
47 lines
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--This file should have all functions that are in the public api and either set
--or read the state of this source.
-- local vim = vim
local renderer = require("neo-tree.ui.renderer")
local manager = require("neo-tree.sources.manager")
local events = require("")
local M = { name = "symbolmap" }
---Navigate to the given path.
---@param path string Path to navigate to. If empty, will navigate to the cwd.
M.navigate = function(state, path)
if path == nil then
path = vim.fn.getcwd()
state.path = path
if state.symboltree == nil then
state.symboltree = { {
id = "root",
name = "use 'a' to query symbols",
type = "directory",
children = {}
} }
renderer.show_nodes(state.symboltree, state)
---Configures the plugin, should be called before the plugin is used.
---@param config table Configuration table containing any keys that the user
--wants to change from the defaults. May be empty to accept default values.
M.setup = function(config, global_config)
-- You most likely want to use this function to subscribe to events
if config.use_libuv_file_watcher then
-- manager.subscribe(, {
-- event = events.FS_EVENT,
-- handler = function(args)
-- manager.refresh(
-- end,
-- })
return M