alemi e737f2b7c6
chore: wow this is so OG im crying removing it
but it makes sense for nobody else, put the "slogan" there instead
2025-01-23 03:58:08 +01:00

288 lines
7.7 KiB

use std::path::PathBuf;
use clap::{Parser, Subcommand};
use sea_orm::{ConnectOptions, Database};
use signal_hook::consts::signal::*;
use signal_hook_tokio::Signals;
use futures::stream::StreamExt;
use upub::{context, ext::LoggableError};
#[cfg(feature = "cli")]
use upub_cli as cli;
#[cfg(feature = "migrate")]
use upub_migrations as migrations;
#[cfg(feature = "serve")]
use upub_routes as routes;
#[cfg(feature = "worker")]
use upub_worker as worker;
/// micro social network, federated
struct Args {
/// command to run
command: Mode,
/// path to config file, leave empty to not use any
#[arg(short, long)]
config: Option<PathBuf>,
#[arg(long = "db")]
/// database connection uri, overrides config value
database: Option<String>,
/// instance base domain, for AP ids, overrides config value
domain: Option<String>,
#[arg(long, default_value_t=false)]
/// run with debug level tracing
debug: bool,
/// force set number of worker threads for async runtime, defaults to number of cores
threads: Option<usize>,
#[derive(Clone, Subcommand)]
enum Mode {
/// print current or default configuration
#[cfg(feature = "migrate")]
/// apply database migrations
#[cfg(feature = "cli")]
/// run maintenance CLI tasks
Cli {
/// task to run
command: cli::CliCommand,
#[cfg(all(feature = "serve", feature = "worker"))]
/// start both api routes and background workers
Monolith {
#[arg(short, long, default_value="")]
/// addr to bind and serve onto
bind: String,
#[arg(short, long, default_value_t = 4)]
/// how many concurrent jobs to process with this worker
tasks: usize,
#[arg(short, long, default_value_t = 20)]
/// interval for polling new tasks
poll: u64,
#[cfg(feature = "serve")]
/// start api routes server
Serve {
#[arg(short, long, default_value="")]
/// addr to bind and serve onto
bind: String,
#[cfg(feature = "worker")]
/// start background job worker
Work {
/// only run tasks of this type, run all if not given
filter: Filter,
/// how many concurrent jobs to process with this worker
#[arg(short, long, default_value_t = 4)]
tasks: usize,
#[arg(short, long, default_value_t = 20)]
/// interval for polling new tasks
poll: u64,
fn main() {
let args = Args::parse();
.with_max_level(if args.debug { tracing::Level::DEBUG } else { tracing::Level::INFO })
let config = upub::Config::load(args.config.as_ref());
if matches!(args.command, Mode::Config) {
println!("{}", toml::to_string_pretty(&config).expect("failed serializing config"));
let mut runtime = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_multi_thread();
if let Some(threads) = args.threads {
.expect("failed creating tokio async runtime")
.block_on(async { init(args, config).await })
async fn init(args: Args, config: upub::Config) {
let database = args.database.unwrap_or(config.datasource.connection_string.clone());
let domain = args.domain.unwrap_or(config.instance.domain.clone());
// TODO can i do connectoptions.into() or .connect() and skip these ugly bindings?
let mut opts = ConnectOptions::new(&database);
if config.datasource.slow_query_warn_enable { tracing::log::LevelFilter::Warn } else { tracing::log::LevelFilter::Debug },
let db = Database::connect(opts)
.await.expect("error connecting to db");
#[cfg(feature = "migrate")]
if matches!(args.command, Mode::Migrate | Mode::Monolith { bind: _, tasks: _, poll: _ }) {
// note that, if running in monolith mode, we want to apply migrations before starting, as a
// convenience for quickly spinning up new test instances and to prevent new server admins from
// breaking stuff by forgetting to migrate
use migrations::MigratorTrait;
migrations::Migrator::up(&db, None)
.expect("error applying migrations");
if matches!(args.command, Mode::Migrate) {
return; // if migrate, we're done! otherwise keep going
let (tx_wake, rx_wake) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let wake = WakeToken(rx_wake);
let ctx = upub::Context::new(db, domain, config.clone(), Some(Box::new(WakerToken(tx_wake))))
.await.expect("failed creating server context");
#[cfg(feature = "cli")]
if let Mode::Cli { command } = args.command {
cli::run(ctx, command)
.await.expect("failed running cli task");
// register signal handler only for long-lasting modes, such as server or worker
let (tx, rx) = tokio::sync::watch::channel(false);
let signals = Signals::new([SIGTERM, SIGINT]).expect("failed registering signal handler");
let handle = signals.handle();
let signals_task = tokio::spawn(handle_signals(signals, tx));
let stop = CancellationToken(rx);
match args.command {
#[cfg(feature = "serve")]
Mode::Serve { bind } =>
routes::serve(ctx, bind, stop)
.await.expect("failed serving api routes"),
#[cfg(feature = "worker")]
Mode::Work { filter, tasks, poll } =>
worker::spawn(ctx, tasks, poll, filter.into(), stop, wake)
.await.expect("failed running worker"),
#[cfg(all(feature = "serve", feature = "worker"))]
Mode::Monolith { bind, tasks, poll } => {
worker::spawn(ctx.clone(), tasks, poll, None, stop.clone(), wake);
routes::serve(ctx, bind, stop)
.await.expect("failed serving api routes");
Mode::Config => unreachable!(),
#[cfg(feature = "migrate")]
Mode::Migrate => unreachable!(),
#[cfg(feature = "cli")]
Mode::Cli { .. } => unreachable!(),
signals_task.await.expect("failed joining signal handler task");
struct WakerToken(tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender<()>);
impl context::WakerToken for WakerToken {
fn wake(&self) {
self.0.send(()).warn_failed("failed waking up workers");
struct WakeToken(tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<()>);
impl worker::WakeToken for WakeToken {
async fn wait(&mut self) {
let _ = self.0.recv().await;
struct CancellationToken(tokio::sync::watch::Receiver<bool>);
impl worker::StopToken for CancellationToken {
fn stop(&self) -> bool {
impl routes::ShutdownToken for CancellationToken {
async fn event(mut self) {
self.0.changed().await.warn_failed("cancellation token channel closed, stopping...");
async fn handle_signals(
mut signals: signal_hook_tokio::Signals,
tx: tokio::sync::watch::Sender<bool>,
) {
while let Some(signal) = signals.next().await {
match signal {
tracing::info!("received stop signal, closing tasks");
tx.send(true).info_failed("error sending stop signal to tasks")
_ => unreachable!(),
#[derive(Debug, Clone, clap::ValueEnum)]
enum Filter {
impl From<Filter> for Option<upub::model::job::JobType> {
fn from(value: Filter) -> Self {
match value {
Filter::All => None,
Filter::Delivery => Some(upub::model::job::JobType::Delivery),
Filter::Inbound => Some(upub::model::job::JobType::Inbound),
Filter::Outbound => Some(upub::model::job::JobType::Outbound),