a warm colorscheme with blue and red tones, to keep you cozy at night
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2023-04-15 20:41:07 +02:00
colors feat: add colorscheme (import from my existing config) 2022-10-01 17:48:02 +02:00
lua fix: set normal colors, slight white/yellow tweaks 2023-04-15 20:41:07 +02:00
README.md docs: improved README.md 2023-04-05 01:59:58 +02:00

                                      BBB                     ██████╗ ███████╗ █████╗ ██╗  ██╗      
                                    B#BGG                     ██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔══██╗██║ ██╔╝      
                                   GB&BG !   G                ██████╔╝█████╗  ███████║█████╔╝       
                                ##GGB&&BGGBG! B               ██╔═══╝ ██╔══╝  ██╔══██║██╔═██╗       
                              B&&&@@@@&###G  ~!~              ██║     ███████╗██║  ██║██║  ██╗      
                           GB&#@@@@&@B #&#G ~^                ╚═╝     ╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝      
                         B&@@@@@@@&     GG ~:! ^  ^                 neovim color scheme             
                      G#&@&@@&@&G                ~                                                  
                   GB&&@@&G@B GG            ~     # ^           * a warm colorscheme with           
                 #&@@@@@@#G   .  GG         #G  ##  ^ !            blue and red tones, to           
            B B&&&&@@&&#  !   ^  ## G  GB&&#GG# B  G~.             keep you cozy at night           
          GGB G@@#&&#G       ~ . B  GBB###&@@B G       ^                                            
        GGG      B&#B G .:!  !  @B  B#GB###GB !          ^      * by alemidev <me@alemi.dev>        
      GG !    GB@&BB      :  !.G#GG B#&&#G  G      G . .^.:                                         
     GB  . GG#@@@&##     :  !. # G B&@@#B      : GBG    . .:                               !^G      
B######   ^^&@@@&BG  G     .     B##BGBB   B     #B   &&  .  !G                        .:B GB##B    
   &##B BBG!^&@&#B     ^  :.    ##GGG GG B       #G  G &B~    ^                  .:!G#&&!    #BB#   
BGB&&&&&##G   &###B# G .    ~   B#&&&BBG#&B    GGGBB    GB   !! BG    :G  GG   GG  G#&#&.   :@@@&&  
BG#&##&#G   :G@@BG !    #  ::B#! &&#G          GB#G     &@@@@@@@@@& # GGGG   GGG   B&&#:^ B@@@&@@@  
BBG#B     .~ @@B   .~    G   B#G GB       &  GBBG      !G&#&&&&&&&&&&     : : G   G&&#:  &&@@@&&&@@ 
#BGGG     .!&#B   ~!:       . GG    #BGBGB####      ~   ~ &BGGGB#&B !  !~ ^.:~GG B&&&!  !&&&&&&  GG&
~        G  @&&G  !!!G       BGG   B&&B    G   ^      !  . @&@&&&&B ^ ::###B&&GGGB!    @@@@@  BG  ~#
       GGG #@#B          BGG#BB##G###B         ~.!          &&&#B## : #&@&#B#B G  BB#&&@@@@@&  B~ ~ 
     BGG GB#             G G     B#&G          :..       :     GGB G  &&&B GG        GG#BBB  G  : G 
 BG GBBBG  GGG   BGBGGGGB#B      B##            :  G G  ! :  &B##G   &@&#GGBG    G G             G&&


This is my custom colorscheme for neovim. I built it mostly with python and rust in mind just to try something out, but it turned out pretty good for other languages too, needing only some tweaks now and then. I'm very pleased with the result in general and I use this as a daily driver.

Themed plugins

This colorscheme, apart from theming the builtin syntax, GUI and diffs, applies colors to:

Color Palette

#19161A #444444 #ADA9A1 #5D748C #48589C #574C85 #63296E #824E53 #917253 #A8956D #32664A #116E70

#252A2B #808080 #D4D2CF #81A1C1 #5B6EA3 #7468B0 #84508C #BF616A #AF875F #EBCB8B #2E8757 #05979A

#333333 #A8A499 #E8E1D3 #A6B4C2 #798DB8 #8F81D4 #AC7EA8 #D1888E #D69C63 #EBD4A7 #55886C #4AD9D9


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