364 lines
11 KiB
364 lines
11 KiB
use std::sync::Arc;
use leptos::*;
use crate::{prelude::*, URL_SENSITIVE};
use apb::{ActivityMut, Base, Collection, CollectionMut, Object, ObjectMut, Shortcuts};
pub fn Object(object: crate::Object, #[prop(default = true)] controls: bool) -> impl IntoView {
let oid = object.id().unwrap_or_default().to_string();
let author_id = object.attributed_to().id().ok().unwrap_or_default();
let author = cache::OBJECTS.get_or(&author_id, serde_json::Value::String(author_id.clone()).into());
let sensitive = object.sensitive().unwrap_or_default();
let to = object.to().all_ids();
let cc = object.cc().all_ids();
let privacy = Privacy::from_addressed(&to, &cc);
let external_url = object.url().id().ok().unwrap_or_else(|| oid.clone());
let attachments = object.attachment()
.filter_map(|x| x.into_inner().ok()) // TODO maybe show links?
.map(|x| view! { <Attachment object=x sensitive=sensitive /> })
let comments = object.replies_count().unwrap_or_default();
let shares = object.shares_count().unwrap_or_default();
let likes = object.likes_count().unwrap_or_default();
let already_liked = object.liked_by_me().unwrap_or(false);
let attachments_padding = if object.attachment().is_empty() {
} else {
Some(view! { <div class="pb-1"></div> })
let content = mdhtml::safe_html(&object.content().unwrap_or_default());
let audience_badge = object.audience().id().ok()
.map(|x| {
// TODO this isn't guaranteed to work every time...
let name = x.split('/').last().unwrap_or_default().to_string();
view! {
<a class="clean dim" href={Uri::web(U::Actor, &x)}>
<span class="border-button ml-s" title={x}>
<code class="color mr-s">&</code>
<small class="mr-s">
let quote_block = object.quote_url()
.and_then(|x| {
Some(view! {
<div class="quote">
<Object object=crate::cache::OBJECTS.get(&x)? controls=false />
let quote_badge = object.quote_url()
.map(|x| {
let href = Uri::web(U::Object, &x);
view! {
<a class="clean dim" href={href}>
<span class="border-button ml-s" >
<code class="color mr-s">">"</code>
<small class="mr-s">
</a>" "
let tag_badges = object.tag()
.filter_map(|node| match node {
apb::Node::Link(x) => Some(x),
_ => None,
.map(|link| {
match apb::Link::link_type(link.as_ref()) {
Ok(apb::LinkType::Hashtag) => {
let name = apb::Link::name(link.as_ref()).unwrap_or_default().replace('#', "");
let href = Uri::web(U::Hashtag, &name);
Some(view! {
<a class="clean dim" href={href}>
<span class="border-button ml-s" >
<code class="color mr-s">#</code>
<small class="mr-s">
</a>" "
Ok(apb::LinkType::Mention) => {
let uid = apb::Link::href(link.as_ref()).unwrap_or_default();
let mention = apb::Link::name(link.as_ref()).unwrap_or_default().replacen('@', "", 1);
let (username, domain) = if let Some((username, server)) = mention.split_once('@') {
(username.to_string(), server.to_string())
} else {
uid.replace("https://", "").replace("http://", "").split('/').next().unwrap_or_default().to_string(),
let href = Uri::web(U::Actor, &uid);
Some(view! {
<a class="clean dim" href={href}>
<span class="border-button ml-s" title={format!("@{username}@{domain}")} >
<code class="color mr-s">@</code>
<small class="mr-s">
</a>" "
_ => None,
let post_image = object.image().inner().and_then(|x| x.url().id()).ok().map(|x| {
let (expand, set_expand) = create_signal(false);
view! {
class="flex-pic box cursor"
src={move || if sensitive && !expand.get() {
} else {
on:click=move|_| set_expand.set(!expand.get())
let post_inner = view! {
<Summary summary=object.summary().ok().map(|x| x.to_string()) >
<p inner_html={content}></p>
let post = match object.object_type() {
// mastodon, pleroma, misskey
Ok(apb::ObjectType::Note) => view! {
<article class="tl">
// lemmy with Page, peertube with Video
Ok(apb::ObjectType::Document(t)) => view! {
<article class="float-container ml-1 mr-1" >
<h4 class="mt-s mb-1" title={t.as_ref().to_string()}>
// wordpress, ... ?
Ok(apb::ObjectType::Article) => view! {
<hr />
// everything else
Ok(t) => view! {
// object without type?
