alemi ea655be121
fix(web): huge refactor but basically nothing changed
... yet! this fixes the weird bug that resets timeline scroll when
coming back from users (annoying!). also slightly better spacing for
things and more consistent loading buttons. its a big refactor and its
underway but there's so much in progress that ill commit this big chunk
as is and i totally wont regret it later when i need to remember what i
was moving where aha
2024-06-12 06:02:36 +02:00

351 lines
11 KiB

use std::sync::Arc;
use leptos::*;
use crate::{prelude::*, URL_SENSITIVE};
use apb::{field::OptionalString, target::Addressed, ActivityMut, Base, Collection, CollectionMut, Document, Object, ObjectMut};
pub fn Attachment(
object: serde_json::Value,
sensitive: bool
) -> impl IntoView {
let config = use_context::<Signal<crate::Config>>().expect("missing config context");
let (expand, set_expand) = create_signal(false);
let href = object.url().id().str().unwrap_or_default();
let media_type = object.media_type()
.unwrap_or("link") // TODO make it an Option rather than defaulting to link everywhere
let mut kind = media_type
// TODO in theory we should match on document_type, but mastodon and misskey send all attachments
// as "Documents" regardless of type, so we're forced to ignore the actual AP type and just match
// using media_type, uffff
// those who correctly send Image type objects without a media type get shown as links here, this
// is a dirty fix to properly display as images
if kind == "link" && matches!(object.document_type(), Ok(apb::DocumentType::Image)) {
kind = "image".to_string();
match kind.as_str() {
"image" =>
view! {
<p class="center">
src={move || if sensitive && !expand.get() {
} else {
on:click=move |_| set_expand.set(!expand.get())
"video" => {
let _href = href.clone();
view! {
<div class="center cursor box ml-1"
on:click=move |_| set_expand.set(!expand.get())
<video controls class="attachment" class:expand=expand prop:loop=move || config.get().loop_videos >
{move || if sensitive && !expand.get() { None } else { Some(view! { <source src={_href.clone()} type={media_type.clone()} /> }) }}
<a href={href.clone()} target="_blank">video clip</a>
"audio" =>
view! {
<p class="center">
<audio controls class="w-100" prop:loop=move || config.get().loop_videos >
<source src={href.clone()} type={media_type} />
<a href={href} target="_blank">audio clip</a>
"link" =>
view! {
<code class="cw color center">
<a href={href.clone()} title={href.clone()} rel="noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank">
{object.name().map(|name| {
view! {
<p class="center mt-0"><small>{name.to_string()}</small></p>
_ =>
view! {
<p class="center box">
<code class="cw color center">
<a href={href} target="_blank">{media_type}</a>
{object.name().map(|name| {
view! { <p class="tiny-text"><small>{name.to_string()}</small></p> }
pub fn Object(object: crate::Object) -> impl IntoView {
let oid = object.id().unwrap_or_default().to_string();
let content = mdhtml::safe_html(object.content().unwrap_or_default());
let author_id = object.attributed_to().id().str().unwrap_or_default();
let author = CACHE.get_or(&author_id, serde_json::Value::String(author_id.clone()).into());
let sensitive = object.sensitive().unwrap_or_default();
let addressed = object.addressed();
let public = addressed.iter().any(|x| x.as_str() == apb::target::PUBLIC);
let external_url = object.url().id().str().unwrap_or_else(|| oid.clone());
let attachments = object.attachment()
.map(|x| view! { <Attachment object=x sensitive=sensitive /> })
let comments = object.replies().get()
.map_or(0, |x| x.total_items().unwrap_or(0));
let shares = object.shares().get()
.map_or(0, |x| x.total_items().unwrap_or(0));
let likes = object.likes().get()
.map_or(0, |x| x.total_items().unwrap_or(0));
let already_liked = object.liked_by_me().unwrap_or(false);
let attachments_padding = if object.attachment().is_empty() {
} else {
Some(view! { <div class="pb-1"></div> })
let audience_badge = object.audience().id().str()
.map(|x| view! {
<a class="clean dim" href={x.clone()} target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer">
title="this is a group: all interactions will be broadcasted to group members!"
<code class="color">&</code>
let post_inner = view! {
<Summary summary=object.summary().ok().map(|x| x.to_string()) >
<p inner_html={content}></p>
let post = match object.object_type() {
// mastodon, pleroma, misskey
Ok(apb::ObjectType::Note) => view! {
<article class="tl">{post_inner}</article>
// lemmy with Page, peertube with Video
Ok(apb::ObjectType::Document(t)) => view! {
<div class="border pa-1 ml-1 mr-1 mt-1">
<hr />
<a class="clean color" rel="nofollow noreferrer" href={oid.clone()} target="_blank">
<input class="w-100" type="button" value={t.as_ref().to_string()} />
// wordpress, ... ?
