Alternatively you can simply `git clone` this repository into your `Packages` folder:
You can access it via sublime through `Settings -> Browse Packages...`.
You will need to keep the package up to date yourself.
# Usage
## Overview
* All sublime windows share a single client session with a server.
* The workspaces are window specific, similarly to a `sublime-project`. So you can open `workspace-1` in one window and `workspace-2` in another, so long as both are in the same server and you have access to them.
* Joining a workspace will materialize a virtual file system mimicking the remote one as if it were a project folder.
* then join a workspace with `Codemp: Join Workspace`
* attach directly to a buffer with `Codemp: Join Buffer` and start typing away!
all commands will provide a list of available ids to chose from
## Commands
Interact with this plugin using the command palette.
In future versions side bar interaction will be attempted.
If an argument is shown between square brakets `[arg]` then the user will be prompted
if not present (either as simple text input or selecting from a list).
| command label | arguments | description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `Codemp: Connect` | `[host]``[user]``[password]` | to connect to a `codemp` server specified by `host` (defaults to the reference `` hexedtech server).
Once connected the following commands will become available:
| command label | arguments | description |
| --- | --- | --- |
|`Codemp: Disconnect Client` | `None` | disconnects the client from the server.
|`Codemp: Create Workspace` | `[workspace_id]` | create a workspace with the provided name.
|`Codemp: Delete Workspace` | `[workspace_id]` | delete an owned workspace from the server.
|`Codemp: Invite To Workspace` | `[workspace_id]``[user_name]` | invite another registered codemp user to the specified workspace to begin collaborating.
|`Codemp: Join Workspace` | `[workspace_id]` | join a workspace in the server, it can either be yours or one you were invited to. You can join multiple workspaces.
After joining a workspace the following commands will become available:
| command label | arguments | description |
| --- | --- | --- |
|`Codemp: Leave Workspace` | `[workspace_id]` | leave the specified workspace, it will close all associated buffers.
| `Codemp: Create Buffer` | `[workspace_id]``[buffer_id]` | creates the buffer `buffer_id` in the previously joined workspace `workspace_id`.
| `Codemp: Delete Buffer` | `[workspace_id]``[buffer_id]` | deletes the buffer `buffer_id` in the previously joined workspace `workspace_id` that you own.
| `Codemp: Join Buffer` | `[workspace_id]``[buffer_id]` | joins the specified buffer in the workspace and loads a file with its contents for you to interact with.
After Joining a buffer the following commands will become available:
| command label | arguments | description |
| --- | --- | --- |
|`Codemp: Leave Buffer` | `[workspace_id]``[buffer_id]` | detach from the specified buffer and closes the corresponding view (all changes will remain in the server).