = 0
while True:
data = buffer.read(1)
if len(data) < 1:
raise ValueError("VarInt/VarLong is too short")
buf = int.from_bytes(data, 'little')
result |= (buf & 0b01111111) << (7 * numRead)
numRead +=1
if numRead > self.max_bytes:
raise ValueError("VarInt/VarLong is too big")
if buf & 0b10000000 == 0:
return result
# utility methods since VarInt is super used
def serialize(self, data:int) -> bytes:
buf = io.BytesIO()
self.write(data, buf)
return buf.read()
def deserialize(self, data:bytes) -> int:
buf = io.BytesIO(data)
return self.read(buf)
VarInt = VarLenPrimitive(5)
VarLong = VarLenPrimitive(10)
class StringType(Type):
pytype : type = str
def write(self, data:str, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None):
encoded = data.encode('utf-8')
VarInt.write(len(encoded), buffer, ctx=ctx)
def read(self, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None) -> str:
length = VarInt.read(buffer, ctx=ctx)
return buffer.read(length).decode('utf-8')
String = StringType()
Chat = StringType()
Identifier = StringType()
class BufferType(Type):
pytype : type = bytes
count : Type
def __init__(self, count:Type = VarInt):
self.count = count
def write(self, data:bytes, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None):
self.count.write(len(data), buffer, ctx=ctx)
def read(self, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None) -> bytes:
length = self.count.read(buffer, ctx=ctx)
return buffer.read(length)
ByteArray = BufferType()
IntegerByteArray = BufferType(Int)
def twos_comp(val, bits):
"""compute the 2's complement of int value val"""
if (val & (1 << (bits - 1))) != 0: # if sign bit is set e.g., 8bit: 128-255
val = val - (1 << bits) # compute negative value
return val # return positive value as is
class PositionType(Type):
pytype : type = tuple
MAX_SIZE : int = 8
# TODO THIS IS FOR 1.12.2!!! Make a generic version-less?
def write(self, data:tuple, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None):
packed = ((0x3FFFFFF & data[0]) << 38) \
| ((0xFFF & data[1]) << 26) \
| (0x3FFFFFF & data[2])
UnsignedLong.write(packed, buffer, ctx=ctx)
def read(self, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None) -> tuple:
packed = UnsignedLong.read(buffer)
x = twos_comp(packed >> 38, 26)
y = (packed >> 26) & 0xFFF
z = twos_comp(packed & 0x3FFFFFF, 26)
return (x, y, z)
Position = PositionType()
class UUIDType(Type):
pytype : type = uuid.UUID
MAX_SIZE : int = 16
def write(self, data:uuid.UUID, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None):
buffer.write(int(data).to_bytes(self.MAX_SIZE, 'big'))
def read(self, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None) -> uuid.UUID:
return uuid.UUID(int=int.from_bytes(buffer.read(self.MAX_SIZE), 'big'))
class ArrayType(Type):
pytype : type = list
counter : Union[int, Type]
content : Type
def __init__(self, content:Type, counter:Union[int, Type] = VarInt):
self.content = content
self.counter = counter
def write(self, data:List[Any], buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None):
if isinstance(self.counter, Type):
self.counter.write(len(data), buffer, ctx=ctx)
for i, el in enumerate(data):
self.content.write(el, buffer, ctx=ctx)
if isinstance(self.counter, int) and i >= self.counter:
break # jank but should do
def read(self, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None) -> List[Any]:
length = self.counter if isinstance(self.counter, int) else self.counter.read(buffer, ctx=ctx)
out = []
for _ in range(length):
out.append(self.content.read(buffer, ctx=ctx))
return out
class OptionalType(Type):
t : Type
def __init__(self, t:Type):
self.t = t
self.pytype = t.pytype
def write(self, data:Optional[Any], buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None):
Boolean.write(bool(data), buffer, ctx=ctx)
if data:
self.t.write(data, buffer, ctx=ctx)
def read(self, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None) -> Optional[Any]:
if Boolean.read(buffer, ctx=ctx):
return self.t.read(buffer, ctx=ctx)
return None
class SwitchType(Type):
field : str
mappings : Dict[Any, Type]
def __init__(self, watch:str, mappings:Dict[Any, Type], default:Type = None):
self.field = watch
self.mappings = mappings
self.default = default
def write(self, data:Any, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None):
watched = getattr(ctx, self.field, None)
if watched is not None and watched in self.mappings:
return self.mappings[watched].write(data, buffer, ctx=ctx)
elif self.default:
return self.default.write(data, buffer, ctx=ctx)
def read(self, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None) -> Optional[Any]:
watched = getattr(ctx, self.field, None)
if watched is not None and watched in self.mappings:
return self.mappings[watched].read(buffer, ctx=ctx)
elif self.default:
return self.default.read(buffer, ctx=ctx)
return None
class StructType(Type):
pytype : type = dict
fields : Tuple[Tuple[str, Type], ...]
def __init__(self, *args:Tuple[str, Type]):
self.fields = args
def write(self, data:Dict[str, Any], buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None):
for k, t in self.fields:
t.write(data[k], buffer, ctx=ctx)
def read(self, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return { k : t.read(buffer, ctx=ctx) for k, t in self.fields }
class SlotType(Type):
pytype : type = dict
def write(self, data:Any, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None):
new_way = ctx._proto > 340
check_type = Boolean if new_way else Short
if data:
check_type.write(True if new_way else data["id"], buffer)
if new_way:
VarInt.write(data["id"], buffer)
Byte.write(data["count"], buffer)
if not new_way:
Short.write(data["damage"], buffer)
NBTTag.write(data["nbt"], buffer)
check_type.write(False if new_way else -1, buffer)
def read(self, buffer:io.BytesIO, ctx:object=None) -> Any:
slot = {}
new_way = ctx._proto > 340
check_type = Boolean if new_way else Short
val = check_type.read(buffer)
if (new_way and val) or val != -1:
if new_way:
slot["id"] = VarInt.read(buffer)
slot["id"] = val
slot["count"] = Byte.read(buffer)
if not new_way:
slot["damage"] = Short.read(buffer)
slot["nbt"] = NBTTag.read(buffer)
return slot
Slot = SlotType()
# Slot = TrailingData