Ok(apb::ObjectType::Article) => view! {
<hr />
// everything else
Ok(t) => view! {
// object without type?
Err(_) => view! { <code>missing object type</code> }.into_view(),
view! {
<table class="align w-100 ml-s mr-s">
<td><ActorBanner object=author /></td>
<td class="rev" >
{object.in_reply_to().id().str().map(|reply| view! {
<small><i><a class="clean" href={Uri::web(U::Object, &reply)} title={reply}>reply</a></i></small>
<PrivacyMarker addressed=addressed />
<a class="clean hover ml-s" href={Uri::web(U::Object, object.id().unwrap_or_default())}>
<DateTime t=object.published().ok() />
<sup><small><a class="clean ml-s" href={external_url} target="_blank">""</a></small></sup>
<div class="mt-s ml-1 rev">
<ReplyButton n=comments target=oid.clone() />
<LikeButton n=likes liked=already_liked target=oid.clone() author=author_id private=!public />
<RepostButton n=shares target=oid />
pub fn Summary(summary: Option<String>, children: Children) -> impl IntoView {
let config = use_context::<Signal<crate::Config>>().expect("missing config context");
match summary.filter(|x| !x.is_empty()) {
None => children().into_view(),
Some(summary) => view! {
<details class="pa-s" prop:open=move || !config.get().collapse_content_warnings>
<code class="cw center color ml-s w-100">{summary}</code>
pub fn LikeButton(
n: u64,
target: String,
liked: bool,
author: String,
private: bool,
) -> impl IntoView {
let (count, set_count) = create_signal(n);
let (clicked, set_clicked) = create_signal(!liked);
let auth = use_context::<Auth>().expect("missing auth context");
view! {
class:emoji-btn=move || auth.present()
class:cursor=move || clicked.get() && auth.present()
on:click=move |_ev| {
if !auth.present() { return; }
if !clicked.get() { return; }
let to = apb::Node::links(vec![author.to_string()]);
let cc = if private { apb::Node::Empty } else {
format!("{URL_BASE}/actors/{}/followers", auth.username())
let payload = serde_json::Value::Object(serde_json::Map::default())
let target = target.clone();
spawn_local(async move {
match Http::post(&auth.outbox(), &payload, auth).await {
Ok(()) => {
set_count.set(count.get() + 1);
if let Some(cached) = CACHE.get(&target) {
let mut new = (*cached).clone().set_liked_by_me(Some(true));
if let Some(likes) = new.likes().get() {
if let Ok(count) = likes.total_items() {
new = new.set_likes(apb::Node::object(likes.clone().set_total_items(Some(count + 1))));
CACHE.put(target, Arc::new(new));
Err(e) => tracing::error!("failed sending like: {e}"),
{move || if count.get() > 0 { Some(view! { <small>{count}</small> })} else { None }}
pub fn ReplyButton(n: u64, target: String) -> impl IntoView {
let reply = use_context::<ReplyControls>().expect("missing reply controls context");
let auth = use_context::<Auth>().expect("missing auth context");
let comments = if n > 0 {
Some(view! { <small>{n}</small> })
} else {
let _target = target.clone(); // TODO ughhhh useless clones
view! {
class:emoji=move || !reply.reply_to.get().map_or(false, |x| x == _target)
// TODO can we merge these two classes conditions?
class:emoji-btn=move || auth.present()
class:cursor=move || auth.present()
on:click=move |_ev| if auth.present() { reply.reply(&target) }
" 📨"
pub fn RepostButton(n: u64, target: String) -> impl IntoView {
let (count, set_count) = create_signal(n);
let (clicked, set_clicked) = create_signal(true);
let auth = use_context::<Auth>().expect("missing auth context");
view! {
class:emoji-btn=move || auth.present()
class:cursor=move || clicked.get() && auth.present()
on:click=move |_ev| {
if !auth.present() { return; }
if !clicked.get() { return; }
let to = apb::Node::links(vec![apb::target::PUBLIC.to_string()]);
let cc = apb::Node::links(vec![format!("{URL_BASE}/actors/{}/followers", auth.username())]);
let payload = serde_json::Value::Object(serde_json::Map::default())
spawn_local(async move {
match Http::post(&auth.outbox(), &payload, auth).await {
Ok(()) => set_count.set(count.get() + 1),
Err(e) => tracing::error!("failed sending like: {e}"),
{move || if count.get() > 0 { Some(view! { <small>{count}</small> })} else { None }}
" 🚀"