chore: split into multiple files

This commit is contained in:
əlemi 2023-04-03 14:54:08 +02:00
parent 2889470031
commit fc76c653d1
3 changed files with 223 additions and 211 deletions

src/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
use mlua::{Lua, MultiValue};
use tokio::{sync::{mpsc, broadcast}, net::{TcpListener, TcpStream}, io::{AsyncWriteExt, AsyncReadExt}};
use tracing::{debug, error};
use crate::runtime::{prepare_lua_runtime, pretty_lua};
pub struct ControlChannel {
addr: String,
sink: mpsc::Receiver<String>,
source: broadcast::Sender<String>,
pub struct ControlChannelHandle {
pub sink: mpsc::Sender<String>,
pub source: broadcast::Receiver<String>,
impl ControlChannel {
pub fn run(addr: String) -> ControlChannelHandle {
let (sink_tx, sink_rx) = mpsc::channel(64);
let (source_tx, source_rx) = broadcast::channel(64);
let mut chan = ControlChannel {
sink: sink_rx,
source: source_tx,
tokio::spawn(async move { });
ControlChannelHandle { sink: sink_tx, source: source_rx }
async fn work(&mut self) {
match TcpListener::bind(&self.addr).await {
Ok(listener) => {
loop {
match listener.accept().await {
Ok((stream, addr)) => {
debug!("accepted connection from {}, serving shell", addr);
Err(e) => error!("could not accept connection: {}", e),
Err(e) => error!("could not bind on {} : {}", self.addr, e),
async fn process(&mut self, mut stream: TcpStream) {
let mut lua = Lua::new();
prepare_lua_runtime(&mut lua, self.source.clone());
format!("LuaJit 5.2 via rlua inside process #{}\n@> ", std::process::id())
let mut cmd = String::new();
loop {
tokio::select! {
rx = stream.read_u8() => match rx { // FIXME is read_exact cancelable?
Ok(c) => {
if !c.is_ascii() {
debug!("character '{}' is not ascii", c);
let ch : char = c as char;
match ch {
'\u{8}' => {
if cmd.len() > 0 {
cmd.remove(cmd.len() - 1);
'\n' => {
match lua.load(&cmd).eval::<MultiValue>() {
Ok(values) => {
for val in values {
self.source.send(format!("=({}) {}", val.type_name(), pretty_lua(val))).unwrap();
self.source.send("\n@> ".into()).unwrap();
cmd = String::new();
Err(e) => {
match e {
mlua::Error::SyntaxError { message: _, incomplete_input: true } => {
self.source.send("@ ".into()).unwrap();
_ => {
self.source.send(format!("! {}\n@> ", e)).unwrap();
cmd = String::new();
'\0' => break,
_ => cmd.push(ch),
Err(e) => {
debug!("lost connection: {}", e);
tx = self.sink.recv() => match tx {
Some(txt) => stream.write_all(txt.as_bytes()).await.unwrap(),
None => {
error!("command sink closed, exiting processor");

