
54 lines
1.5 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto2";
package workspace;
import "common.proto";
import "files.proto";
import "auth.proto";
service Workspace {
rpc Attach (common.Empty) returns (stream WorkspaceEvent);
rpc CreateBuffer (files.BufferNode) returns (common.Empty);
rpc AccessBuffer (files.BufferNode) returns (BufferCredentials);
rpc DeleteBuffer (files.BufferNode) returns (common.Empty);
rpc ListBuffers (common.Empty) returns (files.BufferTree);
rpc ListUsers (common.Empty) returns (common.IdentityList);
rpc ListBufferUsers (files.BufferNode) returns (common.IdentityList);
message WorkspaceEvent {
message UserJoin {
required common.Identity user = 1;
message UserLeave {
required common.Identity user = 1;
message FileCreate {
required string path = 1;
message FileRename {
required string before = 1;
required string after = 2;
message FileDelete {
required string path = 1;
oneof event {
UserJoin join = 1;
UserLeave leave = 2;
FileCreate create = 3;
FileRename rename = 4;
FileDelete delete = 5;
// TODO this is very ugly because we can't just return a new token (which is already smelly but whatev), we also need to tell the underlying id so that
// the client can put it as metadata while attaching, because it can't really know the underlying id that the server is using for each buffer without
// parsing the token itself. meehhhhhh, this bleeds underlying implementation to the upper levels, how can we avoid this??
message BufferCredentials {
required common.Identity id = 1;
required auth.Token token = 2;