
200 lines
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pub mod server;
pub mod model;
pub mod routes;
pub mod errors;
#[cfg(feature = "migrations")]
mod migrations;
#[cfg(feature = "migrations")]
use sea_orm_migration::MigratorTrait;
use clap::{Parser, Subcommand};
use sea_orm::{ConnectOptions, Database, EntityTrait, IntoActiveModel};
pub use errors::UpubResult as Result;
use server::fetcher::Fetcher;
use tower_http::{cors::CorsLayer, trace::TraceLayer};
use crate::server::fetcher::Fetchable;
pub const VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");
/// all names were taken
struct CliArgs {
/// command to run
command: CliCommand,
#[arg(short = 'd', long = "db", default_value = "sqlite://./upub.db")]
/// database connection uri
database: String,
#[arg(short = 'D', long, default_value = "http://localhost:3000")]
/// instance base domain, for AP ids
domain: String,
#[arg(long, default_value_t=false)]
/// run with debug level tracing
debug: bool,
#[derive(Clone, Subcommand)]
enum CliCommand {
/// run fediverse server
Serve ,
#[cfg(feature = "migrations")]
/// apply database migrations
#[cfg(feature = "faker")]
/// generate fake user, note and activity
/// how many fake statuses to insert for root user
count: u64,
/// fetch a single AP object
Fetch {
/// object id, or uri, to fetch
uri: String,
#[arg(long, default_value_t = false)]
/// store fetched object in local db
save: bool,
/// follow a remote relay
Relay {
/// actor url, same as with pleroma
actor: String,
async fn main() {
let args = CliArgs::parse();
.with_max_level(if args.debug { tracing::Level::DEBUG } else { tracing::Level::INFO })
// TODO can i do connectoptions.into() or .connect() and skip these ugly bindings?
let mut opts = ConnectOptions::new(&args.database);
let db = Database::connect(opts)
.await.expect("error connecting to db");
match args.command {
#[cfg(feature = "migrations")]
CliCommand::Migrate => migrations::Migrator::up(&db, None)
.await.expect("error applying migrations"),
#[cfg(feature = "faker")]
CliCommand::Faker { count } => model::faker::faker(&db, args.domain, count)
.await.expect("error creating fake entities"),
CliCommand::Fetch { uri, save } => fetch(db, args.domain, uri, save)
.await.expect("error fetching object"),
CliCommand::Relay { actor } => {
let ctx = server::Context::new(db, args.domain)
.await.expect("failed creating server context");
let relay = ctx.fetch_user(&actor)
.await.expect("could not fetch relay actor");
let inbox = relay.inbox.expect("relay has no inbox to deliver to");
let aid = ctx.aid(uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_string());
let activity_model = model::activity::Model {
id: aid.clone(),
activity_type: apb::ActivityType::Follow,
actor: ctx.base(),
object: Some(actor),
target: None,
published: chrono::Utc::now(),
cc: model::Audience::default(),
bcc: model::Audience::default(),
to: model::Audience::default(),
bto: model::Audience::default(),
.exec(ctx.db()).await.expect("could not insert activity in db");
ctx.dispatch(&ctx.base(), vec![inbox], &aid, None).await
.expect("could not dispatch follow");
CliCommand::Serve => {
let ctx = server::Context::new(db, args.domain)
.await.expect("failed creating server context");
use routes::activitypub::ActivityPubRouter;
use routes::mastodon::MastodonRouter;
let router = axum::Router::new()
.mastodon_routes() // no-op if mastodon feature is disabled
// run our app with hyper, listening locally on port 3000
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("")
.await.expect("could not bind tcp socket");
axum::serve(listener, router)
.expect("failed serving application")
async fn fetch(db: sea_orm::DatabaseConnection, domain: String, uri: String, save: bool) -> crate::Result<()> {
use apb::Base;
let ctx = server::Context::new(db, domain)
.await.expect("failed creating server context");
let mut node = apb::Node::link(uri.to_string());
let obj = node.get().expect("node still empty after fetch?");
if save {
match obj.base_type() {
Some(apb::BaseType::Object(apb::ObjectType::Actor(_))) => {
Some(apb::BaseType::Object(apb::ObjectType::Activity(_))) => {
Some(apb::BaseType::Object(apb::ObjectType::Note)) => {
Some(apb::BaseType::Object(t)) => tracing::warn!("not implemented: {:?}", t),
Some(apb::BaseType::Link(_)) => tracing::error!("fetched another link?"),
None => tracing::error!("no type on object"),
println!("{}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&obj).unwrap());