changed project structure: no more useless `mc` folder refactored dispatcher: no longer weird stateful builder pattern improved packets: don't need proto number to be created
458 lines
14 KiB
458 lines
14 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import json
import keyword
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any
# TODO de-spaghetti this file sometime!
DIR_MAP = {"toClient": "clientbound", "toServer": "serverbound"}
PREFACE = """\"\"\"[!] This file is autogenerated\"\"\"\n\n"""
IMPORTS = """from typing import Tuple, List, Dict, Union, Optional
from ....packet import Packet
from ....types import *
from ....primitives import *\n"""
IMPORT_ALL = """__all__ = [\n\t{all}\n]\n"""
REGISTRY = {entries}\n"""
OBJECT = """
class {name}(Packet):
__slots__ = {slots}
def __init__(self, {constructor}):
_state : int = {state}
_ids : Dict[int, int] = {ids}
_definitions : Dict[int, List[Tuple[str, Type]]] = {definitions}
EXT_FORMATTER = """from ..types import *
class MetadataDefinitions:
_definitions: dict[int, dict[int, Type]] = {metadata}
class ParticlesDefinitions:
_definitions: dict[int, dict[int, Type]] = {particles}
class Ref:
name : str
args : tuple
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
if self.args:
return == and self.args == other.args
return ==
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash(repr(self))
def __ge__(self, other):
return repr(self) >= repr(other)
def __gt__(self, other):
return repr(self) > repr(other)
def __init__(self, name:str, *args):
| = name or "anon"
self.args = args
def __str__(self) -> str:
return repr(self)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
if self.args:
out = + "("
for arg in self.args:
out += repr(arg) + ", "
out += ")"
return out
"varint": Ref('VarInt'),
"varlong": Ref('VarLong'),
"u8": Ref('Byte'),
"i8": Ref('Byte'),
"u16": Ref('UnsignedShort'),
"u32": Ref('UnsignedInt'),
"u64": Ref('UnsignedLong'),
"i16": Ref('Short'),
"i32": Ref('Int'),
"i64": Ref('Long'),
"f32": Ref('Float'),
"f64": Ref('Double'),
"bool": Ref('Boolean'),
"UUID": Ref('UUID'),
"string": Ref('String'),
"nbt": Ref('NBTTag'),
"optionalNbt": Ref('OptionalType(NBTTag)'),
"slot": Ref('Slot'),
"position": Ref('Position'),
"entityMetadataItem": Ref('EntityMetadataItem'),
"entityMetadata": Ref('EntityMetadata'),
"restBuffer": Ref('TrailingData'),
"void": Ref('Void'),
"varint": 'int',
"varlong": 'int',
"u8": 'int',
"i8": 'int',
"u16": 'int',
"u32": 'int',
"u64": 'int',
"i16": 'int',
"i32": 'int',
"i64": 'int',
"f32": 'float',
"f64": 'float',
"bool": 'bool',
"UUID": 'str',
"string": 'str',
"nbt": 'dict',
"optionalNbt": 'Optional[dict]',
"slot": 'Item',
"position": 'tuple',
"entityMetadata": 'dict',
"restBuffer": 'bytes',
"void": 'None',
"tags": 'list', # TODO this has been added in 1.13
"bitfield": 'int', # TODO this can be hinted better
def _format_line(i, depth:int=0) -> str:
nl = ('\n' if depth > 0 else " ")
tab = '\t' * depth
return nl + tab + \
f",{nl}{tab}".join(f"{repr(e)}" for e in i) + \
nl + ('\t' * (depth-1))
def format_dict(d:dict, depth:int=1) -> str:
return "{" + _format_line((Ref(f"{k} : {v}") for k,v in sorted(d.items())), depth) + "}"
def format_list(l:list, depth:int=0) -> str:
return "[" + _format_line(l, depth) + "]"
def format_tuple(l:tuple | list, depth:int=0) -> str:
return "(" + _format_line(l, depth) + ")"
def mctype(slot_type:Any) -> Ref:
if isinstance(slot_type, str) and slot_type in TYPE_MAP:
return TYPE_MAP[slot_type]
if isinstance(slot_type, list):
t = slot_type[0]
v = slot_type[1]
if t == "buffer": # Array of bytes
if "countType" in v and v["countType"] == "integer":
return Ref('IntegerByteArray')
return Ref('ByteArray')
elif t == "array": # Generic array
return Ref('ArrayType',
(v["count"] if "count" in v else mctype(v["countType"]) if "countType" in v else Ref('VarInt'))
elif t == "container": # Struct
return Ref('StructType', Ref(", ".join(format_tuple((p["name"], mctype(p["type"]))) for p in v if "name" in p))) # some fields are anonymous???
