
100 lines
2.6 KiB

use std::sync::Arc;
use axum::{routing::{get, post}, Router};
use sea_orm::DatabaseConnection;
use crate::activitypub as ap;
pub struct Context(Arc<ContextInner>);
struct ContextInner {
db: DatabaseConnection,
domain: String,
macro_rules! url {
($ctx:expr, $($args: tt)*) => {
format!("{}{}", $ctx.base(), format!($($args)*))
impl Context {
pub fn new(db: DatabaseConnection, mut domain: String) -> Self {
if !domain.starts_with("http") {
domain = format!("https://{domain}");
if domain.ends_with('/') {
domain.replace_range(domain.len()-1.., "");
Context(Arc::new(ContextInner { db, domain }))
pub fn db(&self) -> &DatabaseConnection {
pub fn base(&self) -> &str {
pub fn uri(&self, entity: &str, id: String) -> String {
if id.starts_with("http") { id } else {
format!("{}/{}/{}", self.0.domain, entity, id)
// TODO maybe redo these with enums? idk
/// get full user id uri
pub fn uid(&self, id: String) -> String {
self.uri("users", id)
/// get full object id uri
pub fn oid(&self, id: String) -> String {
self.uri("objects", id)
/// get full activity id uri
pub fn aid(&self, id: String) -> String {
self.uri("activities", id)
/// get bare uri, usually an uuid but unspecified
pub fn id(&self, id: String) -> String {
if id.starts_with(&self.0.domain) {
} else {
pub async fn serve(db: DatabaseConnection, domain: String) {
// build our application with a single route
let app = Router::new()
// core server inbox/outbox, maybe for feeds? TODO do we need these?
.route("/", get(ap::view))
.route("/inbox", post(ap::inbox))
.route("/outbox", get(ap::outbox))
// .well-known and discovery
.route("/.well-known/webfinger", get(ap::well_known::webfinger))
.route("/.well-known/host-meta", get(ap::well_known::host_meta))
.route("/.well-known/nodeinfo", get(ap::well_known::nodeinfo_discovery))
.route("/nodeinfo/:version", get(ap::well_known::nodeinfo))
// actor routes
.route("/users/:id", get(ap::user::view))
.route("/users/:id/inbox", post(ap::user::inbox))
.route("/users/:id/outbox", get(ap::user::outbox))
// specific object routes
.route("/activities/:id", get(ap::activity::view))
.route("/objects/:id", get(ap::object::view))
.with_state(Context::new(db, domain));
// run our app with hyper, listening globally on port 3000
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
axum::serve(listener, app)