View file

@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
use mlua::{Lua, MultiValue, Variadic, Value, Table};
use tokio::{sync::{mpsc, broadcast}, net::{TcpStream, TcpListener}, io::{AsyncWriteExt, AsyncReadExt}};
use tracing::{error, debug};
mod runtime;
mod channel;
use pox::proc_maps::get_process_maps;
use pox::tricks::fmt_path;
use channel::ControlChannel;
use tracing::{error, debug};
fn contructor() {
eprint!(" -[infected]- ");
std::thread::spawn(move || {
debug!("infected process");
@ -41,209 +42,3 @@ async fn main() {
struct ControlChannel {
addr: String,
sink: mpsc::Receiver<String>,
source: broadcast::Sender<String>,
pub struct ControlChannelHandle {
sink: mpsc::Sender<String>,
source: broadcast::Receiver<String>,
impl ControlChannel {
pub fn run(addr: String) -> ControlChannelHandle {
let (sink_tx, sink_rx) = mpsc::channel(64);
let (source_tx, source_rx) = broadcast::channel(64);
let mut chan = ControlChannel {
sink: sink_rx,
source: source_tx,
tokio::spawn(async move { });
ControlChannelHandle { sink: sink_tx, source: source_rx }
async fn work(&mut self) {
match TcpListener::bind(&self.addr).await {
Ok(listener) => {
loop {
match listener.accept().await {
Ok((stream, addr)) => {
debug!("accepted connection from {}, serving shell", addr);
Err(e) => error!("could not accept connection: {}", e),
Err(e) => error!("could not bind on {} : {}", self.addr, e),
async fn process(&mut self, mut stream: TcpStream) {
let mut lua = Lua::new();
prepare_lua_runtime(&mut lua, self.source.clone());
format!("LuaJit 5.2 via rlua inside process #{}\n@> ", std::process::id())
let mut cmd = String::new();
loop {
tokio::select! {
rx = stream.read_u8() => match rx { // FIXME is read_exact cancelable?
Ok(c) => {
if !c.is_ascii() {
debug!("character '{}' is not ascii", c);
let ch : char = c as char;
match ch {
'\u{8}' => {
if cmd.len() > 0 {
cmd.remove(cmd.len() - 1);
'\n' => {
match lua.load(&cmd).eval::<MultiValue>() {
Ok(values) => {
for val in values {
self.source.send(format!("=({}) {}", val.type_name(), pretty_lua(val))).unwrap();
self.source.send("\n@> ".into()).unwrap();
cmd = String::new();
Err(e) => {
match e {
mlua::Error::SyntaxError { message: _, incomplete_input: true } => {
self.source.send("@ ".into()).unwrap();
_ => {
self.source.send(format!("! {}\n@> ", e)).unwrap();
cmd = String::new();
'\0' => break,
_ => cmd.push(ch),
Err(e) => {
debug!("lost connection: {}", e);
tx = self.sink.recv() => match tx {
Some(txt) => stream.write_all(txt.as_bytes()).await.unwrap(),
None => {
error!("command sink closed, exiting processor");
fn prepare_lua_runtime(lua: &Lua, console: broadcast::Sender<String>) {
let c = console.clone();
let log = lua.create_function(move |_lua, values: Variadic<Value>| {
let mut out = String::new();
for value in values {
out.push(' ');
let size = out.len();
lua.globals().set("log", log).unwrap();
let procmaps = lua.create_function(move |_lua, ()| {
let mut out = String::new();
for map in get_process_maps(std::process::id() as i32).unwrap() {
"[{}] 0x{:08X}..0x{:08X} +{:08x} \t {} {}\n",
map.flags, map.start(), map.start() + map.size(), map.offset, fmt_path(map.filename()),
if map.inode != 0 { format!("({})", map.inode) } else { "".into() },
lua.globals().set("procmaps", procmaps).unwrap();
let hexdump = lua.create_function(move |_lua, (addr, size): (usize, usize)| {
if size == 0 {
return Ok("".into());
let ptr = addr as *mut u8;
let slice = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, size) };
let mut out = String::new();
for line in hexdump::hexdump_iter(slice) {
lua.globals().set("hexdump", hexdump).unwrap();
let write = lua.create_function(move |_lua, (addr, data): (usize, Vec<u8>)| {
for (i, byte) in data.iter().enumerate() {
let off = (addr + i) as *mut u8;
unsafe { *off = *byte } ;
lua.globals().set("write", write).unwrap();
let exit = lua.create_function(move |_lua, code: i32| {
lua.globals().set("exit", exit).unwrap();
let help = lua.create_function(move |_lua, ()| {
console.send(" > log(...) print to (this) remote shell\n".into()).unwrap();
console.send(" > exit(code) immediately terminate process\n".into()).unwrap();
console.send(" > procmaps() returns process memory maps as string\n".into()).unwrap();
console.send(" > write(addr, bytes) write raw bytes at given address\n".into()).unwrap();
console.send(" > hexdump(addr, size) dump bytes at addr in hexdump format\n".into()).unwrap();
console.send(" > help() print these messages".into()).unwrap();
lua.globals().set("help", help).unwrap();
fn pretty_lua(val: Value) -> String {
// TODO there must be some builtin to do this, right???
match val {
Value::Nil => "nil".into(),
Value::Boolean(b) => if b { "true".into() } else { "false".into() },
Value::LightUserData(x) => format!("LightUserData({:?})", x),
Value::Integer(n) => format!("{}", n),
Value::Number(n) => format!("{:.3}", n),
Value::String(s) => s.to_str().expect("string is not str").into(),
Value::Table(t) => try_serialize_table(&t),
Value::Function(f) => format!("Function({:?}", f),
Value::Thread(t) => format!("Thread({:?})", t),
Value::UserData(x) => format!("UserData({:?})", x),
Value::Error(e) => format!("Error({:?}) : {}", e, e.to_string()),
fn try_serialize_table(t: &Table) -> String {
match serde_json::to_string(t) {
Ok(txt) => txt,
Err(_e) => format!("{:?}", t),