elif t == "option": # Optional
return Ref('OptionalType', mctype(v))
elif t == "switch": # Union
return Ref('SwitchType',
Ref(format_dict({int(k) if k.isnumeric() else repr(k):mctype(x) for k,x in v["fields"].items()}, depth=0)),
mctype(v["default"]) if "default" in v and v['default'] != 'void' else None,
elif t == "bitfield":
# TODO can be made better...
size = 0
for field in v:
size += field["size"]
if size <= 32:
return Ref('Int')
return Ref('Long')
# elif t == "mapper": # ????
# return TrailingData
logging.error("Encountered unknown composite data type : %s", t)
return Ref('TrailingData')
def mchint(slot_type:Any) -> Ref:
if isinstance(slot_type, str) and slot_type in HINT_MAP:
return Ref(HINT_MAP[slot_type])
if isinstance(slot_type, list):
t = slot_type[0]
if t == "buffer": # Array of bytes
return Ref('bytes')
elif t == "array": # Generic array
return Ref('list')
elif t == "container": # Struct TODO make an object with type hints
return Ref('dict')
elif t == "option": # Optional
return Ref('tuple')
elif t == "switch": # Union
possibilities = set()
for val in slot_type[1]['fields'].values():
if 'default' in slot_type[1]:
return Ref(f'Union[{", ".join(str(s) for s in sorted(possibilities))}]')
elif t == "bitfield":
return Ref('int')
# elif t == "mapper": # ????
# return TrailingData
logging.error("Unknown type %s, using 'bytes' as hint", str(slot_type))
return Ref('bytes')
def pytype(t:list) -> str:
vals = set(str(x) for x in t)
if len(vals) <= 1:
return next(iter(vals))
return 'Union[' + ','.join(x for x in sorted(vals)) + ']'
def snake_to_camel(name:str) -> str:
return "".join(x.capitalize() for x in name.split("_"))
# def parse_slot(slot: dict) -> str:
# name = slot["name"] if "name" in slot else "anon"
# if keyword.iskeyword(name):
# name = "is_" + name
# t = mctype(slot["type"] if "type" in slot else "restBuffer")
# return f"(\"{name}\", {t.__name__})"
# def parse_field(slot: dict) -> str:
# name = slot["name"] if "name" in slot else "anon"
# if keyword.iskeyword(name):
# name = "is_" + name
# t = mctype(slot["type"] if "type" in slot else "restBuffer")
# return f"{name} : {t._pytype.__name__}"
class PacketClassWriter:
name : str
attrs : set[str]
types : dict[str, set[Ref]]
hints : dict[str, set[Ref]]
ids : dict[int, int]
definitions : dict[int, list[tuple[str, Ref]]]
state : int
def __init__(self, pkt:dict, state:int):
| = pkt["name"]
self.state = state
self.attrs = set()
self.ids = {}
self.types = {}
self.hints = {}
self.definitions = {}
for v, defn in pkt["definitions"].items():
self.ids[v] = defn["id"]
self.definitions[v] = []
for field in defn["slots"]:
if "name" not in field:
logging.error("Skipping anonymous field %s", str(field))
field_name : str = field["name"] if not keyword.iskeyword(field["name"]) else "is_" + field["name"]
self.definitions[v].append((field_name, mctype(field["type"])))
if field_name not in self.types:
self.types[field_name] = set()
if field_name not in self.hints:
self.hints[field_name] = set()
def compile(self) -> str:
return PREFACE + \
ids=format_dict(self.ids, depth=2),
definitions=format_dict({ k : Ref(format_list([Ref(format_tuple(x)) for x in v])) for k,v in self.definitions.items() }, depth=2),
slots=format_tuple(["id"] + sorted(self.attrs), depth=0), # TODO jank fix when no slots
fields="\n\t" + "\n\t".join(f"{a} : {pytype(sorted(self.hints[a]))}" for a in sorted(self.attrs)),
constructor=_format_line([Ref(f"{field}:{pytype(sorted(self.hints[field]))} | None = None") for field in sorted(self.attrs)] + [Ref("**kwargs")], depth=2),
constructed=_format_line((Ref(f"{field}={field}") for field in sorted(self.attrs)), depth=3),
class RegistryClassWriter:
registry : dict
def __init__(self, registry:dict):
self.registry = registry
def compile(self) -> str:
return REGISTRY_ENTRY.format(
v : format_dict(
self.registry[v], depth=0
) for v in self.registry
# entries='{\n\t' + ",\n\t".join((
# str(v) + " : { " + ", ".join(
# f"{pid}:{clazz}" for (pid, clazz) in self.registry[v].items()
# ) + ' }' ) for v in self.registry.keys()
# ) + '\n}'
# )
def _make_module(path:Path, contents:dict):
imports = ""
for key, value in contents.items():
imports += f"from .{key} import {value}\n"
with open(path / "", "w") as f:
f.write(PREFACE + imports)
def compile():
import shutil
import zipfile
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
base_path = Path(os.getcwd())
mc_path = base_path / 'aiocraft'
# Retrieve proto definitions from PrismarineJS/minecraft-data
urlretrieve("", mc_path / "")
with zipfile.ZipFile(mc_path / '', 'r') as f:
# First folder starting with PrismarineJS
folder_name = next(folder for folder in os.listdir(mc_path) if folder.startswith("PrismarineJS"))
if os.path.isdir(mc_path / 'proto'):
shutil.rmtree(mc_path / 'proto')
"handshaking": {
"clientbound": {},
"serverbound": {},
"status": {
"clientbound": {},
"serverbound": {},
"login": {
"clientbound": {},
"serverbound": {},
"play": {
"clientbound": {},
"serverbound": {},
all_versions = os.listdir(mc_path / f'{folder_name}/data/pc/')
all_proto_numbers = []
# _make_module(mc_path / 'proto', { f"v{v.replace('.', '_').replace('-', '_')}":"*" for v in all_versions })
for v in all_versions:
if v == "0.30c":
continue # Proto just too antique!
