its weird because we get activities in outbox, however pulling activities makes a mess because we may get objects again and have them appear twice, uggg... this way we may effectively not fetch anything (if remote actor liked a ton of stuff, we only get their likes, and the related object is not from them!) but ehhh will do for now |
apb | ||
upub | ||
utils | ||
web | ||
.editorconfig | ||
.gitignore | ||
.rustfmt.toml | ||
.tci | ||
Cargo.lock | ||
Cargo.toml | ||
LICENSE | || | || |
μpub aims to be a private, lightweight, modular and secure ActivityPub server
- follow development in the dedicated matrix room
μpub is usable as a very simple ActivityPub project: it has a home and server timeline, it allows to browse threads, star notes and leave replies, it renders remote media of any kind and can be used to browse and follow remote users
all interactions happen with ActivityPub's client-server methods (basically POST your activities to your outbox), with appropriate extensions: μpub doesn't want to invent another API!
development is still active, so expect more stuff to come! since most fediverse software uses Mastodon's API, μpub plans to implement it as an optional feature, becoming eventually compatible with most existing frontends and mobile applications, but focus right now is on producing something specific to μpub needs
a test instance is available at
about security
most activitypub implementations don't really validate fetches: knowing an activity/object id will allow anyone to resolve it on most fedi software. this is of course unacceptable: "security through obscurity" just doesn't work
μpub correctly and rigorously implements and enforces access control on each object based on its addressing
most instances will have "authorized fetch" which kind of makes the issue less bad, but anyone can host an actor, have any server download their pubkey and then start fetching
μpub may be considered to have "authorized fetch" permanently on, except it depends on each post:
- all posts marked public (meaning, addressed to ""), will be fetchable without any authorization
- all posts not public will require explicit addressing and authentication: for example if post A is addressed to
- anonymous fetchers will receive 404 on GET /posts/A
- local users must authenticate and will be given said post only if it's addressed to them
- remote servers will be given access to all posts from any of their users once they have authenticated themselves (with http signing)
note that followers get expanded: addressing to will address to anyone following actor that the server knows of, at that time
media caching
μpub doesn't download remote media to both minimize local resources requirement and avoid storing media that remotes want gone. to prevent leaking local user ip addresses, all media links are cloaked and proxied.
while this just works for small instances, larger servers should set up aggressive caching on /proxy/...
for example, on nginx
proxy_cache_path /tmp/upub/cache levels=1:2 keys_zone=upub_cache:100m max_size=50g inactive=168h use_temp_path=off;
server {
location /proxy/ {
# use our configured cache
slice 1m;
proxy_set_header Range $slice_range;
chunked_transfer_encoding on;
proxy_ignore_client_abort on;
proxy_buffering on;
proxy_cache upub_cache;
proxy_cache_key $host$uri$is_args$args$slice_range;
proxy_cache_valid 200 206 301 304 168h;
proxy_cache_lock on;
all help is extremely welcome! development mostly happens on, but there's a github mirror available too
if you prefer a forge-less development you can browse the repo on my cgit, and send me patches on any contact listed on my site
don't hesitate to get in touch, i'd be thrilled to showcase the project to you!
- barebone actors
- barebone activities and objects
- activitystreams/activitypub compliance (well mostly)
- process barebones feeds
- process barebones inbox
- process barebones outbox
- http signatures
- privacy, targets, scopes
- simple web client
- announce (boosts)
- threads
- remote media
- editing via api
- advanced composer
- api for fetching
- like, share, reply via frontend
- backend config
- frontend config
- optimize
database schema - mentions, notifications
- hashtags
- remote media proxy
- user fields
- better editing via web frontend
- upload media
- public vs unlisted for discovery
- mastodon-like search bar
- polls
- lists
- full mastodon api
- get rid of internal ids from code