src/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
use mlua::{Lua, Variadic, Value, Table};
use pox::{proc_maps::get_process_maps, tricks::fmt_path};
use tokio::sync::broadcast;
pub fn prepare_lua_runtime(lua: &Lua, console: broadcast::Sender<String>) {
let c = console.clone();
let log = lua.create_function(move |_lua, values: Variadic<Value>| {
let mut out = String::new();
for value in values {
out.push(' ');
let size = out.len();
lua.globals().set("log", log).unwrap();
let procmaps = lua.create_function(move |_lua, ()| {
let mut out = String::new();
for map in get_process_maps(std::process::id() as i32).unwrap() {
"[{}] 0x{:08X}..0x{:08X} +{:08x} \t {} {}\n",
map.flags, map.start(), map.start() + map.size(), map.offset, fmt_path(map.filename()),
if map.inode != 0 { format!("({})", map.inode) } else { "".into() },
lua.globals().set("procmaps", procmaps).unwrap();
let hexdump = lua.create_function(move |_lua, (addr, size): (usize, usize)| {
if size == 0 {
return Ok("".into());
let ptr = addr as *mut u8;
let slice = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, size) };
let mut out = String::new();
for line in hexdump::hexdump_iter(slice) {
lua.globals().set("hexdump", hexdump).unwrap();
let write = lua.create_function(move |_lua, (addr, data): (usize, Vec<u8>)| {
for (i, byte) in data.iter().enumerate() {
let off = (addr + i) as *mut u8;
unsafe { *off = *byte } ;
lua.globals().set("write", write).unwrap();
let exit = lua.create_function(move |_lua, code: Option<i32>| {
lua.globals().set("exit", exit).unwrap();
let help = lua.create_function(move |_lua, ()| {
console.send(" > log(...) print to (this) remote shell\n".into()).unwrap();
console.send(" > exit(code) immediately terminate process\n".into()).unwrap();
console.send(" > procmaps() returns process memory maps as string\n".into()).unwrap();
console.send(" > write(addr, bytes) write raw bytes at given address\n".into()).unwrap();
console.send(" > hexdump(addr, size) dump bytes at addr in hexdump format\n".into()).unwrap();
console.send(" > help() print these messages".into()).unwrap();
lua.globals().set("help", help).unwrap();
pub fn pretty_lua(val: Value) -> String {
// TODO there must be some builtin to do this, right???
match val {
Value::Nil => "nil".into(),
Value::Boolean(b) => if b { "true".into() } else { "false".into() },
Value::LightUserData(x) => format!("LightUserData({:?})", x),
Value::Integer(n) => format!("{}", n),
Value::Number(n) => format!("{:.3}", n),
Value::String(s) => s.to_str().expect("string is not str").into(),
Value::Table(t) => try_serialize_table(&t),
Value::Function(f) => format!("Function({:?}", f),
Value::Thread(t) => format!("Thread({:?})", t),
Value::UserData(x) => format!("UserData({:?})", x),
Value::Error(e) => format!("Error({:?}) : {}", e, e.to_string()),
fn try_serialize_table(t: &Table) -> String {
match serde_json::to_string(t) {
Ok(txt) => txt,
Err(_e) => format!("{:?}", t),