Err(_) => view! { <code>missing object type</code> }.into_view(),
view! {
<table class="align w-100 ml-s mr-s">
<td><ActorBanner object=author /></td>
<td class="rev" >
{object.in_reply_to().id().ok().map(|reply| view! {
<small><i><a class="clean" href={Uri::web(U::Object, &reply)} title={reply}>reply</a></i></small>
<PrivacyMarker privacy=privacy to=&to cc=&cc />
<a class="clean hover ml-s" href={Uri::web(U::Object, &object.id().unwrap_or_default())}>
<DateTime t=object.published().ok() />
<sup><small><a class="clean ml-s" href={external_url} target="_blank">"↗"</a></small></sup>
<div class="mb-s mt-s ml-1 rev">
{if controls {
Some(view! {
<span style="white-space:nowrap">
<ReplyButton n=comments target=oid.clone() />
<LikeButton n=likes liked=already_liked target=oid.clone() author=author_id.clone() private=!privacy.is_public() />
{if privacy.is_public() { Some(view! { <RepostButton n=shares target=oid author=author_id /> }) } else { None }}
} else { None }}
pub fn Summary(summary: Option<String>, children: Children) -> impl IntoView {
let config = use_context::<Signal<crate::Config>>().expect("missing config context");
match summary.filter(|x| !x.is_empty()) {
None => children().into_view(),
Some(summary) => view! {
<details class="pa-s" prop:open=move || !config.get().collapse_content_warnings>
<code class="cw center color ml-s w-100 bb">{summary}</code>
pub fn LikeButton(
n: i32,
target: String,
liked: bool,
author: String,
private: bool,
) -> impl IntoView {
let (count, set_count) = create_signal(n);
let (clicked, set_clicked) = create_signal(!liked);
let auth = use_context::<Auth>().expect("missing auth context");
let privacy = use_context::<PrivacyControl>().expect("missing privacy context");
view! {
class:emoji-btn=move || auth.present()
class:cursor=move || clicked.get() && auth.present()
on:click=move |_ev| {
if !auth.present() { return; }
if !clicked.get() { return; }
let (mut to, cc) = if private {
(vec![], vec![])
} else {
let payload = serde_json::Value::Object(serde_json::Map::default())
let target = target.clone();
spawn_local(async move {
match Http::post(&auth.outbox(), &payload, auth).await {
Ok(()) => {
set_count.set(count.get() + 1);
if let Some(cached) = cache::OBJECTS.get(&target) {
let mut new = (*cached).clone().set_liked_by_me(Some(true));
if let Ok(likes) = new.likes().inner() {
if let Ok(count) = likes.total_items() {
new = new.set_likes(apb::Node::object(likes.clone().set_total_items(Some(count + 1))));
cache::OBJECTS.store(&target, Arc::new(new));
Err(e) => tracing::error!("failed sending like: {e}"),
{move || if count.get() > 0 { Some(view! { <small>{count}</small> })} else { None }}
" ⭐"
pub fn ReplyButton(n: i32, target: String) -> impl IntoView {
let reply = use_context::<ReplyControls>().expect("missing reply controls context");
let auth = use_context::<Auth>().expect("missing auth context");
let comments = if n > 0 {
Some(view! { <small>{n}</small> })
} else {
let _target = target.clone(); // TODO ughhhh useless clones
view! {
class:emoji=move || !reply.reply_to.get().map_or(false, |x| x == _target)
// TODO can we merge these two classes conditions?
class:emoji-btn=move || auth.present()
class:cursor=move || auth.present()
on:click=move |_ev| if auth.present() { reply.reply(&target) }
" 📨"
pub fn RepostButton(n: i32, target: String, author: String) -> impl IntoView {
let (count, set_count) = create_signal(n);
let (clicked, set_clicked) = create_signal(true);
let auth = use_context::<Auth>().expect("missing auth context");
let privacy = use_context::<PrivacyControl>().expect("missing privacy context");
view! {
class:emoji-btn=move || auth.present()
class:cursor=move || clicked.get() && auth.present()
on:click=move |_ev| {
if !auth.present() { return; }
if !clicked.get() { return; }
let (mut to, cc) = privacy.get().address(&auth.username());
let payload = serde_json::Value::Object(serde_json::Map::default())
spawn_local(async move {
match Http::post(&auth.outbox(), &payload, auth).await {
Ok(()) => set_count.set(count.get() + 1),
Err(e) => tracing::error!("failed sending like: {e}"),
{move || if count.get() > 0 { Some(view! { <small>{count}</small> })} else { None }}
" 🚀"