if not os.path.isfile(mc_path / f'{folder_name}/data/pc/{v}/protocol.json') \
or not os.path.isfile(mc_path / f'{folder_name}/data/pc/{v}/version.json'):
with open(mc_path / f'{folder_name}/data/pc/{v}/version.json') as f:
proto_version = json.load(f)['version']
if proto_version < 47 or proto_version > 761:
continue # avoid versions before 1.8 and past 1.19
with open(mc_path / f'{folder_name}/data/pc/{v}/protocol.json') as f:
data = json.load(f)
METADATA[proto_version] = {}
for meta_id, meta_type in data["types"]["entityMetadataItem"][1]["fields"].items():
METADATA[proto_version][int(meta_id)] = mctype(meta_type)
if "particleData" in data["types"]:
PARTICLES[proto_version] = {}
for p_id, p_type in data["types"]["particleData"][1]["fields"].items():
PARTICLES[proto_version][int(p_id)] = mctype(p_type)
# Build data structure containing all packets with all their definitions for different versions
for state in ("handshaking", "status", "login", "play"):
for _direction in ("toClient", "toServer"):
direction = DIR_MAP[_direction]
buf = data[state][_direction]["types"]["packet"][1][0]["type"][1]["mappings"]
except KeyError:
logging.exception("Exception building %s|%s|%s definitions", v, state, direction)
print("Exception building %s|%s|%s definitions" % (v, state, direction))
# _make_module(mc_path / f"proto/{version}/{state}/{direction}", {})
registry = { f"packet_{value}" : int(key, 16) for (key, value) in buf.items() }
for p_name in data[state][_direction]["types"].keys():
if p_name == "packet":
continue # it's the registry entry
if p_name not in registry:
logging.warning("Trying to make definitions for packet '%s'", p_name)
continue # wtf!
packet = data[state][_direction]["types"][p_name]
pid = registry[p_name]
class_name = snake_to_camel(p_name)
if p_name not in PACKETS[state][direction]:
PACKETS[state][direction][p_name] = {
"name" : class_name,
"definitions" : {},
PACKETS[state][direction][p_name]["definitions"][proto_version] = {
"id": pid,
"slots" : packet[1],
_STATE_MAP = {"handshaking": 0, "status":1, "login":2, "play":3}
_make_module(mc_path / 'proto', { k:"*" for k in PACKETS.keys() })
with open(mc_path / 'proto' / '', 'w') as f:
metadata = format_dict(METADATA, depth=2),
particles = format_dict(PARTICLES, depth=2),
for state in PACKETS.keys():
_make_module(mc_path / f"proto/{state}", { k:"*" for k in PACKETS[state].keys() })
for direction in PACKETS[state].keys():
registry = {}
_make_module(mc_path / f"proto/{state}/{direction}", { k:snake_to_camel(k) for k in PACKETS[state][direction].keys() })
for packet in PACKETS[state][direction].keys():
pkt = PACKETS[state][direction][packet]
for v, defn in pkt["definitions"].items():
if v not in registry:
registry[v] = {}
registry[v][defn['id']] = snake_to_camel(packet)
with open(mc_path / f"proto/{state}/{direction}/{packet}.py", "w") as f:
f.write(PacketClassWriter(pkt, _STATE_MAP[state]).compile())
with open(mc_path / f"proto/{state}/{direction}/", "a") as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":