74 lines
2.8 KiB
74 lines
2.8 KiB
use std::sync::Arc;
// TODO im so angry tokio-tungstenite makes me import this!
use futures_util::StreamExt;
use tokio::sync::RwLock;
use tokio_tungstenite::tungstenite::Message;
use crate::proto::{http::RegisterResponse, ws::{ChatEvent, ChatEventInner}};
pub type Timeline = Arc<RwLock<Vec<String>>>;
pub trait PushableTimeline {
async fn push(&self, msg: String);
impl PushableTimeline for Timeline {
async fn push(&self, msg: String) {
pub async fn worker(server: String, timeline: Timeline) {
timeline.push("[ ] connecting...".to_string()).await;
let registration : RegisterResponse = reqwest::Client::new()
.expect("failed sending registration request")
.expect("failed parsing registration response");
timeline.push(format!("registered to chat: {registration:?}")).await;
// TODO use url crate?
let ws_url = format!("wss://{server}/ws?accessToken={}", registration.access_token);
timeline.push(format!("connecting to {ws_url}")).await;
match tokio_tungstenite::connect_async(ws_url).await {
Err(e) => timeline.push(format!("[!] failed connecting: {e}")).await,
Ok((mut stream, _)) => while let Some(next) = stream.next().await {
match next {
Err(e) => timeline.push(format!("[!] error receiving chat message: {e}")).await,
Ok(msg) => match msg {
Message::Binary(_) => timeline.push("[!] received unexpected binary payload".to_string()).await,
Message::Frame(_) => timeline.push("[!] received unexpected raw frame".to_string()).await,
Message::Ping(_) | tokio_tungstenite::tungstenite::Message::Pong(_) => {}, // ignore
Message::Close(_) => timeline.push("[x] stream is closing".to_string()).await,
Message::Text(payload) => for line in payload.lines() {
match serde_json::from_str::<ChatEvent>(line) {
Err(e) => timeline.push(format!("[!] failed deserializing chat message: {e} -- {payload}")).await,
Ok(event) => match event.inner {
ChatEventInner::Chat { body, visible: _ } =>
timeline.push(format!("{} | [{}]> {}", event.timestamp, event.user.display_name, dissolve::strip_html_tags(&body).join(" "))).await,
ChatEventInner::ConnectedUserInfo =>
timeline.push(format!("{} | {} connected", event.timestamp, event.user.display_name)).await,
ChatEventInner::UserJoined =>
timeline.push(format!("{} | {} joined", event.timestamp, event.user.display_name)).await,
ChatEventInner::UserParted =>
timeline.push(format!("{} | {} left", event.timestamp, event.user.display_name)).await,
timeline.write().await.push("[x] stream closed".to_string());