i want to throw errors when vars are missing, so that its easier to find and fill them when running pw
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use std::str::FromStr;
use base64::{prelude::BASE64_STANDARD, Engine};
use http::method::InvalidMethod;
use http::{HeaderMap, HeaderName, HeaderValue};
use jaq_interpret::FilterT;
use crate::errors::InvalidHeaderError;
use crate::{PostWomanError, APP_USER_AGENT};
use crate::ext::{stringify_json, var_matcher, FillError, FillableFromEnvironment, StringOr};
use super::{ExtractorConfig, ClientConfig};
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct EndpointConfig {
/// endpoint path, composed from client base and query params
pub path: String,
/// absolute url, don't compose with client base url
pub absolute: Option<bool>,
/// http method for request, default GET
pub method: Option<String>,
/// query parameters, appended to base url
pub query: Option<Vec<String>>,
/// headers for request, array of "key: value" pairs
pub headers: Option<Vec<String>>,
/// body, optional string
pub body: Option<StringOr<toml::Table>>,
/// expected error code, will fail if different, defaults to 200
pub status: Option<u16>,
/// response extractor
pub extract: Option<StringOr<ExtractorConfig>>,
/// expected result, will fail if different when provided
pub expect: Option<String>,
impl EndpointConfig {
pub fn body(&self) -> Result<String, serde_json::Error> {
match &self.body {
None => Ok("".to_string()),
Some(StringOr::Str(x)) => Ok(x.clone()),
Some(StringOr::T(json)) => Ok(serde_json::to_string(&json)?),
pub fn method(&self) -> Result<reqwest::Method, InvalidMethod> {
match self.method {
Some(ref m) => Ok(reqwest::Method::from_str(m)?),
None => Ok(reqwest::Method::GET),
pub fn headers(&self) -> Result<HeaderMap, InvalidHeaderError> {
let mut headers = HeaderMap::default();
for header in self.headers.as_deref().unwrap_or(&[]) {
let (k, v) = header.split_once(':')
.ok_or_else(|| InvalidHeaderError::Format(header.clone()))?;
pub fn url(&self, base: Option<&str>) -> String {
let mut url = if self.absolute.unwrap_or(false) {
} else {
format!("{}{}", base.unwrap_or_default(), self.path)
if let Some(ref query) = self.query {
url = format!("{url}?{}", query.join("&"));
pub async fn execute(self, opts: &ClientConfig) -> Result<String, PostWomanError> {
let body = self.body()?;
let method = self.method()?;
let headers = self.headers()?;
let url = self.url(opts.base.as_deref());
let client = reqwest::Client::builder()
let res = client
.request(method, url)
if res.status().as_u16() != self.status.unwrap_or(200) {
return Err(PostWomanError::UnexpectedStatusCode(res));
let res = match self.extract.unwrap_or_default() {
StringOr::T(ExtractorConfig::Discard) => "".to_string(),
StringOr::T(ExtractorConfig::Body) => format_body(res).await?,
StringOr::T(ExtractorConfig::Debug) => {
// TODO needless double format
let res_dbg = format!("{res:#?}");
let body = format_body(res).await?;
format!("{res_dbg}\nBody: {body}")
StringOr::T(ExtractorConfig::Header { key }) => res
StringOr::T(ExtractorConfig::Regex { pattern }) => {
let pattern = regex::Regex::new(&pattern)?;
let body = format_body(res).await?;
.ok_or_else(|| PostWomanError::NoMatch(body.clone()))?
// bare string defaults to JQL query
StringOr::T(ExtractorConfig::JQ { query }) | StringOr::Str(query) => {
let json: serde_json::Value = res.json().await?;
let selection = jq(&query, json)?;
if selection.len() == 1 {
} else {
if let Some(expected) = self.expect {
if expected != res {
return Err(PostWomanError::UnexpectedResult(res, expected));
impl FillableFromEnvironment for EndpointConfig {
fn fill(mut self, env: &toml::Table) -> Result<Self, FillError> {
let vars = Self::default_vars(env);
self.path = Self::replace(self.path, env)?;
if let Some(method) = self.method {
self.method = Some(Self::replace(method, env)?);
if let Some(b) = self.body {
match b {
StringOr::Str(body) => {
self.body = Some(StringOr::Str(Self::replace(body, env)?));
StringOr::T(json) => {
let wrap = toml::Value::Table(json.clone());
let toml::Value::Table(out) = replace_recursive(wrap, env)?
else { unreachable!("we put in a table, we get out a table") };
self.body = Some(StringOr::T(out));
if let Some(query) = self.query {
for q in query {
q = Self::replace(q, env)?;
self.query = Some(query);
if let Some(headers) = self.headers {
for h in headers {
h = Self::replace(h, env)?;
self.headers = Some(headers);
fn replace_recursive(element: toml::Value, env: &toml::Table) -> Result<toml::Value, FillError> {
Ok(match element {
toml::Value::Float(x) => toml::Value::Float(x),
toml::Value::Integer(x) => toml::Value::Integer(x),
toml::Value::Boolean(x) => toml::Value::Boolean(x),
toml::Value::Datetime(x) => toml::Value::Datetime(x),
toml::Value::String(x) => toml::Value::String(EndpointConfig::replace(x, env)?),
toml::Value::Array(arr) => {
for v in arr.iter_mut() {
*v = replace_recursive(v, env)?;
toml::Value::Table(map) => {
let mut out = toml::map::Map::new();
for (k, v) in map {
let new_v = replace_recursive(v.clone(), env)?;
let new_k = EndpointConfig::replace(k, env)?;
out.insert(new_k, new_v);
async fn format_body(res: reqwest::Response) -> Result<String, PostWomanError> {
match res.headers().get("Content-Type") {
None => Ok(res.text().await?),
Some(v) => {
let content_type = v.to_str()?;
if content_type.starts_with("application/json") {
} else if content_type.starts_with("text/plain") || content_type.starts_with("text/html") {
} else {
Ok(format!("base64({})\n", BASE64_STANDARD.encode(res.bytes().await?)))
fn jq(query: &str, value: serde_json::Value) -> Result<Vec<serde_json::Value>, PostWomanError> {
// TODO am i not getting jaq api? or is it just this weird????
let mut defs = jaq_interpret::ParseCtx::new(Vec::new());
let (filter, errs) = jaq_parse::parse(query, jaq_parse::main());
let Some(filter) = filter else {
return Err(PostWomanError::JQError(
errs.into_iter().map(|x| format!("{x:?}")).collect::<Vec<String>>().join(", ")
let out: Vec<serde_json::Value> = defs
jaq_interpret::Ctx::new([], &jaq_interpret::RcIter::new(core::iter::empty())),
.filter_map(|x| Some(x.ok()?.into()))